1 | ! $Id: ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo.f90 r4887 2016-05-25 15:48:28Z sti $
2 |
3 | !****s* WaveOpticsPropagator/ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo *
4 | !
5 | ! NAME
6 | ! ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo
7 | !
9 | !
10 | ! CALL ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo(nsample, U0, k, ypos, Dy, x_plane, &
11 | ! x_leo, y_leo, s_geom, U_leo, phase_leo, amp_leo)
12 | !
14 | !
15 | ! Propagate complex signal (phase and amplitude) from final screen to LEO
16 | !
17 | ! INPUTS
18 | ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nsample
19 | ! COMPLEX(wp), INTENT(IN) :: U0
20 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: k
21 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: ypos
22 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: Dy
23 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: x_plane
24 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: x_leo,y_leo
25 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: s_geom
26 | !
27 | ! OUTPUT
28 | ! COMPLEX(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: U_leo
29 | ! REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: phase_leo, amp_leo
30 | !
31 | ! NOTES
32 | ! See RSR 27(?) for details
33 | !
34 | ! AUTHOR
35 | ! ECMWF, Reading, UK.
36 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
37 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
38 | !
40 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
41 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
42 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
43 | !
44 | !****
45 |
46 | SUBROUTINE ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo(nsample, U0, k, ypos, Dy, x_plane, &
47 | x_leo, y_leo, s_geom, U_leo, phase_leo, amp_leo)
48 |
49 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 | ! 1. Declarations
51 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 |
53 | USE typesizes, ONLY: wp => EightByteReal
54 | USE ropp_pp_wopt, not_this => ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo
55 | USE ropp_pp_constants, ONLY: pi1 => pi
56 | use ropp_io
57 | use ropp_io_types, only: roprof
58 |
60 |
61 | ! Input
62 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nsample ! Number of points used in fitting
63 | COMPLEX(wp), INTENT(IN) :: U0(:) ! Complex field in source plane
64 | ! (SIZE(U0) must be a power of 2)
65 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: k ! Wave number (2*Pi/Wavelength)
66 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: Dy ! Discretization step in source plane
67 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: ypos(:) ! y of screen
68 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: x_plane ! x coordinate of source plane
69 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: x_leo(:), y_leo(:) ! x,y of LEO orbit
70 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: s_geom(:) ! GPS to LEO distance
71 |
72 | ! Output
73 | COMPLEX(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: U_leo(SIZE(x_leo)) ! Propagated field at LEO
74 | REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: phase_leo(SIZE(x_leo)), amp_leo(SIZE(x_leo)) ! phase and amp at LEO
75 |
76 | ! Local
77 | COMPLEX(wp), PARAMETER :: Ci = (0.0_wp, 1.0_wp) ! Sqrt(-1)
78 |
79 | INTEGER :: ny ! Number of points on each screen
80 | INTEGER :: n_leo ! Number of points in LEO orbit
81 | INTEGER :: ny_av, ny_av2 ! Number of data points
82 | INTEGER :: i ! Array index
83 | INTEGER :: j ! Index for LEO position
84 | INTEGER :: kk ! Loop index
85 | INTEGER :: imin, imax ! Sub array bounds
86 |
87 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: amplitude_cutoff = 1.0E-6_wp ! amplitudes < amplitude_cutoff*max_amp are ignored
88 | REAL(wp) :: phase(SIZE(ypos)), amplitude(SIZE(ypos))
