Ticket #377: ORIGCENTRE

File ORIGCENTRE, 11.3 KB (added by Ian Culverwell, 11 years ago)
1# $Id: ORIGCENTRE 98 2012-10-09 09:26:20Z frdo $
3# BUFR Code Tables for Originating/Generating Centre
4# including associated ICAO codes (where known - else ZZZZ)
5# and their published sub-centres
6# Any code figure not listed is 'RESERVED'
7# Refs:
8# 1) WMO BUFR Tables Version 17 2-Nov-2011
9# Originating/Generating Centres (Common Code Table C-1)
10# Sub-centres of Orginating Centres (Common Code Table C-12)
11# 2) ICAO/ADREP 2000/ECCAIRES 4.2.6 Data Definition Standard
12# Locaton Indicators by State. 12 January 2006
13# http://www.icao.int/anb/aig/Taxonomy/R4CDLocationIndicatorsbystate.pdf
14# Location Indicators by Indicator. 12 January 2006
15# http://www.icao.int/anb/aig/Taxonomy/R4CDLocationIndicatorsbycode.pdf
17000 ZZZZ WMO Secretariat
18001 AMMC Melbourne
19002 AMMR Melbourne
20 000 Melbourne (Australia)
21 201 Casey
22 203 Davis
23 211 Melbourne Crib Point 1
24 214 Darwin
25 217 Perth
26 219 Townsville
27 232 Fiji
28 235 Noumea
29 237 Papeete
30 250 Vladivostock
31 251 Guam
32 252 Honolulu
33003 AMMR Melbourne
34004 UUUM Moscow
35005 UUUM Moscow
36006 UUUM Moscow
38 000 NCEP NWS (USA)
39 001 NCEP Reanalysis Project
40 002 NCEP Ensemble Products
41 003 NCEP Central Operations
42 004 Environmental Modelling Center
43 005 Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
44 006 Marine Prediction Center
45 007 Climate Prediction Center
46 008 Aviation Weather Center
47 009 Storm Prediction Center
48 010 National Hurricane Center
49 011 NWS Techniques Development Laboratory
50 012 NESDIS Office of Research and Applications
51 013 Federal Aviation Administration
52 014 NWS Meteological Development Laboratory
53 015 North American Regional Reanalysis Project
54 016 Space Weather Prediction Center
56009 KWBC US NWS (other)
57010 HECA Cairo
58011 HECA Cairo
59012 GOOY Dakar (RSMC)
60013 GOOY Dakar (RSMC)
61014 HKNA Nairobi (RSMC)
62015 HKNA Nairobi (RSMC)
63016 GMMM Casablanca (RSMC)
64017 DTTA Tunis (RSMC)
65018 DTTV Tunis Casablanca (RSMC)
66019 TTV Tunis Casablanca (RSMC)
67020 SPLP Las Palmas
68021 DAAL Algiers (RSMC)
70023 FQMP Mozambique NMC
71024 FAPR Pretoria (RSMC)
72025 FMEE La Reunion (RSMC)
73026 UHHH Khabarovsk (RSMC)
74027 UHHH Khabarovsk (RSMC)
75028 VIDF New Delhi (RSMC)
76029 VIDF New Delhi (RSMC)
77030 UNNN Novosibirsk (RSMC)
78031 UNNN Novosibirsk (RSMC)
79032 UTTW Tashkent (RSMC)
80033 OEJD Jeddah (RSMC)
81034 RJTD Tokyo (RSMC) JMA
82 000 Tokyo (Japan)
83 207 Syowa
84 240 Kiyose
85035 RJTD Tokyo (RSMC) JMA
86036 VTBD Bangkok
87037 ZNUB Ulan Bator
88038 ZBAA Beijing (RSMC)
89 000 Beijing (China)
90039 ZBAA Beijing (RSMC)
91 000 Beijing (China)
92 225 Beijing
93 226 Guangzhou
94 228 Urumuqi
95040 RKSL Seoul
96 000 Seoul (Korea)
97 243 Seoul
98 245 Jincheon
99041 SABM Buenos Aires (RSMC)
100042 SABM Buenos Aires (RSMC)
101043 SBBR Brasilia (RSMC)
102044 SBBR Brasilia (RSMC)
103045 SCSC Santiago
104046 ZZZZ Brazilian Space Agency - INPE
105 000 Brazilian Space Agency (INPE)
106 010 Cachoeira Paulista (INPE)
