1 | ! $Id: ropp2bufr_mod.f90 4452 2015-01-29 14:42:02Z idculv $
2 |
3 | MODULE ropp2bufr
4 |
5 | !****m* ropp2bufr/ropp2bufr *
6 | !
7 | ! NAME
8 | ! ropp2bufr (ropp2bufr_mod.f90)
9 | !
11 | ! Module defining fixed values & subroutines/functions for the
12 | ! ropp2bufr main program (ECMWF or MetDB versions)
13 | !
14 | ! USE ropp2bufr
15 | !
16 | ! USED BY
17 | ! ropp2bufr (ropp2bufr_ec or ropp2bufr_mo)
18 | !
19 | ! AUTHOR
20 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
21 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
22 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
23 | !
25 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
26 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
27 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
28 | !
29 | !****
30 |
31 | ! Modules
32 |
33 | USE typesizes, dp => EightByteReal
34 | USE messages
35 |
36 | ! Public fixed values for array sizes, etc
37 |
38 | ! GPSRO-specific GTS/RMDCN routing header elements
39 |
40 | CHARACTER (LEN=6), PARAMETER :: TTAAII = "IUT?14" ! Binary/UAir/Satellite/GPSRO
41 |
42 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NOhdrs = 0 ! No GTS routings headers
43 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ARhdrs = 1 ! GTS Abbreviated Routing headers only
44 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: IPhdrs = 2 ! ARH plus IP support
45 |
46 | ! GPSRO-specific BUFR details
47 |
48 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RODescr = 310026 ! Table D master descriptor for RO
49 |
50 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Edition = 4 ! BUFR Edition (4)
51 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MasterTable = 0 ! BUFR Master Table (Meteorology)
52 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DataType = 3 ! Table A (Sounding - satellite)
53 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: IntlSubType = 50 ! International data sub-type (GPSRO)
54 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LoclSubType = 14 ! Local data sub-type
55 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: VerMasTable = 12 ! Table version number (12)
56 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: VerLocTable = 0 ! Local Table version (not used)
57 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Sec3Type_mo = 1 ! Observed data, uncompressed (MetDB)
58 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Sec3Type_ec = 128 ! Observed data, uncompressed (ECMWF)
59 |
60 | ! Default (missing) data values
61 |
62 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NMDFV = -9999999 ! Integer missing data flag value (MetDB)
63 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NVIND = 2147483647 ! Integer missing data flag value (ECMWF)
64 | REAL, PARAMETER :: RMDFV = -9999999.0 ! Real missing data flag value (MetDB)
65 | REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: RVIND = 1.7E38_dp ! Real missing data flag value (ECMWF)
66 |
67 | ! MetDB I/O interface
68 |
69 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Output = 2 ! I/O output mode (r+w, new)
70 |
71 | ! ECMWF SBYTE() packing & I/O interfaces
72 |
73 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbpc = 8 ! bits per character (or byte)
74 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbpw = KIND(nbpc) * nbpc ! bits per word (default INTEGER)
75 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbsk = 0 ! no. bits to skip when packing
76 |
78 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------
79 |
80 | SUBROUTINE Usage()
81 |
82 | !****s* ropp2bufr/Usage *
83 | !
84 | ! NAME
85 | ! Usage
86 | !
87 | ! SYNOPIS
88 | ! USE ropp2bufr
89 | ! CALL Usage()
90 | !
91 | ! INPUTS
92 | ! None
93 | !
94 | ! OUTPUTS
95 | ! Summary usage text to stdout
96 | !
97 | ! CALLED BY
98 | ! GetOptions
99 | !
101 | ! Prints a summary of program usage (help) to stdout.
102 | !
103 | ! AUTHOR
104 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
105 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
106 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
107 | !
109 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
110 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
111 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
112 | !
113 | !****
114 |
115 | PRINT *, 'Purpose:'
116 | PRINT *, ' Encode one or more ROPP-format netCDF files to WMO BUFR.'
117 | PRINT *, 'Usage:'
118 | PRINT *, ' > ropp2bufr ropp_file [ropp_file...] [-o bufr_file]'
119 | PRINT *, ' [-g[i]] [-s csn_file]'
120 | PRINT *, ' [-p thin_file|maxsamp] [-t time]'
121 | PRINT *, ' [-u] [-l] [-d] [-m] [-h] [-v]'
122 | PRINT *, 'Input:'
123 | PRINT *, ' One or more files in ROPP netCDF format.'
124 | PRINT *, 'Output:'
125 | PRINT *, ' BUFR file, one message or bulletin per input RO profile'
126 | PRINT *, 'Options:'
127 | PRINT *, ' -o BUFR output file name'
128 | PRINT *, ' -g GTS routing headers/trailers required'
129 | PRINT *, ' -gi GTS headers preceded by 10-byte leading'
130 | PRINT *, ' size/type for GTS IP (FTP) transmission'
131 | PRINT *, ' -s file containing last used channel sequence number'
132 | PRINT *, ' (updated on completion)'
133 | PRINT *, ' -p thinning control file name or max. no. samples'
134 | PRINT *, ' -t don''t encode data older than ''time'' ago (hh:mm)'
135 | PRINT *, ' -u leave profiles unordered (i.e. in original height order)'
136 | PRINT *, ' -l L1+L2 data (Level 1b) are not to be encoded,'
137 | PRINT *, ' only the ionospheric-corrected profile.'