89 | REAL(wp) :: amp_sum
90 | REAL(wp) :: Dx
91 | REAL(wp) :: twopi
92 |
93 | COMPLEX(wp) :: U(SIZE(ypos)) ! For storing the arrays
94 |
95 | COMPLEX(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: U_av(:) ! For computing integral
96 |
97 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: y_av(:), phase_grad(:), phase_start(:)
98 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: amp_grad(:), amp_start(:)
99 |
100 | REAL(wp) :: c_fresnel(2), s_fresnel(2)
101 | REAL(wp) :: Aconst, ymin, ymax, Amp_max
102 |
103 | REAL(wp) :: aval,bval,cval
104 |
105 | REAL(wp) :: y_upper,y_lower
106 | REAL(wp) :: U_upper,U_lower
107 | REAL(wp) :: real_term1,imag_term1
108 | REAL(wp) :: real_term2,imag_term2
109 | REAL(wp) :: rnsample
110 |
111 | real(wp), allocatable :: amp_recon(:), amp_recon2(:)
112 | real(wp), allocatable :: phase_recon(:), phase_recon2(:)
113 | real(wp), allocatable :: xdata(:, :), ydata(:, :), ydata2(:, :), ydataout(:, :), bigxdata(:), bigydata(:)
114 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: amp_grad2(:), amp_start2(:)
115 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: phase_grad2(:), phase_start2(:)
116 |
117 | type(roprof) :: diag
118 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 | ! 2. Initialise variables
120 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 |
122 | twopi = 2.0_wp * pi1
123 |
124 | ny = SIZE(ypos)
125 | print*,'ny = ', ny
126 | n_leo = SIZE(x_leo)
127 |
128 | rnsample = REAL(nsample, KIND=wp)
129 | print*,'nsample = ', nsample
130 |
131 | U(:) = U0(:) ! complex amplitude at final screen
132 |
133 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 | ! 3. Split the final screen into a set of vertical intervals
135 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 |
137 | ! 3.1 estimate the geometry
138 | ! -------------------------
139 |
140 | ny_av = INT( ny/nsample )
141 | print*,'ny_av = ', ny_av
142 |
143 | ! 3.2 find the maximum amplitude at final screen
144 | ! ----------------------------------------------
145 |
146 | Amp_max = MAXVAL(ABS(U(:)))
147 |
148 | ! 3.3 truncate summation on final screen
149 | ! --------------------------------------
150 |
151 | ymin = MINVAL( ypos, MASK = ABS(U) > amplitude_cutoff*Amp_max )
152 |
153 | ymax = MAXVAL( ypos, MASK = ABS(U) > amplitude_cutoff*Amp_max )
154 | print*,'ymin = ', ymin
155 | print*,'ymax = ', ymax
156 | print*,'ypos(1) = ', ypos(1)
157 | print*,'ypos(ny) = ', ypos(ny)
158 |
159 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 | ! 4. Decompose complex signal into amplitude and accumulated phase
161 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 |
163 | CALL ropp_pp_wopt_phase_and_amplitude(U, phase, amplitude)
164 |
165 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 | ! 5. Allocate the arrays
167 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 |
169 | ny_av2 = 0
170 |
171 | DO i = 1,ny_av
172 |
173 | IF (ypos((i-1)*nsample+1) > ymax) EXIT
174 |
175 | IF (ypos((i-1)*nsample+1) > ymin) ny_av2 = ny_av2 + 1
176 |
177 | ENDDO
178 |
179 | print*,'ny_av2 = ', ny_av2
180 |
181 | ALLOCATE (U_av(ny_av2))
182 | ALLOCATE (phase_grad(ny_av2))
183 | ALLOCATE (phase_start(ny_av2))
184 | ALLOCATE (amp_grad(ny_av2))
185 | ALLOCATE (amp_start(ny_av2))
186 | ALLOCATE (y_av(ny_av2+1))
187 | ALLOCATE (amp_recon(ny)) ; amp_recon = -1.0_wp
188 | ALLOCATE (phase_recon(ny)) ; phase_recon = -1.0_wp
189 | ALLOCATE (amp_recon2(ny)) ; amp_recon2 = -1.0_wp
190 | ALLOCATE (phase_recon2(ny)) ; phase_recon2 = -1.0_wp
191 | ALLOCATE (amp_grad2(ny_av2), amp_start2(ny_av2))
192 | ALLOCATE (phase_grad2(ny_av2), phase_start2(ny_av2))
193 |
194 | ! initialise
195 |
196 | U_av(:) = (0.0_wp, 0.0_wp)
197 |
198 | kk = 1
199 |
200 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 | ! 6. Make linear fit to phase and amplitude over each vertical interval