107 011 Cuiaba (INPE)
108 012 Brasilia (INPE)
109 013 Fortaleza (FUNCEME)
110 014 Natal (Navy Hygrography Centre)
111 015 Maneus (SIVAM)
112 016 Natal (INPE)
113 017 Boa Vista
114047 SKBO Colombia NMC
115048 SEQU Ecuador NMC
116049 SPIM Peru NMC
117050 SVCA Venezuela NMC
118051 KMIA Miami (RSMC)
119052 ZZZZ Miami RSMC National Hurricane Centre
120053 CWAO Montreal (RSMC)
121054 CWAO Montreal (RSMC)
122055 KSFO San Francisco
123056 ZZZZ ARINC Centre
124057 KARS US Air Force Global Weather Central
125058 KMRY FNMOC, Monterey, CA
126059 KBOU NOAA FSL, Boulder, CO
127060 ZZZZ NCAR, Boulder CO
128061 ZZZZ Service ARGOS - Landover
129062 ZZZZ US Naval Oceanographic Office
130063 ZZZZ IRI (International Research Institute for Climate & Society)
131064 PHNL Honolulu (RSMC)
132065 YPDM Darwin (RSMC)
133066 YPDM Darwin (RSMC)
134067 AMMC Melbourne (RSMC)
135069 NZKL Wellington (RSMC)
136 000 Wellington (New Zealand)
137 243 Kelburn
138070 NZKL Wellington (RSMC)
139071 NFFN Nadi (Fiji) (RSMC)
140072 WSSS Singapore
141 000 Singapore
142 249 Singapore
143073 WBKK Malaysia NMC
144074 EGRR UK Met Office - Exeter (RSMC)
145 000 METO Met Office (Unitited Kingdom)
146 001 Kiruna / Shanwick Oceanic Area Control Centre
147 002 Fucino
148 003 Gatineau
149 004 Maspalomas
150 005 EECF (ESA ERS Central Facility, Frascati)
151 006 Prince Albert
152 007 West Freugh
153 008 McMurdo (Antartica)
154 009 O'Higgins
155 010 Miami
156 011 Beijing (China)
157 012 Reserved
158 013 Tromso
159 021 ASI_ Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy)
160 022 CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
161 023 GFZ_ GeoForschungsZentrum (Germany)
162 024 GOP_ Geodetic Observatory Pecny (Czech Republic)
163 025 IEEC Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain)
164 026 LPT_ Swiss Federal Office of Topography (Switzerland)
165 027 NKG_ Nordic Commission of Geodesy (Norway)
166 028 NKGS Nordic Commission of Geodesy (Sweden)
167 029 SGN_ Institute de Geodesie National (France)
168 030 BKG_ Bundesamt fur Kartographie und Geodesie (Germany)
169 031 IESG Institute for Engineering Satellite Surveying and Geodesy (UK)
170 032 JOMOC Joint Operatonal Meteorology and Oceanography Centre
171 033 KNMI Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Netherlands)
172 034 NGAA Nordic GNSS Atmospheric Analysis centre (Sweden)
173 035 IGE_ Instituto Geografico Nacional de Espana (Spain)
174 036 IRE_ Met Eireann (Ireland)
175 037 ROB_ Royal Observatory of Belgium (Belgium)
176 038 OGAA Oslo GNSS Atmospheric Analysis centre (Norway)
177 039 ULUX University of Luxembourg
178075 EGRR UK Met Office - Exeter (RSMC)
179076 UUUF Moscow (RSMC)
180078 EDZW Offenbach (RSMC)
181 000 DWD (Germany)
182 173 GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum (Germany)
183079 EDZW Offenbach (RSMC)
184080 LIIB Rome (RSMC)
185081 LIIB Rome (RSMC)
186082 ESWI Norrkoping
187083 ESWI Norrkoping
188084 LFPW Toulouse (RSMC)
189085 LFPW Toulouse (RSMC)
190086 EFKL Helsinki
191087 LYMB Belgrade
192088 ENMI Oslo
193089 LKPR Prague
194 0000 Prague
195 0001 Solar and Ozone Observatory Hradec Kralove
196090 LCRO Episkopi
197091 LTAA Ankara
198092 EDDF Frankfurt/Main (RAFC)
199093 EGRB London (WAFC)
200094 EKMI Copenhagen
201095 LERT Rota
202096 LGAT Athens
203097 EESA ESA (Europen Space Agency)
205099 EHDB De Bilt
206 000 KNMI (Netherlands)
207 001 EARS
208100 FCBB Brazzaville
209101 DIAP Abidjan
210102 HLLT Libyan Arab Jamahiriya NMC
211103 FMMA Madagascar NMC
212104 FIMP Mauritius NMC
213105 DRRV Niger NMC
214106 FSIA Seychelles NMC
215107 HUEN Uganda NMC
216108 HTDA Tanzania NMC
217109 FVHA Zimbabwe NMC
218110 VHHH Hong-Kong, China
219 000 Hong-Kong
220 229 Hong-Kong
221111 OAKX Afghanistan NMC
222112 OBBI Bahrain NMC
223113 VGZR Bangladesh NMC
224114 VQTU Bhutan NMC
225115 VDPP Cambodia NMC
226116 ZKPY Democratic People's Republic of Korea NMC
227117 OIIT Islamic Republic of Iran NMC
228118 ORBS Iraq NMC
229119 UAAA Kazakhstan NMC
230120 OKBK Kuwait NMC
231121 UAFF Kyrgyzstan Republic NMC
232122 VLAO Lao People's Republic NMC
233123 VMMC Macao, China
234124 VRGN Maldives NMC
235125 VYYY Myanmar NMC
236126 VNKT Nepal NMC
237127 OOMS Oman NMC
238128 OPRN Pakistan NMC
239129 OTBD Qatar NMC
240130 OYSN Republic of Yemen NMC
241131 VCBI Sri Lanka NMC
242132 UTDA Tadjikistan NMC
243133 UTAA Turkmenistan NMC
244134 OMAA United Arab Emirates NMC
245135 UTTW Uzbekistan NMC
246136 VVVV Socialist Republic of Viet Nam NMC
247140 SLSU Bolivia NMC
248141 SYTM Guyana NMC
249142 SGAS Paraguay NMC
250143 SMPB Suriname NMC
251144 SUMU Uruguay NMC
252145 SOCA French Guyana
253146 ZZZZ Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Centre
254147 ZZZZ CONAE Argentina
255 000 CONAE (argentina)
256 010 Cordoba
257 015 Ushuaia
258 020 Marambio
259 030 Santiago de Chile
260 040 Punta Arenas
261 050 Base Presidente Frei
262 060 Cotopaxi
263150 TAPA Antigua and Barbuda NMC
264151 MYNN Bahamas NMC
265152 TBPB Barbados NMC
266153 MZBZ Belize NMC
267154 ZZZZ British Caribbean Territories Centre
268155 ZZZZ San Jose
269156 MUFH Cuba NMC
270157 TDPR Dominica NMC
271158 MDSD Dominican Republic NMC
272159 MSLP El Salvador NMC
275 010 Tromso (Norway)
276 011 McMurdo (Antarctica)
277 012 Sodankyla (Finland)
278 013 Fairbanks (Alaska, USA)
279 014 Barrow (Alaska, USA)
280 015 Rothera (Antarctica)
281161 OAR US NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA/OAR)
282 000 NOAA/OAR (USA)
283 001 Great Lakes Environment Research Laboratory
284 002 Earth System Research Laboratory
285162 MGGT Guatemala NMC
286163 MTPP Haiti NMC
287164 MHTG Honduras NMC
288165 MKJP Jamaica NMC
289166 MMMX Mexico
290167 TNCA Netherlands Antilles and Aruba NMC
291168 MNMG Nicaragua NMC
292169 MPMG Panama NMC
293170 TLPC Saint Lucia NMC
294171 TTPS Trinidad and Tobago NMC
295172 ZZZZ French Departments in RA IV
296173 ZZZZ US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
297 000 NASA (USA)
298 001 Ames Reserach Center
299 002 Dryden Flight Research Center
300 003 Glenn Research Center
301 004 Goddard Space Flight Center
302 005 Jet Propulsion Laboratory
303 006 Johnson Space Center
304 007 Kennedy Space Center
305 008 Langley Research Center
306 009 Marshall Space Flight Center
307 010 Stennis Space Center
308 011 Goddard Institute for Space Studies
309 012 Independent Verification and Validation Facility
310 013 NASA Shared Service Center
311 014 Wallops Flight Facility
312 015-254 Reserved
313174 ZZZZ ISDM/MEDS Canada
314176 ZZZZ Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite_Studies (CIMSS)
315 000 CIMSS
316 010 Tromso (Norway)
317 011 McMurdo (Antarctica)
318 012 Sodankyla (Finland)
319 013 Fairbanks (Alaska, USA)
320 014 Barrow (Alaska, USA)
321 015 Rothera (Antarctica)
322177 ZZZZ NOAA National Ocean Service - United States
323 000 NOAA/NOS
324 001 Centre for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services
325 002 Coastal Survey Development Laboratory
326190 NCRG Cook Islands NMC
327191 NTAA French Polynesia NMC
328192 NFTN Tonga NMC
329193 NVVV Vanuatu NMC
330194 WBSB Brunei Darussalam NMC
331195 WIIX Indonesia NMC
332196 NGTA Kiribati NMC
333197 PTKK Federated States of Micronesia NMC
334198 ZZZZ New Caledonia NMC
335199 NIUE Niue
336200 AYPY Papua New Guinea NMC
337201 RPMM Philippines NMC
338202 NSAP Samoa NMC
339203 AGGH Solomon Islands NMC
340204 ZZZZ National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) - NZ
341 101 Maupia
342 102 Lauder
343210 EUSR Frascati (ESA/ESRIN)
344211 LFRO Lannion
345212 LPMG Lisboa
346213 BIRK Reykjavik
347214 LEMC Madrid
348215 LSSW Zurich
349216 ZZZZ Service ARGOS Toulouse
350217 LZIB Bratislava
351218 LHBP Budapest
352219 LJLJ Ljubljana
353220 EPWA Warsaw
354221 LDZA Zagreb
355222 LATI Albania NMC
356223 UGEE Armenia NMC
357224 LOWM Austria NMC
358225 UBBB Azerbaijan NMC
359226 UMMM Belarus NMC
360227 EBWM Belgium NMC
361228 LQSA Bosnia and Herzegovina NMC
362229 LBSF Bulgaria NMC
363230 LCNC Cyprus NMC
364231 ULTT Estonia NMC
365232 UGGG Georgia NMC
366233 EIDB Dublin
367234 LLBD Israel NMC
368235 OJBD Jordan NMC
369236 UMRR Latvia NMC
370237 ZZZZ Lebanon NMC
371238 EYVI Lithuania NMC
372239 ELLX Luxembourg
373240 LMML Malta NMC
374241 LNMC Monaco
375242 LROM Romania NMC
376243 OSZZ Syrian Arab Republic NMC
377244 LYSK The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NMC
378245 UKBB Ukraine NMC
379246 UKII Republic of Moldova NMC
380247 ZZZZ OPERA (EUMETNET Weather Radar)
381250 ZZZZ COSMO (Consortium for Small scale MOdelling)
382 076 RHM (Russia)
383 078 DWD (Germany)
384 080 USAM (Italy)
385 096 HNMS (Greece)
386 215 MCH (Switzerland)
387 220 IMGW (Poland)
388 242 NMA (Romania)
389254 EUMS EUMETSAT Operations Centre
390 000 EUMETSAT (Germany)
391 001 EARS
392 010 Tromso (Norway)
393 020 Maspolomas (Spain)
394 030 Kangerlussuaq (Greenland)
395 040 Edmonton (Canada)
396 050 Bedford (Canada)
397 060 Gander (Canada)
398 070 Monterey (USA)
399 080 Wallops Island (USA)
400 090 Gilmore Creek (USA)
401 100 Athens (Greece)
402 120 Ewa Beach, Hawaii (USA)
403 130 Miami, Florada (USA)
404 140 Lannion (France)
405 150 Svalbard (Norway)
406 170 St Denis (La Reunion)
407 180 Moscow
408 190 Muscat
409 200 Khabarovsk
410 210 Novosibirsk