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ROPP 1D VAR (refractivity) calling tree - ROPP v4.0 (Decemer 2009)

  • ROPP overview document
  • ROPP PP user guide document
  • ROPP IO user guide document
  • ROPP 1dVar user guide document
  • PRE-PROCESSOR 'invert' module calling tree
  • PRE-PROCESSOR 'occ' module calling tree
  • 1D FORWARD MODEL module calling tree
  • 2D FORWARD MODEL module calling tree
  • 1DVAR module calling tree

  • ropp_1dvar_refrac Program to perform 1DVar retrieval of RO data using refractivity observations and a background
    |__ ropp_1dvar_read_config Read configuration file for a 1D var retrieval
    |__ ropp_fm_set_units Set default units within obs and bg ROprof structures
    |__ ropp_io_read Read input observation data
    |__ ropp_fm_roprof2obs Copy elements of observation ROprof structure to obs
    |__ ropp_1dvar_covar_refrac Set up error covariance matrix for observation vector
    |__ ropp_io_read Read input background data
    |__ ropp_fm_roprof2state Copy elements of bg ROprof structure to state vector
    | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf Compute p and Z on full levels for ECMWF bg data
    | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_meto Compute p and T on B-levels for Met Office bg data
    |__ ropp_1dvar_covar_bg Set up error covariance matrix for state vector
    |__ ropp_qc_cutoff Cutoff valid observation range from pre-defined config parameters
    |__ ropp_qc_genqc Perform generic quality control checks
    |__ ropp_qc_OmB Calculate obs minus background
    | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d Calculate vertical profile of refractivity from T, p, q
    | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log Interpolate refractivity to observation geop levels
    | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_grad Compute gradient of refractivity forward model
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_meto_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_state2state_meto
    | | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_tl Tangent linear of refractivity forward model
    | | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_interpol_log
    |__ ropp_qc_bgqc Perform background quality control
    |__ ropp_qc_pge Calculate Probability of Gross Error
    |__ ropp_1dvar_solve Solve the 1DVar for background data by Quasi-Newton minimisation
    | |__ matrix_sqrt Compute square root and its inverse of bg covar matrix
    | |__ ropp_state2control Variable transform from state to control variable
    | |__ ropp_1dvar_cost Evaluate cost function
    | | |__ ropp_control2state Variable transform from control to state variable
    | | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d Calculate vertical profile of refractivity from bg data
    | | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log Interpolate refractivity to obs geop height levels
    | | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_ad Adjoint of refractivity forward model
    | | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log_ad Adjoint of ropp_fm_interpol_log
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_ad Adjoint of ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf (model-specific)
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_meto_ad Adjoint of ropp_fm_state2state_meto (model-specific)
    | | |__ ropp_control2state_ad Adjoint of ropp_control2state
    | |__ ropp_1dvar_minropp Compute new x (minROPP minimiser)
    | |__ ropp_control2state Variable transform from control to state variable
    | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf Update state vector for ECMWF bg (model-specific)
    | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_meto Update state vector for Met Office bg (model-specific)
    |__ ropp_1dvar_levmarq Solve the 1DVar for background data by Levenberg-Marquardt minimisation
    |__ |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_grad Compute gradient of refractivity forward model
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf (model-specific)
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_meto_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_state2state_meto
    | | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_tl Tangent linear of refractivity forward model
    | | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_interpol_log
    |__ ropp_1dvar_diagnostics 1DVar postprocessing and diagnostics
    | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d Calculate vertical profile of refractivity from T, p, q
    | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log Interpolate refractivity to observation geop levels
    | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_grad Compute gradient of refractivity forward model
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf
    | | |__ ropp_fm_state2state_meto_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_state2state_meto
    | | |__ ropp_fm_refrac_1d_tl Tangent linear of refractivity forward model
    | | | |__ ropp_fm_interpol_log_tl Tangent linear of ropp_fm_interpol_log
    |__ ropp_fm_state2roprof Copy state vector to ROprof structure
    |__ ropp_fm_obs2roprof Copy FM obs vector to ROprof structure
    | |__ geopotential2geometric Convert geopotential height to geometric height
    |__ ropp_1dvar_diag2roprof Add diagnostics to ROprof structure
    |__ ropp_io_write [IO MODULE]Write results to output file