202 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 |
204 | DO i = 1,ny_av
205 |
206 | IF (kk == ny_av2+1) EXIT
207 |
208 | imin = (i-1)*nsample + 1 ; imax = imin + nsample - 1
209 |
210 | IF (ypos(imin) > ymin) THEN
211 |
212 | y_av(kk) = ypos(imin)
213 |
214 | CALL lsq_fit( (/ (REAL(j, KIND=wp)*dy, j=0,nsample-1) /), &
215 | phase(imin:imax), phase_grad(kk), phase_start(kk) )
216 |
217 | CALL lsq_fit( (/ (REAL(j, KIND=wp)*dy, j=0,nsample-1) /), &
218 | amplitude(imin:imax), amp_grad(kk), amp_start(kk) )
219 |
220 | amp_recon(imin:imax) = amp_start(kk) + &
221 | amp_grad(kk) * (/ (REAL(j, KIND=wp)*dy, j=0,nsample-1) /)
222 |
223 | phase_recon(imin:imax) = phase_start(kk) + &
224 | phase_grad(kk) * (/ (REAL(j, KIND=wp)*dy, j=0,nsample-1) /)
225 |
226 | U_av(kk) = CMPLX(COS(phase_start(kk)), SIN(phase_start(kk)), KIND=wp) ! phase of signal at kk
227 |
228 | kk = kk + 1 ! next vertical interval
229 |
230 | ENDIF
231 |
232 | ENDDO
233 |
234 | print*,'Overall (amp-amp_fit) sum of squares = ', SUM((amplitude-amp_recon)**2, MASK=(ypos >= ymin) .AND. (ypos <= ymax))
235 | print*,'Overall (phase-phase_fit) sum of squares = ', SUM((phase-phase_recon)**2, MASK=(ypos >= ymin) .AND. (ypos <= ymax))
236 |
237 | ! Try continuous lsq fit
238 |
239 | ALLOCATE ( xdata(nsample, ny_av2), ydata(nsample, ny_av2), ydata2(nsample, ny_av2), ydataout(nsample, ny_av2), bigxdata(ny_av2+1), bigydata(ny_av2+1) )
240 | xdata = -1.0_wp ; ydata = -1.0_wp ; ydata2 = -1.0_wp ; ydataout = -1.0_wp ; bigxdata = -1.0_wp ; bigydata = -1.0_wp
241 |
242 | kk = 1
243 | DO i = 1,ny_av
244 |
245 | IF (kk == ny_av2+1) EXIT
246 |
247 | imin = (i-1)*nsample + 1 ; imax = imin + nsample - 1
248 |
249 | IF (ypos(imin) > ymin) THEN
250 |
251 | xdata(:, kk) = ypos(imin:imax)
252 | ydata(:, kk) = amplitude(imin:imax)
253 | ydata2(:, kk) = phase(imin:imax)
254 |
255 | bigxdata(kk) = ypos(imin)
256 |
257 | kk = kk + 1 ! next vertical interval
258 |
259 | ENDIF
260 |
261 | ENDDO
262 |
263 | bigxdata(kk) = ypos(imax+1) ! kk = ny_av2 + 1
264 | bigydata = bigxdata
265 |
266 | ! Amps
267 | CALL cont_lsq_fit (xdata, ydata, bigxdata, bigydata, ydataout)
268 |
269 | kk = 1
270 | DO i = 1,ny_av
271 |
272 | IF (kk == ny_av2+1) EXIT
273 |
274 | imin = (i-1)*nsample + 1 ; imax = imin + nsample - 1
275 |
276 | IF (ypos(imin) > ymin) THEN
277 | amp_grad2(kk) = (bigydata(kk+1) - bigydata(kk)) / (bigxdata(kk+1) - bigxdata(kk))
278 | amp_start2(kk) = (bigxdata(kk+1)*bigydata(kk) - bigxdata(kk)*bigydata(kk+1)) / (bigxdata(kk+1) - bigxdata(kk))
279 | amp_start2(kk) = amp_start2(kk) + amp_grad2(kk)*ypos(imin) ! Need to subtract offset
280 | amp_recon2(imin:imax) = ydataout(:, kk)
281 | !!!!!!!!!!!!
282 | amp_grad(kk) = amp_grad2(kk) ; amp_start(kk) = amp_start2(kk)
283 | !!!!!!!!!!!!
284 | kk = kk + 1 ! next vertical interval
285 | END IF
286 |
287 | ENDDO
288 |
289 | print*,'Overall (amp-amp_fit2) sum of squares = ', SUM((amplitude-amp_recon2)**2, MASK=(ypos >= ymin) .AND. (ypos <= ymax))
290 | print*,'Overall (amp_fit1-amp_fit2) sum of squares = ', SUM((amp_recon-amp_recon2)**2, MASK=(ypos >= ymin) .AND. (ypos <= ymax))
291 |
292 | ! Phases
293 | CALL cont_lsq_fit (xdata, ydata2, bigxdata, bigydata, ydataout)
294 |
295 | kk = 1
296 | DO i = 1,ny_av
297 |
298 | IF (kk == ny_av2+1) EXIT
299 |
300 | imin = (i-1)*nsample + 1 ; imax = imin + nsample - 1
301 |
302 | IF (ypos(imin) > ymin) THEN
303 | phase_grad2(kk) = (bigydata(kk+1) - bigydata(kk)) / (bigxdata(kk+1) - bigxdata(kk))
304 | phase_start2(kk) = (bigxdata(kk+1)*bigydata(kk) - bigxdata(kk)*bigydata(kk+1)) / (bigxdata(kk+1) - bigxdata(kk))
305 | phase_start2(kk) = phase_start2(kk) + phase_grad2(kk)*ypos(imin) ! Need to subtract offset
306 | phase_recon2(imin:imax) = ydataout(:, kk)
307 | !!!!!!!!!!!!
