1 | !ifort -o azi.exe azi.f90
2 | !
3 | PROGRAM azi
4 |
5 | IMPLICIT none
6 |
8 | REAL(KIND=wp), PARAMETER :: pi=4.d0*ATAN(1.d0), dtor=pi/180.d0, rad2deg=1.0d0/dtor
9 | REAL(KIND=wp), PARAMETER :: r_earth=6.4d6
10 |
11 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: npts=1
12 | INTEGER :: i
13 |
14 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(npts,3) :: r_leo ! in ECF coords
15 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(npts) :: rad_leo, lon_leo, lat_leo ! in ECF coords
16 |
17 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(npts,3) :: r_gns ! in ECF coords
18 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(npts) :: rad_gns, lon_gns, lat_gns ! in ECF coords
19 |
20 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(3), PARAMETER :: pa=(/ 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0 /)
21 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(npts,3) :: perigee
22 | REAL(KIND=wp) :: slta, ro, alpha, theta
23 | REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(npts) :: azimuth_tp, azimuth_ropp, azimuth_gpac
24 |
25 | CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: title
26 |
27 | ! 1.1 Define satellite positions (ECF coordinates)
28 | ! ------------------------------------------------
29 |
30 | DO i=1,npts
31 |
32 | ! title = 'LEO due west of GNS'
33 | ! rad_leo(i) = r_earth + 800.0d3 ; lat_leo(i) = 0.0d0 * dtor ; lon_leo(i) = -10.d0 * dtor
34 | ! rad_gns(i) = r_earth + 20000.0d3 ; lat_gns(i) = 0.0d0 * dtor ; lon_gns(i) = 90.d0 * dtor
35 |
36 | ! title = 'LEO due east of GNS'
37 | ! rad_leo(i) = r_earth + 800.0d3 ; lat_leo(i) = 0.0d0 * dtor ; lon_leo(i) = 10.d0 * dtor
38 | ! rad_gns(i) = r_earth + 20000.0d3 ; lat_gns(i) = 0.0d0 * dtor ; lon_gns(i) = -90.d0 * dtor
39 |
40 | title = 'LEO due north of GNS'
41 | rad_leo(i) = r_earth + 800.0d3 ; lat_leo(i) = 10.0d0 * dtor ; lon_leo(i) = 0.d0 * dtor
42 | rad_gns(i) = r_earth + 20000.0d3 ; lat_gns(i) = -10.0d0 * dtor ; lon_gns(i) = 0.d0 * dtor
43 |
44 | ! title = 'LEO due south of GNS'
45 | ! rad_leo(i) = r_earth + 800.0d3 ; lat_leo(i) = -10.0d0 * dtor ; lon_leo(i) = 0.d0 * dtor
46 | ! rad_gns(i) = r_earth + 20000.0d3 ; lat_gns(i) = 10.0d0 * dtor ; lon_gns(i) = 0.d0 * dtor
47 |
48 | ! title = 'LEO and GEO as in 1st picture of #233'
49 | ! rad_leo(i) = r_earth + 800.0d3 ; lat_leo(i) = 55.0d0 * dtor ; lon_leo(i) = -25.d0 * dtor
50 | ! rad_gns(i) = r_earth + 20000.0d3 ; lat_gns(i) = -50.0d0 * dtor ; lon_gns(i) = 0.d0 * dtor
51 |
52 | ! title = 'LEO and GEO as in 2nd picture of #233'
53 | ! rad_leo(i) = r_earth + 800.0d3 ; lat_leo(i) = 60.0d0 * dtor ; lon_leo(i) = -40.d0 * dtor
54 | ! rad_gns(i) = r_earth + 20000.0d3 ; lat_gns(i) = 5.0d0 * dtor ; lon_gns(i) = -170.d0 * dtor
55 |
56 |
57 | r_leo(i,:) = rad_leo(i) * (/ COS(lon_leo(i))*COS(lat_leo(i)), SIN(lon_leo(i))*COS(lat_leo(i)), SIN(lat_leo(i)) /)
58 |
59 | r_gns(i,:) = rad_gns(i) * (/ COS(lon_gns(i))*COS(lat_gns(i)), SIN(lon_gns(i))*COS(lat_gns(i)), SIN(lat_gns(i)) /)
60 |
61 |
62 | ! 1.2 Determine ray tangent points
63 | ! --------------------------------
64 |
65 | slta = impact_parameter(r_leo(i,:), r_gns(i,:))
66 | ro = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(r_leo(i,:), r_leo(i,:)))
67 | alpha = ACOS(slta/ro)
68 |
69 | perigee(i,:) = rotate(r_leo(i,:), vector_product(r_leo(i,:), r_gns(i,:)), alpha) * (slta/ro)
70 |
71 | PRINT*,'slta,ro,alpha,perigee = ', slta,ro,alpha,perigee(i,:)
72 |
