= Deployment = Short description of the deployment of : * Small updates of the website operational branch * Major upgrades of the operational website * Deployment of the ROPP package The deployment is handled by a python script executed in the fabric framework. Install the fabric framework using {{{ sudo apt-get install fabric }}} To list all commands supported by the fabric deployment script use the following command: {{{ root@graswww2:/tmp# fab -f /usr/local/bin/deploy_romsaf_web.py -l Available commands: backup_ropp backup existing ropp files deploy_ropp Deploy a new ropp release deploy_website Deploy new website version from tag prepare_ropp Tar ROPP distribution and database tables, requi... restore_ropp backup existing ropp files status Show subversion state on operational servers update_website Update operational website update_website_dry_run Dry-run of update on operational website }}}