308 | phase_grad(kk) = phase_grad2(kk) ; phase_start(kk) = phase_start2(kk)
309 | !!!!!!!!!!!!
310 | kk = kk + 1 ! next vertical interval
311 | END IF
312 |
313 | ENDDO
314 |
315 | print*,'Overall (phase-phase_fit2) sum of squares = ', SUM((phase-phase_recon2)**2, MASK=(ypos >= ymin) .AND. (ypos <= ymax))
316 | print*,'Overall (phase_fit1-phase_fit2) sum of squares = ', SUM((phase_recon-phase_recon2)**2, MASK=(ypos >= ymin) .AND. (ypos <= ymax))
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 | DEALLOCATE ( bigydata, bigxdata, ydataout, ydata2, ydata, xdata )
321 |
322 |
323 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
324 | name = "Amp_grad", &
325 | long_name = "Gradient of amplitude fits", &
326 | units = "", &
327 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
328 | DATA = amp_grad )
329 |
330 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
331 | name = "Amp_int", &
332 | long_name = "Intercept of amplitude fits", &
333 | units = "", &
334 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
335 | DATA = amp_start )
336 |
337 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
338 | name = "Amp_grad2", &
339 | long_name = "Gradient of amplitude fits2", &
340 | units = "", &
341 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
342 | DATA = amp_grad2 )
343 |
344 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
345 | name = "Amp_int2", &
346 | long_name = "Intercept of amplitude fits2", &
347 | units = "", &
348 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
349 | DATA = amp_start2 )
350 |
351 | WHERE ( (ypos < ymin) .or. (ypos > ymax) ) amplitude=-1.0_wp
352 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
353 | name = "Amp", &
354 | long_name = "High res amplitude", &
355 | units = "", &
356 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
357 | DATA = amplitude )
358 |
359 | WHERE ( (ypos < ymin) .or. (ypos > ymax) ) amp_recon=-1.0_wp
360 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
361 | name = "Amp_recon", &
362 | long_name = "Reconstructed amplitude fits", &
363 | units = "", &
364 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
365 | DATA = amp_recon )
366 |
367 | WHERE ( (ypos < ymin) .or. (ypos > ymax) ) amp_recon2=-1.0_wp
368 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
369 | name = "Amp_recon2", &
370 | long_name = "Reconstructed amp fits (cts)", &
371 | units = "", &
372 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
373 | DATA = amp_recon2 )
374 |
375 |
376 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
377 | name = "Phase_grad", &
378 | long_name = "Gradient of phase fits", &
379 | units = "", &
380 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
381 | DATA = phase_grad )
382 |
383 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
384 | name = "Phase_int", &
385 | long_name = "Intercept of phase fits", &
386 | units = "", &
387 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
388 | DATA = phase_start )
389 |
390 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
391 | name = "Phase_grad2", &
392 | long_name = "Gradient of phase fits2", &
393 | units = "", &
394 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
395 | DATA = phase_grad2 )
396 |
397 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
398 | name = "Phase_int2", &
399 | long_name = "Intercept of phase fits2", &
400 | units = "", &
401 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
402 | DATA = phase_start2 )
403 |
404 | WHERE ( (ypos < ymin) .or. (ypos > ymax) ) phase=-1.0_wp
405 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
406 | name = "Phase", &
407 | long_name = "High res phase", &
408 | units = "", &
409 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
410 | DATA = phase )
411 |
412 | WHERE ( (ypos < ymin) .or. (ypos > ymax) ) phase_recon=-1.0_wp
413 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
414 | name = "Phase_recon", &
415 | long_name = "Reconstructed phase fits", &
416 | units = "", &
417 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
418 | DATA = phase_recon )
419 |
420 | WHERE ( (ypos < ymin) .or. (ypos > ymax) ) phase_recon2=-1.0_wp
421 | CALL ropp_io_addvar_rodataD1d( diag, &
422 | name = "Phase_recon2", &
423 | long_name = "Reconstructed phase fits (cts)", &
424 | units = "", &
425 | range = (/ -1000000.0_wp, 1000000.0_wp /), &
426 | DATA = phase_recon2 )
427 |
428 |
429 | CALL ropp_io_write(diag, 'data/diag.nc', append=.false., ranchk=.false.)