73 | ENDDO
74 |
75 |
76 | ! 1.4 Cross-section azimuth at tangent point as in ROPP
77 | ! -----------------------------------------------------
78 |
79 | DO i=1,size(r_leo,1)
80 |
81 | theta = vector_angle(vector_product(r_gns(i,:),r_leo(i,:)), &
82 | vector_product(pa, perigee(i,:)))
83 |
84 | PRINT*,'theta_ropp = ', theta
85 |
86 | PRINT*,'DOT_PRODUCT(r_gns(i,:)-r_leo(i,:),vector_product(pa, perigee(i,:))) = ', &
87 | DOT_PRODUCT(r_gns(i,:)-r_leo(i,:),vector_product(pa, perigee(i,:)))
88 |
89 | if (DOT_PRODUCT(r_gns(i,:)-r_leo(i,:),vector_product(pa, perigee(i,:))) < 0) THEN
90 | theta = 2.0d0*Pi - theta
91 | endif
92 |
93 | PRINT*,'theta_ropp = ', theta
94 |
95 | azimuth_tp(i) = theta * rad2deg
96 |
97 | azimuth_ropp(i) = azimuth_tp(i)
98 |
99 | ENDDO
100 |
101 | ! 1.4 Cross-section azimuth at tangent point as in GPAC
102 | ! -----------------------------------------------------
103 |
104 | DO i=1,size(r_leo,1)
105 |
106 | theta = vector_angle(vector_product(perigee(i,:), pa), &
107 | vector_product(r_gns(i,:),r_leo(i,:)), -perigee(i,:))
108 |
109 | PRINT*,'theta_gpac = ', theta
110 |
111 | azimuth_tp(i) = theta * rad2deg
112 |
113 | PRINT*,'azimuth_gpac = ', azimuth_tp(i)
114 |
115 | if (azimuth_tp(i) < 0.0_wp ) azimuth_tp(i) = azimuth_tp(i) + 360.0_wp
116 |
117 | PRINT*,'azimuth_gpac = ', azimuth_tp(i)
118 |
119 | azimuth_gpac(i) = azimuth_tp(i)
120 |
121 | ENDDO
122 |
123 |
124 | PRINT*, '*** ' // TRIM(title) // ' ***'
125 | PRINT*, 'azimuth_ropp = ', azimuth_ropp
126 | PRINT*, 'azimuth_gpac = ', azimuth_gpac
127 |
128 |
129 |
131 |
132 | !****f* Coordinates/rotate
133 | !
134 | ! NAME
135 | ! rotate - Rotate a vector in cartesian coordinates around
136 | ! a given axis by a given angle
137 | !
138 | ! SYNOPSIS
139 | ! Rotate = rotate(X, A, phi)
140 | !
142 | ! This function rotates a vector X around a given axis A by angle phi.
143 | ! N*(N,X) + [N,X]*Sin(Phi) + (X-N*(N,X))*Cos(Phi), where N=A/|A|
144 | !
145 | ! INPUTS
146 | ! X Vector to rotate
147 | ! A Rotation axis
148 | ! Phi Rotation angle (rad)
149 | !
150 | ! OUTPUT
151 | ! Rotate Rotated vector
152 | !
153 | ! NOTES
154 | !
155 | ! SEE ALSO
156 | !
158 | !
159 | ! AUTHOR
160 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
161 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
162 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
163 | !
165 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
166 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
167 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
168 | !
169 | !****
170 |
171 | function rotate(X, A, Phi) result(R)
172 |
173 | ! 1.1 Declarations
174 | ! ----------------
175 |
176 | implicit none
177 |
178 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: X ! input vector
179 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: A ! rotation axis
180 | real(wp), intent(in) :: phi ! rotation angle
181 | real(wp), dimension(3) :: R ! rotated vector
182 |
183 | real(wp), dimension(3) :: norm ! normed rotation axis
184 |
185 | ! 1.2 Frame rotation
186 | ! ------------------
187 |
188 | ! N*(N,X) + [N,X]*Sin(Phi) + (X-N*(N,X))*Cos(Phi), where N=A/|A|
189 |
190 | norm = A(:)/Sqrt(Dot_Product(A(:), A(:)))
191 |
192 | R = norm*(Dot_Product(norm, X)) + vector_product(norm, X)*sin(phi) &
193 | + (X - norm*Dot_Product(norm,X))*cos(phi)
194 |
195 | end function rotate
196 |
197 | !****f* Coordinates/vector_product
198 | !
