Ticket #434: BUFR_netCDF_Mapping.tex

File BUFR_netCDF_Mapping.tex, 5.8 KB (added by Ian Culverwell, 10 years ago)


1\chapter{Mapping of netCDF variables to BUFR Section 4 Entries}\label{app:bufr}
3The following table outlines how \acrfull{bufr} Section 4 entries
4are filled from the corresponding netCDF variables. The [BUFR]
5document and the defined Data Fields in this document are used in
6the table below to identify entries. Notes: (1) all other BUFR
7sections can be filled with information provided in the [BUFR]
8document, except for Section 1, Octet Number 16-22, where the
9reference time of the occultation shall be used (UTC time derived from
11\texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_georef\_abstime}); (2)
12BUFR Edition 4 is used; (3) no data at level 2 is provided; (4) the table
13is currently based on GRAS, using GPS and the L1/L2 frequencies, the
14additional info provides some further impacts for L1/L5 frequency use.
18\begin{longtable}{>{\setlength\hangindent{5mm}}p{0.15\textwidth}p{0.5\textwidth}p{0.3\textwidth}} % coldefs
20 % Define the header
21 \toprule
22 \textbf{Data Field} & \textbf{NetCDF4 Variables Used} & \textbf{Additional Info} \\
23 \midrule
24 \endhead
26 % Define the footer and caption
27 \bottomrule
28 \caption[Mapping between BUFR Section 4 and EPS-SG netCDF4 variables]{Mapping between BUFR Section 4 and PFS netCDF4 variables.} \\
29 \endfoot
31 % Table rows
32 \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Time of Occultation Start}}\\
33 7-12 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_start\_absdate} \newline
34 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_start\_abstime}
35 & converted to UTC time \\
36 \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{RO Summary Quality Information}}\\
37 13 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/overall\_quality\_ok} \newline
38 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}Global Attribute environment} \newline
39 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/rs\_data\_available} \newline
40 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/ol\_data\_available} \newline
41 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/occultation\_type} \newline
42 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/cl\_snr\_ca\_ok} \newline
43 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/cl\_snr\_p1\_ok} \newline
44 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/cl\_snr\_p2\_ok} \newline
45 & 16bit field; bit1 set as overall\_quality\_ok;
46 bit2 derived from attribute environment, set to Offline if not equals Operational;
47 bit3 derived from occultation\_type; bit4 set to non-nominal if quality of all SNR values
48 is set to 0; bit5 same as bit1; bit6 and bit7 unset (default); bit8 set if
49 rs or ol available; bit9 unset (default); bit10 currently set to L2P (GRAS, not
50 applicable for RO); all remaining bits unset (default)\\
51 14 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/quality/overall\_quality\_ok}
52 & multiplied with 100, thus either 0\,\% or 100\,\% \\
53 \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{LEO \& GNSS POD}}\\
54 15-17 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/position\_rec\_fixed} & \\
55 18-20 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/velocity\_rec} & \\
56 21 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/prn} & First letter determines setting, e.g. for GPS 401\\
57 22 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/prn} & Integer used to define the PRN number \\
58 23-25 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/position\_gns\_fixed} & \\
59 26-28 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/velocity\_gns} & \\
60 \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Local Earth Parameters}}\\
61 29 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_start\_absdate} \newline
62 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_start\_abstime} \newline
63 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_georef\_absdate} \newline
64 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/utc\_georef\_abstime} & Time in [s] between geo and start time \\
65 30 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/latitude} & \\
66 31 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/longitude} & \\
67 32-34 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/r\_curve\_centre\_fixed} & \\
68 35 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/r\_curve} & \\
69 36 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/azimuth\_north} & \\
70 37 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/occultation/undulation} & \\
71 \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{RO Step 1b Data}} \\
72 38 & & Determined from number of thinned levels \\
73 39 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/lat\_tp} & \\
74 40 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/lon\_tp} & \\
75 41 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/azimuth\_tp} & \\
76 42 & & 3 for corrected, L1, and L2 or L5 \\
77 43 & & 0 (corrected), L1, L2 or L5 frequency \\
78 44 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/impact} & Impact parameters for all frequencies the same\\
79 45 & \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/bangle} \newline
80 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/bangle\_ca} \newline
81 \texttt{\hyphenchar\font=-1{}/data/level\_1b/thinned/bangle\_ps} \newline & Currently L1/L2 based, TBD for L1/L5 use\\
82 46-48 & & Currently unused \\