430 |
431 | CALL ropp_io_free(diag)
432 |
433 | DEALLOCATE (amp_recon, phase_recon, amp_recon2, phase_recon2)
434 |
435 | ! uppermost height
436 |
437 | y_av(ny_av2+1) = y_av(ny_av2) + 1.0E20_wp ! force upper limit to ~infinity
438 |
439 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 | ! 7. Compute the complex amplitude at each LEO position
441 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
442 |
443 | ! 7.1 initialise the field at LEO
444 | ! -------------------------------
445 |
446 | U_leo(:) = (0.0_wp, 0.0_wp)
447 |
448 | ! 7.2 loop through the observations
449 | ! ---------------------------------
450 |
451 | DO i = 1,n_leo
452 |
453 | Dx = x_leo(i) - x_plane ! distance from plane to LEO at position
454 |
455 | ! for computing beta
456 |
457 | aval = 0.5_wp*k/Dx
458 |
459 | Aconst = SQRT(2.0_wp/(aval*pi1))
460 |
461 | ! 7.3 loop through the vertical integration intervals
462 | ! ---------------------------------------------------
463 |
464 | DO j = 1, ny_av2
465 |
466 | bval = 0.5_wp*phase_grad(j)
467 |
468 | cval = phase_grad(j)*(y_leo(i)-y_av(j))
469 |
470 | ! 7.3.1 the part coming from the constant term in the amplitude
471 | ! -------------------------------------------------------------
472 |
473 | ! limits of integration
474 |
475 | y_upper = Aconst*(aval*(y_av(j+1)-y_leo(i))+bval)
476 |
477 | y_lower = Aconst*(aval*(y_av(j )-y_leo(i))+bval)
478 |
479 | IF (j == 1) y_lower = y_lower - 1.0E20_wp ! force the lower limit to ~infinity
480 |
481 | CALL ropp_pp_wopt_fresnel((/y_upper, y_lower/), s_fresnel, c_fresnel)
482 |
483 | amp_sum = amp_start(j) + amp_grad(j)*(y_leo(i) - y_av(j) - bval/aval)
484 |
485 | real_term1 = SQRT(0.5_wp*Pi1/aval)*amp_sum*(c_fresnel(1)-c_fresnel(2))
486 |
487 | imag_term1 = SQRT(0.5_wp*Pi1/aval)*amp_sum*(s_fresnel(1)-s_fresnel(2))
488 |
489 | ! 7.3.2 the part coming from the linearly varying term in the amplitude
490 | ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
491 |
492 | real_term2 = 0.0_wp
493 | imag_term2 = 0.0_wp
494 |
495 | IF ( j > 1 .AND. j < ny_av2 ) THEN ! Assume constant extrapolation in first and last samples (~ amp_grad = 0)
496 |
497 | ! limits of integration
498 | U_upper = (aval*(y_av(j+1)-y_leo(i))+bval)**2/aval
499 |
500 | U_lower = (aval*(y_av(j )-y_leo(i))+bval)**2/aval
501 |
502 | real_term2 = (0.5_wp*amp_grad(j)/aval)*(SIN(U_upper)-SIN(U_lower))
503 |
504 | imag_term2 = -(0.5_wp*amp_grad(j)/aval)*(COS(U_upper)-COS(U_lower))
505 |
506 | END IF
507 |
508 | ! 7.3.3 combine them
509 | ! ------------------
510 |
511 | U_leo(i) = U_leo(i) + U_av(j) * &
512 | CMPLX(real_term1+real_term2, imag_term1+imag_term2, KIND=wp) * &
513 | EXP(Ci*MODULO((aval*cval-bval**2)/aval, twopi))
514 |
515 | ENDDO
516 |
517 | ! 7.4 add k.Dx factor and subtract the vacuum delay, s_geom
518 | ! -----------------------------------------------------------
519 |
520 | U_leo(i) = U_leo(i) * &
521 | EXP(Ci*MODULO(k*(Dx-s_geom(i)), twopi)) * &
522 | SQRT(k/(twopi*Dx))
523 |
524 | ENDDO
525 |
526 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 | ! 8. Compute the amplitude and accumulated phase at LEO
528 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 |
530 | CALL ropp_pp_wopt_phase_and_amplitude_LEO(U_leo, phase_leo, amp_leo)
531 |
532 | ! convert to metres by dividing by wave number
533 |
534 | phase_leo(:) = phase_leo(:) / k
535 |
536 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 | ! 9. Tidy up
538 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 |
540 | DEALLOCATE(y_av)
541 | DEALLOCATE(amp_start)
542 | DEALLOCATE(amp_grad)
543 | DEALLOCATE(phase_start)
544 | DEALLOCATE(phase_grad)
545 | DEALLOCATE(U_av)
546 |
547 | DEALLOCATE (amp_grad2, amp_start2)
548 |
549 |
551 |
552 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
553 | ! 10. Standard least-squares fit to y = m*x + c
554 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
555 |
556 | SUBROUTINE lsq_fit (x, y, m, c)
557 |
558 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: x, y
559 | REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: m, c
560 | REAL(wp) :: rnx
561 | REAL(wp) :: xbar, ybar, xxbar, xybar
562 |
563 | rnx = REAL(SIZE(x), KIND=wp)
564 |
565 | xbar = SUM(x) / rnx
566 |
567 | ybar = SUM(y) / rnx
568 |
569 | xxbar = SUM(x*x) / rnx
570 |
571 | xybar = SUM(x*y) / rnx
572 |
573 | m = (xybar - xbar*ybar) / (xxbar - xbar*xbar)
574 |
575 | c = ybar - m * xbar
576 |
577 | END SUBROUTINE lsq_fit
578 |
579 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
580 | ! 11. Continuous piecewise-linear least-squares fit
581 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
582 |
583 | SUBROUTINE cont_lsq_fit (x, y, bigx, bigy, yout)
584 |
585 | ! Make piecewise linear LSQ fit to {{(x^i_J, y^i_J), i=1 ... n_J}, J=1, N)
586 | ! by constructing the ordinates Y_J at the given abscissae X_J.
587 | ! x^i_J is held in a 2D array x(i, J).
588 | ! Currently we assume n_J is constant.
589 |
590 | ! I/O
591 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: x(:, :), y(:, :), bigx(:)
592 | REAL(wp), INTENT(INOUT) :: bigy(:)
593 | REAL(wp), OPTIONAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: yout(:, :)
594 | ! Local
595 | INTEGER :: nj, bign, bigj
596 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: xbar(:), ybar(:), xxbar(:), xybar(:)
597 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: dl(:), dd(:), du(:), rhs(:)
598 | REAL(wp) :: m, c
599 |
600 | nj = SIZE(x, 1)
601 | bign = SIZE(x, 2)
602 |
603 | ! Calculate means
604 |
605 | ALLOCATE ( xbar(1:bign), xxbar(1:bign), ybar(1:bign), xybar(1:bign) )
606 |
607 | xbar = SUM(x, DIM=1) / nj
608 | xxbar = SUM(x*x, DIM=1) / nj
609 | ybar = SUM(y, DIM=1) / nj
610 | xybar = SUM(x*y, DIM=1) / nj
611 |
612 | ! Define tridiagonal matrix
613 |
614 | ALLOCATE ( dl(1:bign+1), dd(1:bign+1), du(1:bign+1), rhs(1:bign+1) )
615 |
616 | ! Top row of tridiag
617 | bigj = 1
618 | dl(bigj) = 0.0_wp
619 | dd(bigj) = xxbar(bigj) - xbar(bigj)*2.0_wp*bigx(bigj+1) + bigx(bigj+1)**2
620 | du(bigj) = -(xxbar(bigj) - xbar(bigj)*(bigx(bigj)+bigx(bigj+1)) + bigx(bigj)*bigx(bigj+1))