199 | ! NAME
200 | ! vector_product - Compute a vector product of two cartesian vectors
201 | !
202 | ! SYNOPSIS
203 | ! product = vector_product(X, Y)
204 | !
205 | ! INPUTS
206 | ! X Vector 1
207 | ! Y Vector 2
208 | !
209 | ! OUTPUT
210 | ! Product Vector product
211 | !
212 | ! AUTHOR
213 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
214 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
215 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
216 | !
218 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
219 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
220 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
221 | !
222 | !****
223 |
224 | function vector_product(X, Y) result(product)
225 |
226 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: X
227 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: Y
228 | real(wp), dimension(3) :: product
229 |
230 | product = (/ X(2)*Y(3) - X(3)*Y(2), &
231 | X(3)*Y(1) - X(1)*Y(3), &
232 | X(1)*Y(2) - X(2)*Y(1) /)
233 |
234 | end function vector_product
235 |
236 | !****f* Coordinates/vector_angle
237 | !
238 | ! NAME
239 | ! vector_angle - Find the angle between two cartesian vectors
240 | !
241 | ! SYNOPSIS
242 | ! angle = vector_angle(X, Y, A)
243 | !
244 | ! INPUTS
245 | ! X Vector 1
246 | ! Y Vector 2
247 | ! A Orientation axis (optional)
248 | !
249 | ! OUTPUT
250 | ! Angle Angle between vectors
251 | !
252 | ! AUTHOR
253 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
254 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
255 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
256 | !
258 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
259 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
260 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
261 | !
262 | !****
263 |
264 | function vector_angle(X, Y, A) result(angle)
265 |
266 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: X
267 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: Y
268 | real(wp), dimension(3), optional, intent(in) :: A
269 | real(wp) :: angle
270 |
271 | real(wp), dimension(3) :: n, alpha, beta, gamma
272 | real(wp) :: nn
273 |
274 | if (present(A)) then
275 | n = A
276 | else
277 | n = vector_product(X, Y)
278 | endif
279 |
280 | nn = Dot_Product(n, n)
281 |
282 | if (nn == 0) then
283 | angle = 0.0_wp
284 | else
285 | n = n/sqrt(nn)
286 | alpha = vector_product(n, X)
287 |
288 | beta = X - Dot_Product(n, X) * n
289 | gamma = Y - Dot_Product(n, Y) * n
290 | angle = atan2(Dot_Product(alpha,gamma), Dot_Product(beta,gamma))
291 | endif
292 |
293 | end function vector_angle
294 |
295 |
296 | function impact_parameter(r_leo, r_gns, bangle) result(impact)
297 |
298 | ! 1.1 Declarations
299 | ! ----------------
300 |
301 | implicit none
302 |
303 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: r_leo ! LEO position vector (ECF)
304 | real(wp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: r_gns ! GPS position vector (ECF)
305 | real(wp), optional, intent(in) :: bangle ! Bending angle
306 | real(wp) :: impact ! Impact parameter
307 |
308 | real(wp) :: r0 ! Length of r_leo
309 | real(wp) :: r1 ! Length of r_gns
310 | real(wp) :: omega ! Complementary to r_leo^r_gns - bangle
311 | real(wp) :: talpha ! Tan(r_leo^(r_leo-r_gns))
312 |
313 | ! 1.2 Length of vectors r_leo and r_gns
314 | ! -------------------------------------
315 |
316 | r0 = Sqrt(Dot_Product(r_leo, r_leo))
317 | r1 = Sqrt(Dot_Product(r_gns, r_gns))
318 |
319 | ! 1.3 Find vector angle between r_leo and r_gns
320 | ! ---------------------------------------------
321 |
322 | omega = Pi - vector_angle(r_leo, r_gns)
323 |
324 | if (present(bangle)) then
325 | omega = omega + bangle
326 | endif
327 |
328 | ! 1.4 Determine impact parameter by trigonometry
329 | ! ----------------------------------------------
330 |
331 | talpha = r1*Sin(omega) / (r0 + r1*Cos(omega))
332 |
333 | impact = r0*talpha / Sqrt(1.0_wp + talpha**2)
334 |
335 | end function impact_parameter
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 | end program azi
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |