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ROPP PP 'Invert' calling tree - ROPP v4.0 (December 2009)

  • ROPP overview document
  • ROPP PP user guide document
  • ROPP IO user guide document
  • ROPP 1dVar user guide document
  • PRE-PROCESSOR 'invert' module calling tree
  • PRE-PROCESSOR 'occ' module calling tree
  • 1D FORWARD MODEL module calling tree
  • 2D FORWARD MODEL module calling tree
  • 1DVAR module calling tree

  • ropp_pp_invert_ tool Program to perform processing of L1 and L2 bending angle RO data to ionospheric corrected bending angle and refractivity
    |__ ropp_pp_read_config Read configuration parameter file (if exists)
    |__ ropp_io_read Read input observation data
    |__ ropp_pp_monotonous Sort L1 and L2 impact parameters
    |__ ropp_io_init Initialise refractivity and bending angle data structures to contain observed data on standard grid
    |__ ropp_pp_merge_profile Interpolate data onto a standard output grid
    | |__ ropp_pp_interpol Linear interpolation of data
    |__ ropp_pp_linear_combination Perform ionospheric correction by linear combination (if requested - set config%method="NONE").
    |__ ropp_pp_linear_combination Perform ionospheric correction by linear combination (non-optimised bangle).
    |__ ropp_pp_smooth_profile Filter L1 and L2 bending angles to derive smoothed profiles
    |__ ropp_io_init Initialise bending angle data structures to contain model data
    |__ ropp_pp_search_model_refraction Retrieve best-fit MSIS model bending angle profile (config%method="GMSIS")
    | |__ ropp_pp_interpol Linear interpolation of data
    | |__ ropp_pp_bangle_MSIS Calculate climatological bending angle profile for each month, lat, lon
    | | |__ ropp_pp_read_MSIS Read file of MSIS climatology spherical harmonic coefficients
    | | | |__ ncdf_open Open netcdf file
    | | | |__ ncdf_getsize Obtain variable dimensions
    | | | |__ ncdf_getvar Read data
    | |__ ropp_pp_regression Linear regression fit observations to MSIS bending angle profile
    | | |__ ropp_pp_quasi_invert Quasi-inverse of a matrix
    | | | |__ ropp_pp_invert_matrix Invert matrix
    |__ ropp_pp_model_refraction Retrieve local MSIS model bending angle profile (config%method="MSIS")
    | |__ ropp_pp_refrac_MSIS Calculate climatological refractivity profile for given month, lat, lon
    | | |__ ropp_pp_read_MSIS Read file of MSIS climatology spherical harmonic coefficients
    | | | |__ ncdf_open Open netcdf file
    | | | |__ ncdf_getsize Obtain variable dimensions
    | | | |__ ncdf_getvar Read data
    | |__ ropp_pp_abel Compute bending angle profile from refrac (LIN or EXP)
    |__ ropp_pp_fit_model_refraction Fit model to smoothed bending angle profile
    | |__ ropp_pp_interpol_log Interpolate L1 bending angles to model grid
    | |__ ropp_pp_linear_combination Rough ionospheric correction - linear comb L1 and L2 BA
    |__ ropp_pp_ionospheric_correction Ionospheric correction with statistical optimisation
    | |__ ropp_pp_interpol Interpolate L1, L2 and model BA to homogeneous grid
    | |__ ropp_pp_filter Smooth bending angles by optimal estimation filtering
    | | |__ ropp_pp_quasi_invert Quasi-inverse of a matrix
    | | | |__ ropp_pp_invert_matrix Invert matrix
    | |__ ropp_pp_sliding_polynomial Smooth bending angles by sliding polynomial filtering
    | | |__ ropp_pp_regression Linear regression fit observations to MSIS bending angle profile
    | | | |__ ropp_pp_quasi_invert Quasi-inverse of a matrix
    | |__ ropp_pp_invert_matrix Invert matrix
    | |__ ropp_pp_interpol Interpolate neutral BA to L1 impact parameters
    |__ ropp_pp_invert Invert corrected BA profile to refractivity (LIN or EXP, if requested - set config%method="NONE")
    |__ ropp_pp_invert_refraction Invert corrected BA profile to refractivity using MSIS climatology to extend BA profile (method="MSIS")
    | |__ ropp_pp_model_refraction Retrieve MSIS model BA profile above observations
    | | |__ ropp_pp_refrac_MSIS Calculate climatological refractivity profile
    | | | |__ ropp_pp_read_MSIS Read file of MSIS spherical harmonic coefficients
    | |__ ropp_pp_invert Invert corrected BA with MSIS profile to refractivity (LIN or EXP)
    |__ ropp_io_roprof2roprof Copy retrieved profiles to RO data structure
    |__ ropp_io_write Write output to ROPP format netCDF