138 | PRINT *, ' -m met. data (Level 2c/d) are not to be encoded'
139 | PRINT *, ' -d outputs additonal diagnostics to stdout'
140 | PRINT *, ' -h this help'
141 | PRINT *, ' -v version information'
142 | PRINT *, 'Defaults:'
143 | PRINT *, ' Input file name : none - at least one required'
144 | PRINT *, ' Output file name : from (first) occultation ID <occid>.bufr'
145 | PRINT *, ' GTS routing headers : not generated'
146 | PRINT *, ' Channel sequence nos. : starts at 001'
147 | PRINT *, ' Reject time difference : 00:00 (no rejection on time)'
148 | PRINT *, ' unless -g* option, when: 23:50 (assuming NRT on GTS)'
149 | PRINT *, ' Thinning : sample to <= 375 levels'
150 | PRINT *, ' Re-ordering : descending profiles re-ordered to ascending '
151 | PRINT *, 'See ropp2bufr(1) for details.'
152 | PRINT *, ''
154 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------
155 |
156 | SUBROUTINE Usage_eum()
157 |
158 | !****s* ropp2bufr/Usage_eum *
159 | !
160 | ! NAME
161 | ! Usage_eum
162 | !
163 | ! SYNOPIS
164 | ! USE ropp2bufr
165 | ! CALL Usage_eum()
166 | !
167 | ! INPUTS
168 | ! None
169 | !
170 | ! OUTPUTS
171 | ! Summary usage text to stdout
172 | !
173 | ! CALLED BY
174 | ! GetOptions
175 | !
177 | ! Prints a summary of eum2bufr program usage (help) to stdout.
178 | !
179 | ! AUTHOR
180 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
181 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
182 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
183 | !
185 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
186 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
187 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
188 | !
189 | !****
190 |
191 | PRINT *, 'Purpose:'
192 | PRINT *, ' Encode one or more EUMETSAT netCDF files to WMO BUFR.'
193 | PRINT *, 'Usage:'
194 | PRINT *, ' > eum2bufr eum_file [eum_file...] [-o bufr_file]'
195 | PRINT *, ' [-g[i]] [-s csn_file]'
196 | PRINT *, ' [-p thin_file|maxsamp] [-t time] [-r resn]'
197 | PRINT *, ' [-u] [-l] [-d] [-m] [-h] [-v]'
198 | PRINT *, 'Input:'
199 | PRINT *, ' One or more files in EUMETSAT netCDF-4 format.'
200 | PRINT *, 'Output:'
201 | PRINT *, ' BUFR file, one message or bulletin per input RO profile'
202 | PRINT *, 'Options:'
203 | PRINT *, ' -o BUFR output file name'
204 | PRINT *, ' -g GTS routing headers/trailers required'
205 | PRINT *, ' -gi GTS headers preceded by 10-byte leading'
206 | PRINT *, ' size/type for GTS IP (FTP) transmission'
207 | PRINT *, ' -s file containing last used channel sequence number'
208 | PRINT *, ' (updated on completion)'
209 | PRINT *, ' -p thinning control file name or max. no. samples'
210 | PRINT *, ' -t don''t encode data older than ''time'' ago (hh:mm)'
211 | PRINT *, ' -u leave profiles unordered (i.e. in original height order)'
212 | PRINT *, ' -l L1+L2 data (Level 1b) are not to be encoded,'
213 | PRINT *, ' only the ionospheric-corrected profile.'
214 | PRINT *, ' -m met. data (Level 2c/d) are not to be encoded'
215 | PRINT *, ' -r resolution group of netCDF-4 EUM file'
216 | PRINT *, ' -d outputs additonal diagnostics to stdout'
217 | PRINT *, ' -h this help'
218 | PRINT *, ' -v version information'
219 | PRINT *, 'Defaults:'
220 | PRINT *, ' Input file name : none - at least one required'
221 | PRINT *, ' Output file name : from (first) occultation ID <occid>.bufr'
222 | PRINT *, ' GTS routing headers : not generated'
223 | PRINT *, ' Channel sequence nos. : starts at 001'
224 | PRINT *, ' Reject time difference : 00:00 (no rejection on time)'
225 | PRINT *, ' unless -g* option, when: 23:50 (assuming NRT on GTS)'
226 | PRINT *, ' Thinning : sample to <= 375 levels'
227 | PRINT *, ' Re-ordering : descending profiles re-ordered to ascending '
228 | PRINT *, ' Resolution : ''thinned'' '
229 | PRINT *, 'See eum2bufr(1) for details.'
230 | PRINT *, ''
231 | END SUBROUTINE Usage_eum
232 |
233 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 |
235 | SUBROUTINE GetOptions ( centre, & ! (in)
236 | NCDFdsn, & ! (out)
237 | nfiles, & ! (out)
238 | BUFRdsn, & ! (out)
239 | CSNdsn, & ! (out)
240 | Thindsn, & ! (out)
241 | GTShdrType, & ! (out)
242 | RejTimeDiff, & ! (out)
243 | CorrOnly, & ! (out)
244 | nomet, & ! (out)
245 | unordered, & ! (out)
246 | resolution ) ! (out)
247 |
248 | !****s* ropp2bufr/GetOptions *
249 | !
250 | ! NAME
251 | ! GetOptions
252 | !
253 | ! SYNOPSIS
254 | ! Get command line information & options or set defaults
255 | !
256 | ! USE ropp2bufr
257 | ! CHARACTER (LEN=4) :: centre
258 | ! CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: NCDFdsn(100), bufrdsn, csndsn
259 | ! INTEGER :: nfiles, gtshdrtype, rejtimediff
260 | ! LOGICAL :: corronly, nomet, unordered
261 | ! CALL getOptions ( centre, NCDFdsn, nfiles, bufrdsn, csndsn, thindsn, &
262 | ! gtshdrtype, rejtimediff, &
263 | ! corronly, nomet, unordered, resolution )
264 | ! On command line:
265 | ! > ropp2bufr ropp_file [ropp_file...] [-o bufr_file]
266 | ! [-g[n]] [-s seq_file]
267 | ! [-p thin_file] [-t time]
268 | ! [-u] [-l] [-m] [-h|?] [-v] [-d]
269 | ! > eum2bufr eum_file [eum_file...] [-o bufr_file]
270 | ! [-g[n]] [-s seq_file]
271 | ! [-p thin_file] [-t time] [-r resol]
272 | ! [-u] [-l] [-m] [-h|?] [-v] [-d]
273 | !
274 | ! INPUTS
275 | ! centre chr 'EUM' when called from eum2bufr to encode EUMETSAT netCDF
276 | ! files; anyhting else to encode ROPP netCDF files.
277 | !
278 | ! OUTPUTS
279 | ! NCDFdsn chr ROPP/EUM netCDF input file name(s)
280 | ! nfiles int No. of ROPP input files
281 | ! BUFRdsn chr BUFR output file name
282 | ! CSNdsn chr Channel sequence number file name
283 | ! Thindsn chr Thinning control file name
284 | ! GTShdrType int GTS header type code
285 | ! RejTimeDiff int Rejection time threshold (minutes)
286 | ! CorrOnly log L1+L2 skip flag
287 | ! nomet log Met data skip flag
288 | ! unordered log Disable profile ordering flag
289 | ! resolution chr resolution group to use in EUM netCDF-4 files
290 | !
291 | ! CALLS
292 | ! Usage
293 | ! message
294 | ! IARGC
295 | ! GETARG
296 | !
297 | ! CALLED BY
298 | ! ropp2bufr
299 | ! eum2bufr
300 | !
301 | ! MODULES
302 | ! DateTimeTypes - Date & Time conversion definitions
303 | ! GTShdrs - GTS bulletin routing header support definitions
304 | !
306 | ! Provides a command line interface for the ROPP-to-BUFR and EUM-to-BUFR
307 | ! encoder applications. See comments for main program ropp2bufr & eum2bufr
308 | ! for the command line details.
309 | !
310 | ! SEE ALSO
311 | ! ropp2bufr(1), eum2bufr(1)
312 | !
313 | ! AUTHOR
314 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
315 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
316 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
317 | !
319 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
320 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
321 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
322 | !
323 | !****
324 |
325 | ! Modules
326 |
327 | USE DateTimeTypes, ONLY: nMinPerHour
329 |
331 |
332 | ! Fixed parameters
333 |
334 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DefRejTimeDiff = 1430 ! 23h50m in minutes
335 |
336 | ! Argument list parameters
337 |
338 | CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: centre ! Centre (e.g. 'EUM')
339 | CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: NCDFdsn(:) ! input netCDF file name(s)
340 | CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: BUFRdsn ! output BUFR file name
341 | CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: CSNdsn ! Channel sequence number file name
342 | CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: Thindsn ! thinning control file name
343 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nfiles ! No. of ROPP input files
344 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: GTShdrType ! code for GTS header generation
345 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: RejTimeDiff ! reject obs older than this
346 | LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: CorrOnly ! .F. for L1+L2+C, .T. for C only
347 | LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: nomet ! .F. for met data, .T. to skip
348 | LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: unordered ! .T. to disable re-ordering of profiles
349 | CHARACTER(LEN=20), INTENT(OUT) :: resolution ! resolution group of EUM netCDF 4 files
350 |
351 | ! Local variables
352 |
353 | CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: carg ! command line argument
354 | INTEGER :: narg ! number of command line arguments
355 | INTEGER :: ia ! loop counter
356 | INTEGER :: ierr ! error status
357 | INTEGER :: hh, mm ! hours & minutes
358 |
359 | ! Some compilers may need the following declaration to be commented out
361 |
362 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
363 | ! 1. Initialise
364 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
365 |
366 | NCDFdsn(:) = " "
367 | nfiles = 0
368 | BUFRdsn = " "
369 | CSNdsn = " "
370 | Thindsn = "375" ! to be interpreted as 'sample to no more than'
371 | GTShdrType = NOhdrs
372 | RejTimeDiff = 0
373 | CorrOnly = .FALSE.
374 | nomet = .FALSE.
375 | unordered = .FALSE.
376 | resolution = 'thinned'
377 |
378 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
379 | ! 2. Loop over all command line options.
380 | ! If a switch has a trailing blank, then we need to get
381 | ! the next string as it's argument.
382 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
383 |
384 | ia = 1
385 | narg = IARGC()
386 |
387 | DO WHILE ( ia <= narg )
388 |
389 | CALL GETARG ( ia, carg )
390 | IF ( carg(1:1) == "?" .OR. &
391 | carg(1:6) == "--help" ) carg = "-h"
392 | IF ( carg(1:9) == "--version" ) carg = "-v"
393 |
394 | IF ( carg(1:1) == "-" ) THEN ! is this an option introducer?
395 | ! If so, which one?
396 | SELECT CASE (carg(2:2))
397 |
398 | CASE ("d","D") ! debug/diagnostics wanted
399 | msg_MODE = VerboseMode
401 |
402 | CASE ("g","G") ! GTS headers wanted - any extra IP?
403 | SELECT CASE (carg(3:3))
404 | CASE ("i","I")
405 | GTShdrType = IPhdrs ! headers + IP
407 | GTShdrType = ARhdrs ! headers only
409 |
410 | CASE ("h","H") ! Help wanted
411 | narg = -1
412 |
413 | CASE ("l","L") ! no L1/L2 (Corrected only)
414 | CorrOnly = .TRUE.
415 |
416 | CASE ("m","M") ! no Met. (geophysical) data
417 | nomet = .TRUE.
418 |
419 | CASE ("o","O") ! Output file name
420 | carg(1:2) = " "
421 | IF ( carg(3:) == " " ) THEN
422 | ia = ia + 1
423 | CALL GETARG ( ia, carg )
424 | END IF
425 | BUFRdsn = ADJUSTL(carg)
426 |
427 | CASE ("p","P") ! thinning control file name
428 | carg(1:2) = " "
429 | IF ( carg(3:) == " " ) THEN
430 | ia = ia + 1
431 | CALL GETARG ( ia, carg )
432 | END IF
433 | Thindsn = ADJUSTL(carg)
434 |
435 | CASE ("r","R") ! resolution group to use (EUM only)
436 | carg(1:2) = " "
437 | IF ( carg(3:) == " " ) THEN
438 | ia = ia + 1
439 | CALL GETARG ( ia, carg )
440 | END IF
441 | IF ( centre == "EUM" ) resolution = ADJUSTL(carg)
442 |
443 | CASE ("s","S") ! Channel sequence No. file name
444 | carg(1:2) = " "
445 | IF ( carg(3:) == " " ) THEN
446 | ia = ia + 1
447 | CALL GETARG ( ia, carg )
448 | END IF
449 | CSNdsn = ADJUSTL(carg)
450 |
451 | CASE ("t","T") ! Reject time difference (hh:mm)
452 | carg(1:2) = " "
453 | IF ( carg(3:) == " " ) THEN
454 | ia = ia + 1
455 | CALL GETARG ( ia, carg )
456 | END IF
457 | carg = ADJUSTL(carg)
458 | READ ( carg, "(BN,I2,1X,I2)", IOSTAT=ierr ) hh, mm
459 | IF ( ierr == 0 ) RejTimeDiff = hh * nMinPerHour + mm
460 |
461 | CASE ("u","U") ! Profile ordering
462 | unordered = .TRUE.
463 |
464 | CASE ("v","V") ! Only program version ID wanted
465 | CALL version_info()
466 | CALL EXIT(msg_exit_ok)
467 |
468 | CASE DEFAULT ! unknown option
470 |
471 | ELSE ! not an option - must be an input name
472 | nfiles = nfiles + 1
473 | NCDFdsn(nfiles) = carg
474 | END IF
475 |
476 | ia = ia + 1
477 | END DO ! argument loop
478 |
479 | IF ( nfiles == 0 .AND. narg /= -1 ) THEN
480 | CALL message ( msg_error, "No input file(s) specified" )
481 | narg = 0
482 | END IF
483 |
484 | IF ( narg <= 0 ) THEN
485 | IF ( centre == "EUM" ) THEN
486 | CALL Usage_eum()
487 | ELSE
488 | CALL Usage()
489 | END IF
490 | CALL EXIT(msg_exit_status)
491 | END IF
492 |
493 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
494 | ! 3. Set default time rejection if GTS routing headers to be
495 | ! generated, on the assumption that the output is for NRT
496 | ! GTS distribution.
497 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
498 |
499 | IF ( GTShdrType /= NOhdrs .AND. &
500 | RejTimeDiff == 0 ) RejTimeDiff = DefRejTimeDiff
501 |
502 | END SUBROUTINE GetOptions
503 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 |
505 | SUBROUTINE ConvertROPPtoBUFR ( ROdata, & ! (in)
506 | CorrOnly, & ! (in)
507 | OrigICAO, & ! (out)
508 | OrigCentre, & ! (out)
509 | SubCentre, & ! (out)
510 | Values, & ! (out)
511 | nValues, & ! (out)
512 | RepFac, & ! (out)
513 | nRepFac ) ! (out)
514 | !
515 | !****s* ropp2bufr/ConvertROPPtoBUFR *
516 | !
517 | ! NAME
518 | ! ConvertROPPtoBUFR
519 | !
520 | ! SYNOPSIS
521 | ! Convert ROPP data to BUFR specification
522 | !
523 | ! USE ropp_io_types
524 | ! USE ropp2bufr
525 | ! TYPE (ROprof) rodata
526 | ! CHARACTER (LEN=4) :: origicao
527 | ! INTEGER :: origcentre, subcentre, nvalues, nrepfac, repfac(nr)
528 | ! REAL(dp):: values(ne)
529 | ! LOGICAL :: corronly
530 | ! CALL convertropptobufr ( rodata, corronly, &
531 | ! origicao, origcentre, subcentre, &
532 | ! values, nvalues, repfac, nrepfac )
533 | ! where
534 | ! ne is the max. number of elements (data items for BUFR)
535 | ! nr is the max. number of delayed replication factors
536 | !
537 | ! INPUTS
538 | ! ROdata dtyp RO data - derived type
539 | ! CorrOnly log Flag for corrected Level 1b profile only
540 | !
541 | ! OUTPUTS
542 | ! ROdata dtyp RO data - derived type (potentially modified)
543 | ! OrigICAO chr 4-chr ICAO code associated with Orig.Centre
544 | ! OrigCentre int Originating Centre code value
545 | ! SubCentre int Originating subcentre (processing centre) code value
546 | ! Values dflt Array(ne) of converted values for BUFR encoder
547 | ! nValues int Total no. of values converted
548 | ! RepFac int Array of Replication Factors
549 | ! nRepFac int Total no. of Replication Factors
550 | !
551 | ! MODULES
552 | ! ropp_io_types - ROPP file I/O support
553 | ! ropp_utils - ROPP utility functions & parameters
554 | !
555 | ! CALLS
556 | ! ConvertCodes
557 | ! message
558 | ! message_get_routine
559 | ! message_set_routine
560 | !
561 | ! CALLED BY
562 | ! ropp2bufr
563 | !
565 | ! Converts RO data to BUFR units, etc, and returns converted data as a plain
566 | ! 1-D array. This procedure is mostly scaling and/or range changing (e.g
567 | ! longitude from 0-360 to +/-180deg, hPa to Pa).
568 | ! This routine also performs gross error checking, so that if data is not
569 | ! valid (not within nominal range of BUFR bit width) that data value is set
570 | ! "missing" in the output array.
571 | ! The delayed replication factor counts are also returned for use with
572 | ! the ECMWF BUFEN() encoder (not used with the MetDB ENBUFV4() encoder).
573 | ! The processing (originating) centre's code & sub-centre code are
574 | ! returned for insertion in BUFR Section 1, plus the ICAO Location
575 | ! Indicator code for optonal use in a GTS routing header.
576 | !
578 | ! 1) ROPP User Guide - Part I
579 | ! SAF/ROM/METO/UG/ROPP/002
580 | ! 2) WMO FM94 (BUFR) Specification for ROM SAF Processed Radio
581 | ! Occultation Data. SAF/ROM/METO/FMT/BUFR/001
582 | !
583 | ! AUTHOR
584 | ! Met Office, Exeter, UK.
585 | ! Any comments on this software should be given via the ROM SAF
586 | ! Helpdesk at http://www.romsaf.org
587 | !
589 | ! (c) EUMETSAT. All rights reserved.
590 | ! For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT
591 | ! which you should have received as part of this distribution.
592 | !
593 | !****
594 |
595 | ! Modules
596 |
597 | USE ropp_io_types, ONLY: ROprof, &
598 | PCD_occultation
599 |
601 |
602 | ! Fixed parameters
603 |
604 | REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: MISSING = RVIND ! Missing data flag value
605 |
606 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ProdType = 2 ! Product type (limb sounding)
607 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: TimeSig = 17 ! Time significance (start)
608 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FOstats = 13 ! First-order statistics (rms)
609 |
610 | REAL, PARAMETER :: FreqL1 = 1.5E9 ! L1 frequency: 1.5GHz
611 | REAL, PARAMETER :: FreqL2 = 1.2E9 ! L1 frequency: 1.2GHz
612 | REAL, PARAMETER :: FreqLc = 0.0 ! Corrected frequency (dummy)
613 |
614 | CHARACTER (LEN=*), PARAMETER :: numeric = "0123456789." ! valid for numerics
615 |
616 | ! Argument list parameters
617 |
618 | TYPE (ROprof), INTENT(INOUT) :: ROdata
619 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: CorrOnly
621 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: OrigCentre
622 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: SubCentre
623 | REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: Values(:)
624 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nValues
625 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: RepFac(:)
626 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nRepFac
627 |
628 | ! Local parameters
629 |
630 | CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: number ! temporary strings for numeric values
631 | CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: routine ! temporary previously set message routine
632 | CHARACTER (LEN=4) :: Ccode ! ICAO code associated with Ocode
633 | INTEGER :: Gclass ! GNSS class value
634 | INTEGER :: Gcode ! GNSS PRN
635 | INTEGER :: Lcode ! LEO code value
636 | INTEGER :: Icode ! Instrument code value
637 | INTEGER :: Ocode ! Origin. centre code value
638 | INTEGER :: Scode ! Sub-centre code value
639 | INTEGER :: Bcode ! B/G generator code value
640 | INTEGER :: PCD ! PCD bit flags (16-bit)
641 | INTEGER :: in ! loop counter for profile arrays
642 | INTEGER :: IE ! index offset to Values element
643 | INTEGER :: ierr ! I/O error code
644 | REAL :: SWver ! Software version number
645 |
646 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
647 | ! 1. Initialise
648 | !------------------------------------------------------------
649 |
650 | CALL message_get_routine ( routine )
651 | CALL message_set_routine ( "ConvertROPPtoBUFR" )
652 |
653 | Values(:) = MISSING
654 | nValues = 0
655 |
656 | RepFac(:) = 0
657 | nRepFac = 0
658 |
659 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
660 | ! 2. Convert ROPP character codes to BUFR numeric codes.
661 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
662 | ! Possible Originating Centre & associated ICAO codes for GPSRO include:
663 | ! 007/KWBC - Washington (US) [UCAR/CDAAC]
664 | ! 074/EGRR - Exeter (GB) [Met Office]
665 | ! 078/EDZW - Offenbach (DE) [GFZ]
666 | ! 094/EKMI - Copenhagen (DK) [DMI/ROM SAF]
667 | ! 160/KNES - Washington (US) [NESDIS]
668 | ! 254/EUMS - Darmstadt (DE) [EUMETSAT]
669 | ! See WMO BUFR code table 001033 (Common Code Table C-1 or C-11)
670 | ! for the full list of Originating Centres.
671 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
672 |
673 | CALL ConvertCodes ( ROdata, &
674 | Gclass, Gcode, &
675 | Lcode, Icode, &
676 | Ocode, Scode, &
677 | Ccode, Bcode, &
678 | 1 )
679 | OrigICAO = Ccode
680 | OrigCentre = Ocode
681 | SubCentre = Scode
682 |
683 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
684 | ! 3. Satellite data introducer
685 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
686 |
687 | Values(1) = Lcode ! [001007] LEO ID
688 | IF ( Values(1) < 0.0 .OR. &
689 | Values(1) > 1022.0 ) &
690 | Values(1) = MISSING
691 |
692 | Values(2) = Icode ! [002019] RO Instrument
693 | IF ( Values(2) < 0.0 .OR. &
694 | Values(2) > 2046.0 ) &
695 | Values(2) = MISSING
696 |
697 | IF ( BTEST(ROdata%PCD,PCD_occultation) ) THEN
698 | Values(3) = Bcode ! [001033] B/g gen.centre
699 | ELSE
700 | Values(3) = Ocode ! [001033] Proc.centre
701 | END IF
702 | IF ( Values(3) < 0.0 .OR. &
703 | Values(3) > 254.0 ) &
704 | Values(3) = MISSING
705 |
706 | Values(4) = ProdType ! [002172] Product type
707 | ! (limb sounding)
708 | number = ROdata%Software_Version(1:10)
709 | DO in = 1, LEN_TRIM(number)
710 | IF ( INDEX ( numeric, number(in:in) ) == 0 ) number(in:in) = " "
711 | END DO
712 | READ ( number, FMT=*, IOSTAT=ierr) SWver
713 | IF ( ierr /= 0 ) SWver = -9.999
714 | Values(5) = SWver * 1E3 ! [025060] Software version
715 | IF ( Values(5) < 0.0 .OR. &
716 | Values(5) > 16382.0 ) &
717 | Values(5) = MISSING
718 |
719 | ! Date/time of start of occultation (or background profile)
720 |
721 | Values(6) = TimeSig ! [008021] Time.sig (start)
722 | Values(7) = ROdata%DTocc%Year ! [004001] Year
723 | Values(8) = ROdata%DTocc%Month ! [004002] Month
724 | Values(9) = ROdata%DTocc%Day ! [004003] Day
725 | Values(10) = ROdata%DTocc%Hour ! [004004] Hour
726 | Values(11) = ROdata%DTocc%Minute ! [004005] Minute
727 | Values(12) = ROdata%DTocc%Second & ! [004006] Seconds & MSecs
728 | + ROdata%DTocc%MSec * 1E-3
729 | IF ( Values(12) < 0.000 .OR. &
730 | Values(12) > 59.999 ) &
731 | Values(12) = MISSING
732 |
733 | ! Summary quality information
734 |
735 | PCD = 0
736 | DO in = 0, 15
737 | IF ( BTEST(ROdata%PCD, in) ) PCD = IBSET(PCD, 15-in) ! only use 1st 16 bits in swapped bit order
738 | END DO
739 | Values(13) = REAL(PCD) ! [033039] PCD
740 | IF ( Values(13) < 0.0 .OR. &
741 | Values(13) > 65534.0 ) &
742 | Values(13) = MISSING
743 |
744 | Values(14) = REAL(ROdata%Overall_Qual) ! [033007] Percent confidence
745 | IF ( Values(14) < 0.0 .OR. &
746 | Values(14) > 100.0 ) &
747 | Values(14) = MISSING
748 |
749 | ! LEO & GNSS POD
750 |
751 | IF ( .NOT. ROdata%Lev1a%Missing ) THEN
752 | Values(15) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%R_LEO(1,1)) ! [027031] LEO X posn (m)
753 | IF ( ABS(Values(15)) > 10737418.23_dp ) &
754 | Values(15) = MISSING
755 | Values(16) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%R_LEO(1,2)) ! [028031] LEO Y posn (m)
756 | IF ( ABS(Values(16)) > 10737418.23_dp ) &
757 | Values(16) = MISSING
758 | Values(17) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%R_LEO(1,3)) ! [010031] LEO Z posn (m)
759 | IF ( ABS(Values(17)) > 10737418.23_dp ) &
760 | Values(17) = MISSING
761 | IF ( ABS(Values(15)) < 1.0 .AND. &
762 | ABS(Values(16)) < 1.0 .AND. &
763 | ABS(Values(17)) < 1.0 ) &
764 | Values(15:17) = MISSING
765 | Values(18) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%V_LEO(1,1)) ! [001041] LEO X vely (m/s)
766 | IF ( ABS(Values(18)) > 10737.41823_dp ) &
767 | Values(18) = MISSING
768 | Values(19) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%V_LEO(1,2)) ! [001042] LEO Y vely (m/s)
769 | IF ( ABS(Values(19)) > 10737.41823_dp ) &
770 | Values(19) = MISSING
771 | Values(20) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%V_LEO(1,3)) ! [001043] LEO Z vely (m/s)
772 | IF ( ABS(Values(20)) > 10737.41823_dp ) &
773 | Values(20) = MISSING
774 | IF ( ABS(Values(18)) < 1.0 .AND. &
775 | ABS(Values(19)) < 1.0 .AND. &
776 | ABS(Values(20)) < 1.0 ) &
777 | Values(18:20) = MISSING
778 | END IF
779 |
780 | Values(21) = Gclass ! [002020] GNSS class
781 | IF ( Values(21) < 0 .OR. &
782 | Values(21) > 510 ) Values(21) = MISSING
783 | Values(22) = Gcode ! [001050] GNSS PRN
784 | IF ( Values(22) < 0 .OR. &
785 | Values(22) > 131070 ) Values(22) = MISSING
786 |
787 | IF ( .NOT. ROdata%Lev1a%Missing ) THEN
788 | Values(23) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%R_GNS(1,1)) ! [027031] GNSS X posn (m)
789 | IF ( ABS(Values(23)) > 107374182.4_dp ) &
790 | Values(23) = MISSING
791 | Values(24) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%R_GNS(1,2)) ! [028031] GNSS Y posn (m)
792 | IF ( ABS(Values(24)) > 107374182.4_dp ) &
793 | Values(24) = MISSING
794 | Values(25) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%R_GNS(1,3)) ! [010031] GNSS Z posn (m)
795 | IF ( ABS(Values(25)) > 107374182.4_dp ) &
796 | Values(25) = MISSING
797 | IF ( ABS(Values(23)) < 1.0 .AND. &
798 | ABS(Values(24)) < 1.0 .AND. &
799 | ABS(Values(25)) < 1.0 ) &
800 | Values(23:25) = MISSING
801 |
802 | Values(26) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%V_GNS(1,1)) ! [001041] GNSS X vely (m/s)
803 | IF ( ABS(Values(26)) > 10737.41824_dp ) &
804 | Values(26) = MISSING
805 | Values(27) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%V_GNS(1,2)) ! [001042] GNSS Y vely (m/s)
806 | IF ( ABS(Values(27)) > 10737.41824_dp ) &
807 | Values(27) = MISSING
808 | Values(28) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1a%V_GNS(1,3)) ! [001043] GNSS Z vely (m/s)
809 | IF ( ABS(Values(28)) > 10737.41824_dp ) &
810 | Values(28) = MISSING
811 | IF ( ABS(Values(26)) < 1.0 .AND. &
812 | ABS(Values(27)) < 1.0 .AND. &
813 | ABS(Values(28)) < 1.0 ) &
814 | Values(26:28) = MISSING
815 | END IF
816 |
817 | ! Local Earth parameters
818 |
819 | Values(29) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%Time_Offset) ! [004016] Time/start (s)
820 | IF ( Values(29) < 0.0 .OR. &
821 | Values(29) > 240.0 ) &
822 | Values(29) = MISSING
823 |
824 | Values(30) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%Lat) ! [005001] Latitude (deg)
825 | IF ( ABS(Values(30)) > 90.0 ) &
826 | Values(30) = MISSING
827 |
828 | Values(31) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%Lon) ! [006001] Longitude (deg)
829 | IF ( Values(31) > 180.0 ) &
830 | Values(31) = Values(31) - 360.0
831 | IF ( ABS(Values(31)) > 180.0 ) &
832 | Values(31) = MISSING
833 |
834 | Values(32) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%r_CoC(1)) ! [027031] CofC X (m)
835 | IF ( ABS(Values(32)) > 1000000.0_dp ) &
836 | Values(32) = MISSING
837 |
838 | Values(33) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%r_CoC(2)) ! [028031] CofC Y (m)
839 | IF ( ABS(Values(33)) > 1000000.0_dp ) &
840 | Values(33) = MISSING
841 |
842 | Values(34) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%r_CoC(3)) ! [010031] CofC Z (m)
843 | IF ( ABS(Values(34)) > 1000000.0_dp ) &
844 | Values(34) = MISSING
845 |
846 | Values(35) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%RoC) ! [010035] Radius value (m)
847 | IF ( Values(35) < 6200000.0_dp .OR. &
848 | Values(35) > 6600000.0_dp ) &
849 | Values(35) = MISSING
850 |
851 | Values(36) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%Azimuth) ! [005021] Line of sight bearing (degT)
852 | IF ( Values(36) < 0.0 .OR. &
853 | Values(36) >= 360.0 ) &
854 | Values(36) = MISSING
855 |
856 | Values(37) = REAL(ROdata%GeoRef%Undulation) ! [010036] Geoid undulation (m)
857 | IF ( ABS(Values(37)) > 163.82 ) &
858 | Values(37) = MISSING
859 |
860 | IE = 37
861 |
862 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
863 | ! 4. Level 1b data (bending angle profile)
864 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
865 |
866 | ! Interpolation thinning may generate a set of fixed impact height
867 | ! levels but no valid Level 1b profile data if no input L1b - reject such
868 | ! empty BA-profiles
869 |
870 | IF ( ROdata%Lev1b%Missing ) THEN
871 | CALL message(msg_diag, "Rejecting empty Level 1b (BA) profile")
872 | ROdata%Lev1b%Npoints = 0
873 | END IF
874 |
875 | Values(IE+1) = ROdata%Lev1b%Npoints ! [031002] Replication factor
876 | nRepFac = nRepFac + 1
877 | RepFac(nRepFac) = NINT(Values(IE+1))
878 |
879 | DO in = 1, ROdata%Lev1b%Npoints
880 |
881 | ! Coordinates
882 |
883 | Values(IE+2) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Lat_tp(in)) ! [005001] Latitude (deg)
884 | IF ( ABS(Values(IE+2)) > 90.0 ) &
885 | Values(IE+2) = MISSING
886 |
887 | Values(IE+3) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Lon_tp(in)) ! [006001] Longitude (deg)
888 | IF ( Values(IE+3) > 180.0 ) &
889 | Values(IE+3) = Values(IE+3) - 360.0
890 | IF ( ABS(Values(IE+3)) > 180.0 ) &
891 | Values(IE+3) = MISSING
892 |
893 | Values(IE+4) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Azimuth_tp(in)) ! [005021] Line of sight bearing (degT)
894 | IF ( Values(IE+4) < 0.0 .OR. &
895 | Values(IE+4) >= 360.0 ) &
896 | Values(IE+4) = MISSING
897 |
898 | ! Include L1+L2 or skip them?
