Ticket #434: 11_bufr.tex

File 11_bufr.tex, 8.2 KB (added by Ian Culverwell, 8 years ago)


1% Yaros PFS
2% =========
4% Appendix: MPHR
6\chapter{WMO BUFR}\label{app:bufr}
10This Appendix describes the mapping between variables in the EPS RO Level 1 data
11format and WMO's \acrfull{bufr} format for RO measurements. The full description
12of the RO BUFR format is outside the scope of this document; it is assumed that
13the reader is familiar with the details of the RO BUFR format as defined in
14\ref{ad:wmo_bufr}. The recommendations of IROWG (see \ref{rd:irowg_bufr}) were
15taken into account, assuming they will be implemented in the foreseeable future.
16}{% \ifbool{epssg} This Appendix describes the mapping between variables in the
17EPS RO Level 1 data format and WMO's \acrfull{bufr} format for RO measurements.
18The full description of the RO BUFR format is outside the scope of this
19document; it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the details of the RO
20BUFR format as defined in [RO-BUFR]. The recommendations of IROWG (see
21[IROWG-BUFR]) were taken into account, assuming they will be implemented in the
22foreseeable future. }
24\section{BUFR Sections 1 (Identification) and 3 (Data Description)}
26BUFR sections 1 is filled with meta data as described in the BUFR specification
27\ifbool{eps}{(\ref{ad:wmo_bufr})}{[RO-BUFR]} using Edition 4 messages. The time
28information ``most typical for [the] BUFR message content'' contained in octet
29numbers 16-17 (year) and 18--22 (month, day, hour, minute and second) are
30derived from the georeferencing time, i.e. from the variables
31\texttt{utc_georef_absdate} and \texttt{utc_georef_abstime} in the
32\texttt{/data/occultation} group.
34Section 3 is to be set dynamically from the number of profiles (usually 1 in a
35single BUFR message) and the message size. Note that there is no Section 2
36(Optional Data) in RO BUFR products.
39\section{BUFR Section 4 (Data Template)}
41Quality information is stored in a single 16-bit data field (octet number 13),
42where the detailed meaning of each flag is defined in Table 8 of
43\ifbool{eps}{\ref{ad:wmo_bufr}}{[RO-BUFR]}. The mapping between BUFR and RO
44Level 1 product quality flags is described in Tab.~\ref{tab:bufr_quality_flags}
48 \centering
49 \footnotesize
50 \begin{tabularx}{0.95\textwidth}{cX>{\texttt\bgroup}l<{\egroup}}
51 \toprule
52 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Bit}} &
53 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Description}} &
54 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Variable}} \\
55 \midrule
56 1 & Nominal / non-nominal quality & /quality/overall\_quality \\
57 2 & NRT / Offline product & /environment \\
58 3 & Descending / ascending occultation & /data/occultation/occultation\_type \\
59 4 & Excess phase processing (non-) nominal & /quality/cl\_snr\_[ca|p1|p2]\_ok \\
60 5 & Bending angle processing (non-) nominal & /quality/thinned\_ok \\
61 6 & Refractivity processing (non-) nominal & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
62 7 & Meteorological processing (non-) nominal & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
63 8 & Closed / open loop data only / included & /quality/ol\_data\_used \\
64 9 & (No) Surface reflections detected & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
65 10 & L2P / L2C GPS signals used & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
66 11-13 & Reserved & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
67 14 & Background profile (non-) nominal & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
68 15 & Retrieved / background profile & \textrm{\emph{Unused}} \\
69 \bottomrule
70 \end{tabularx}
71 \caption{Mapping between BUFR Section 4 quality flags for RO and \ifbool{epssg}{EPS-SG RO L1}{RO level 1} data format quality flags.\label{tab:bufr_quality_flags}}
75 \centering
76 \footnotesize
77 \begin{tabularx}{0.95\textwidth}{cX>{\texttt\bgroup}l<{\egroup}}
78 \toprule
79 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Octet}} &
80 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Variable(s)}} &
81 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Remarks}} \\
82 \midrule
83 \\ \addlinespace[-0.5em]
84 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Nominal Reporting Time}}\\
85 \midrule
86 7-12 & \texttt{/data/occultation/utc\_georef\_absdate} \newline
87 \texttt{/data/occultation/utc\_georef\_abstime}
88 & Assumes \ifbool{eps}{\ref{rd:irowg_bufr}}{[IROWG-BUFR]} is implemented \\
90 \\ \addlinespace[-0.5em]
91 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{RO Summary Quality Information}}\\
92 \midrule
93 13 & \textrm{\emph{various}}
94 & see Tab.~\ref{tab:bufr_quality_flags} \\
95 14 & \texttt{/quality/overall\_quality\_ok}
96 & 100\% if True, 0\% otherwise \\
98 \\ \addlinespace[-0.5em]
99 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{LEO \& GNSS POD -- Location of Platform}}\\
100 \midrule
101 15-17 & \texttt{/data/occultation/position\_rec\_fixed} & Antenna phase centre positions\ldots \\
102 18-20 & \texttt{/data/occultation/velocity\_rec} & \ldots{}and velocities at georeferencing time \\
103 21 & \texttt{/data/transmitter/satellite\_prn} & First letter, e.g. \texttt{Gxx} $\rightarrow$ 401 (for GPS)\\
104 22 & \texttt{/data/transmitter/satellite\_prn} & Integer part, e.g. \texttt{1} $\rightarrow$ 1 (for PRN G01) \\
105 23-25 & \texttt{/data/occultation/position\_gns\_fixed} & Positions\ldots \\
106 26-28 & \texttt{/data/occultation/velocity\_gns} & \ldots{}and velocities at georeferencing time \\
108 \\ \addlinespace[-0.5em]
109 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Local Earth Parameters}}\\
110 \midrule
111 29 & \textrm{\emph{always zero}} & Assumes \ifbool{eps}{\ref{rd:irowg_bufr}}{[IROWG-BUFR]} is implemented \\
112 30 & \texttt{/data/occultation/latitude} & Valid at georeferencing time \\
113 31 & \texttt{/data/occultation/longitude} & \hspace{1em} \emph{ditto} \\
114 32-34 & \texttt{/data/occultation/r\_curve\_centre\_fixed} & \hspace{1em} \emph{ditto}\\
115 35 & \texttt{/data/occultation/r\_curve} & \hspace{1em} \emph{ditto}\\
116 36 & \texttt{/data/occultation/azimuth\_north} & \hspace{1em} \emph{ditto}\\
117 37 & \texttt{/data/occultation/undulation} & \hspace{1em} \emph{ditto} \\
119 \\ \addlinespace[-0.5em]
120 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{RO Step 1b Data}}\\
121 \midrule
122 38 & \texttt{len(/data/level\_1b/thinned/impact)} & Fixed number of levels; same for all products\\
123 39 & \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/lat\_tp} & \\
124 40 & \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/lon\_tp} & \\
125 41 & \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/azimuth\_tp} & \\
126 42 & \texttt{3} & for ionospheric corrected, L1, and L2 data \\
127 43 & \texttt{0} or nominal carrier frequencies & 0 for ionospheric corrected bending angles \\
128 44 & \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/impact} & \\
129 45 & \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/bangle} \newline
130 \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/bangle\_ca} \newline
131 \texttt{/data/level\_1b/thinned/bangle\_p2} \newline & \\
132 46-48 & \textrm{\emph{Currently unused}} & \\
133 \bottomrule
134 \end{tabularx}
135 \caption{Mapping between BUFR Section 4 data fields and \ifbool{epssg}{EPS-SG RO L1}{RO level 1} data format variables.\label{tab:bufr_variable_mapping}}
138Note that values stored in BUFR products will be matching BUFR conventions, in
139some cases requiring a translation from the logical values used in the netCDF
140granules as described in section~\ref{sec:conventions}. For example, in case on
141Bit 1, the global attribute \texttt{environment} may exhibit values of
142``Operational'', ``Validation'', ``Development'', ``Offline'',``Integration \&
143Verification'', and ``Support'' (see section~\ref{sec:l1b_root}). Values of
144``Operational'' and ``Validation'' will be mapped to ``NRT product'', while the
145remaining ones will be mapped to ``Offline product''. On the other hand, the
146excess phase processing flag is calculated as the logical \texttt{and} of the
147\verb|quality_snr_ca_ok|, \verb|quality_snr_p1_ok|, and \verb|quality_snr_p2_ok|
148flags in the netCDF granule.
150Tab.~\ref{tab:bufr_variable_mapping} links data fields as used in BUFR Section 4
151entries (see Table 5 of \ifbool{eps}{\ref{ad:wmo_bufr})}{[RO-BUFR]} to the
152corresponding variables in the netCDF granule data format. We finally note that
153BUFR products generated by EUMETSAT do not contain any ``Step 2a'', ``Level2a''
154or ``Level2b'' data.