621 | rhs(bigj) = -(bigx(bigj+1)-bigx(bigj)) * (xybar(bigj) - ybar(bigj)*bigx(bigj+1))
622 |
623 | ! Bottom row of tridiag
624 | bigj = bign + 1
625 | dl(bigj) = -(xxbar(bigj-1) - xbar(bigj-1)*(bigx(bigj)+bigx(bigj-1)) + bigx(bigj)*bigx(bigj-1))
626 | dd(bigj) = xxbar(bigj-1) - xbar(bigj-1)*2.0_wp*bigx(bigj-1) + bigx(bigj-1)**2
627 | du(bigj) = 0.0_wp
628 | rhs(bigj) = (bigx(bigj)-bigx(bigj-1)) * (xybar(bigj-1) - ybar(bigj-1)*bigx(bigj-1))
629 |
630 | ! Other rows of tridiag
631 | DO bigj=2,bign
632 | dl(bigj) = -(xxbar(bigj-1) - xbar(bigj-1)*(bigx(bigj)+bigx(bigj-1)) + bigx(bigj)*bigx(bigj-1))
633 | dd(bigj) = xxbar(bigj-1) - xbar(bigj-1)*2.0_wp*bigx(bigj-1) + bigx(bigj-1)**2 + &
634 | xxbar(bigj) - xbar(bigj)*2.0_wp*bigx(bigj+1) + bigx(bigj+1)**2
635 | du(bigj) = -(xxbar(bigj) - xbar(bigj)*(bigx(bigj)+bigx(bigj+1)) + bigx(bigj)*bigx(bigj+1))
636 | rhs(bigj) = (bigx(bigj)-bigx(bigj-1)) * (xybar(bigj-1) - ybar(bigj-1)*bigx(bigj-1)) - &
637 | (bigx(bigj+1)-bigx(bigj)) * (xybar(bigj) - ybar(bigj)*bigx(bigj+1))
638 | END DO
639 |
640 | ! Tridiagonal inversion
641 |
642 | CALL TRISOL(dl, dd, du, rhs, bigy)
643 |
644 | ! Generate fit at original x values
645 |
646 | IF ( PRESENT(yout) ) THEN
647 |
648 | DO bigj=1,bign
649 |
650 | m = (bigy(bigj+1) - bigy(bigj)) / (bigx(bigj+1) - bigx(bigj))
651 | c = bigy(bigj+1) - m * bigx(bigj+1)
652 | yout(:, bigj) = m * x(:, bigj) + c
653 |
654 | END DO
655 |
656 | END IF
657 |
658 | ! Clean up
659 |
660 | DEALLOCATE ( rhs, du, dd, dl )
661 | DEALLOCATE (xybar, ybar, xxbar, xbar )
662 |
663 | END SUBROUTINE cont_lsq_fit
664 |
665 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
666 | ! 12. Tridiagonal inversion
667 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
668 |
669 | SUBROUTINE TRISOL(a, b, c, d, x)
670 |
671 | ! Solves
672 | !
673 | ! ( b1 c1 ) (x1 ) = (d1 )
674 | ! ( a2 b2 c2 ) (x2 ) = (d2 )
675 | ! ( ai bi ci ) (xi ) = (di )
676 | ! ( an-1 bn-1 cn-1) (xn-1) = (dn-1)
677 | ! ( an bn) (xn ) = (dn )
678 | !
679 | ! by Gaussian elimination without pivoting, eg
680 | ! https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm.
681 | ! a1 and cn must be supplied (i.e. all vectors must have dimension (1:n)),
682 | ! even though they are not used.
683 |
684 | ! I/O
685 | REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: a(:), b(:), c(:), d(:)
686 | REAL(wp), INTENT(INOUT) :: x(:)
687 | ! Local
688 | INTEGER :: ii, nn
689 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: c1(:), d1(:)
690 |
691 | nn = SIZE(a)
692 | ALLOCATE (c1(nn), d1(nn))
693 |
694 | c1(1) = c(1) / b(1)
695 | DO ii=2,nn-1
696 | c1(ii) = c(ii) / (b(ii) - a(ii)*c1(ii-1))
697 | END DO
698 |
699 | d1(1) = d(1) / b(1)
700 | DO ii=2,nn
701 | d1(ii) = (d(ii) - a(ii)*d1(ii-1)) / (b(ii) - a(ii)*c1(ii-1))
702 | END DO
703 |
704 | x(nn) = d1(nn)
705 | DO ii=nn-1,1,-1
706 | x(ii) = d1(ii) - c1(ii)*x(ii+1)
707 | END DO
708 |
709 | DEALLOCATE (d1, c1)
710 |
712 |
713 | END SUBROUTINE ropp_pp_wopt_propagate_to_leo