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4 | % ROPP User Guides: Copyrights %
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6 | % Met Office, Exeter %
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10 | \chapter{Authors}
11 | \label{chap:authors}
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13 | Many people, inside and outside the ROM SAF, have contributed to the development
14 | of ROPP. The principal authors are listed in
15 | Table~\ref{tab:ropp_contributors}. The ROM SAF extends its sincere appreciation
16 | for their efforts.
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20 | \begin{table}[h]
21 | \centering
22 | \begin{tabular}[c]{p{30mm}p{20mm}p{90mm}}
23 | \toprule
24 | \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Current institute} & \textbf{Contribution} \\
25 | \midrule
26 | Christian Marquardt & EUMETSAT & Ex-Development Manager. Author of majority of ROPP-1 code in UTILS, IO, FM and 1DVAR modules, and much personal, pre-existing software. \\
27 | Huw Lewis & Met Office & 1st ROPP Development Manager, FM and 1D--VAR extensions. PP module. \\
28 | Dave Offiler & Met Office & ROPP Project Manager, IO application code and IO extensions, BUFR format/template. \\
29 | Sean Healy & ECMWF & Original 1D--Var code, FM 2D operator code. \\
30 | Michael Gorbunov & Russian Academy of Sciences & Original PP code. \\
31 | Axel von Engeln & EUMETSAT & Original Test Folder system author. \\
32 | Stig Syndergaard & DMI & Original spectral version of MSIS model (expansion in spherical harmonics and Chebychev polynomials), PP module developments. \\
33 | Ian Culverwell & Met Office & 2nd ROPP Development Manager. Documentation, testing, consolidation, IO development, GRIB2 reader, tropopause height diagnostics. \\
34 | Carlo Buontempo & Met Office & S-G thinner code. \\
35 | Michael Rennie & ECMWF & 1st ROPP Test Manager. Test folder developments. \\
36 | Kjartan Kinch & DMI & Elements of ropp\_pp. \\
37 | Hans Gleisner & DMI & Elements of ropp\_pp, prototype GRIB2 reader. \\
38 | Torsten Schmidt & GFZ & Guidance on tropopause height diagnostics. \\
39 | Chris Burrows & Met Office & 2nd ROPP Test Manager. Test folder developments. \\
40 | Kent B\ae rkgaard Lauritsen & DMI & Code reviews; liaison with EUMETSAT (licences, beta tester contracts). \\
41 | \bottomrule
42 | \end{tabular}
43 | \caption{Contributors to ROPP}
44 | \label{tab:ropp_contributors}
45 | \end{table}
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