code_original - Sean's code and sample output - 23/03/07 ancil - N96 HadGEM1 orography field - retrieved from NEC - 23/03/07 Missing data - REAL, PARAMETER :: RMDI = -9999.0 - 23/03/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running the code - email from Sean, 23/03/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, 3 files refrac_info.f90 is just a module containing various definitions. gpsro_driver.f90 is an example of a call to the 1d operator. I have set the atmospheric parameters up in a simple way, so that it should be pretty obvious what you have to extract from the UM model output. Basically, you need the P, T, Q on the (full) model levels, and the full model level heights. gpsro_op.f90 is the 1d bending angle operator. It is self contained, so hopefully you should not have to go into it, assuming everything works! To compile and run f90 -c refrac_info.f90 this should create refrac_info.mod. Then type f90 gpsro_driver.f90 gpsro_op.f90 -o gpsro_op Then gpsro_op This will write a profile of bending angles to screen. My results are given in alpha.out, so you can check its running ok. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UM height levels - from - 16/04/07 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blev (=pphead(52) ) contains Zsea , the height of the level over the sea, bhlev (=pphead(54)) contains C(k) = [ 1 - eta_value(k) / eta_value(first constant rho level) ] ^2, so that the height for the level is Z(i,j)= Zsea+ C(k) * orography(i,j) at each point (i,j) in the grid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tangent linear code - 03/07/07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have attached the tangent linear code with a driver routine. To compile and run the driver f90 gpsro_drivertl.f90 gpsro_opTL.f90 gpsro_op.f90 -o gpsro_optl You always need to compile gpsro_opTL.f90 with gpsro_op.f90 because they share routines. The interface to the new code is SUBROUTINE alpha_optl(nlev, & ! no. of model levs (=38) nobs, & ! no. of bending angles in profile roc, & ! radius of curv. undul, & ! undulation (set to 0.0) lat, & ! latitude of ob. location (degrees) pres, & ! pressure on mod levels (hPa) pres_prime, & temp, & ! temp on model levels temp_prime, & q, & ! specific humidity (g/kg) q_prime, & zg, & ! geopotential height of model levels(m) a, & ! impact parameters alpha, & alpha_prime) ! bending angles Basically, when you see a "_prime" that means a perturbation. The code calculates the bending angles (alpha) as before with P,T and Q, but now also calculates the bending angle perturbations, alpha_prime, caused by the P, T and Q perturbations, p_prime, t_prime and q_prime, respectively. The driver code calculates alpha_prime along with the differences between 2 calls to the normal operator for a simple profile. The results are very close. The tangent linear code will enable you to look at the relative contributions of the p_prime, t_prime and q_prime to the alpha_prime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Further calculations - 15/02/08 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) set q to 0.0 just before refrac_levs is called and look at the bending angle trends. 2) set q to 2000 value just before refrac_levs and look at trends etc. 3) Look at refractivity trend on model levels. One of the outputs from refrac_levs is refrac. This is the refractivity on the model levels. (you could also look at the q = 0 for refrac if you get time.) 4) Compare the Tdry and T trends on model levels. You can calculate Tdry after calling refrac_levs Tdry(:) =aval*pres(:)/refrac(:) where aval is the refractivity constant defined in refrac_info. Look at error (Tdry(:)-temp(:)) and trend differences.