899 |
900 | nRepFac = nRepFac + 1
901 | IF ( CorrOnly ) THEN
902 | Values(IE+5) = 1 ! [031001] Replication factor
903 | IE = IE - 12
904 | RepFac(nRepFac) = 1
905 | ELSE
906 | Values(IE+5) = 3 ! [031001] Replication factor
907 | RepFac(nRepFac) = 3
908 |
909 | ! L1 data
910 |
911 | Values(IE+6) = FreqL1 ! [002121] L1=1.5Ghz
912 |
913 | Values(IE+7) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Impact_L1(in), KIND=dp) ! [007040] Impact parameter (m)
914 | IF ( Values(IE+7) < 6200000.0_dp .OR. &
915 | Values(IE+7) > 6600000.0_dp ) &
916 | Values(IE+7) = MISSING
917 |
918 | Values(IE+8) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%BAngle_L1(in)) ! [015037] B/angle (rad)
919 | IF ( Values(IE+8) < -0.001 .OR. &
920 | Values(IE+8) > 0.08288 ) &
921 | Values(IE+8) = MISSING
922 |
923 | Values(IE+9) = FOstats ! [008023] 1st order stats (rms)
924 |
925 | Values(IE+10) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%BAngle_L1_Sigma(in)) ! [015037] B/angle error (rad)
926 | IF ( Values(IE+10) < 0.0 .OR. &
927 | Values(IE+10) > 0.009485 ) & ! 1/8 (-3 bits) from 015037
928 | Values(IE+10) = MISSING
929 |
930 | Values(IE+11) = MISSING ! [008023] 1st order stats (off)
931 |
932 | ! L2 data
933 |
934 | Values(IE+12) = FreqL2 ! [002121] L2=1.2Ghz
935 |
936 | Values(IE+13) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Impact_L2(in), KIND=dp) ! [007040] Impact parameter (m)
937 | IF ( Values(IE+13) < 6200000.0_dp .OR. &
938 | Values(IE+13) > 6600000.0_dp ) &
939 | Values(IE+13) = MISSING
940 |
941 | Values(IE+14) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%BAngle_L2(in)) ! [015037] B/angle (rad)
942 | IF ( Values(IE+14) < -0.001 .OR. &
943 | Values(IE+14) > 0.08288 ) &
944 | Values(IE+14) = MISSING
945 |
946 | Values(IE+15) = FOstats ! [008023] 1st order stats (rms)
947 |
948 | Values(IE+16) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%BAngle_L2_Sigma(in)) ! [015037] B/angle error (rad)
949 | IF ( Values(IE+16) < 0.0 .OR. &
950 | Values(IE+16) > 0.009485 ) & ! 1/8 (-3 bits) from 015037
951 | Values(IE+16) = MISSING
952 |
953 | Values(IE+17) = MISSING ! [008023] 1st order stats (off)
954 | END IF
955 |
956 | ! Corrected bending angle (always encoded)
957 |
958 | Values(IE+18) = FreqLc ! [002121] corrected
959 |
960 | Values(IE+19) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Impact(in), KIND=dp) ! [007040] Impact parameter (m)
961 | IF ( Values(IE+19) < 6200000.0_dp .OR. &
962 | Values(IE+19) > 6600000.0_dp ) &
963 | Values(IE+19) = MISSING
964 |
965 | Values(IE+20) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%BAngle(in)) ! [015037] B/Ang (rad)
966 | IF ( Values(IE+20) < -0.001 .OR. &
967 | Values(IE+20) > 0.08288 ) &
968 | Values(IE+20) = MISSING
969 |
970 | Values(IE+21) = FOstats ! [008023] 1st order stats (rms)
971 |
972 | Values(IE+22) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%BAngle_Sigma(in)) ! [015037] Error in B/Ang (rad)
973 | IF ( Values(IE+22) < 0.0 .OR. &
974 | Values(IE+22) > 0.009485 ) & ! 1/8 (-3 bits) from 015037
975 | Values(IE+22) = MISSING
976 |
977 | Values(IE+23) = MISSING ! [008023] 1st order stats (off)
978 |
979 | Values(IE+24) = REAL(ROdata%Lev1b%Bangle_Qual(in)) ! [033007] Percent confidence
980 | IF ( Values(IE+24) < 0.0 .OR. &
981 | Values(IE+24) > 100.0 ) &
982 | Values(IE+24) = MISSING
983 |
984 | IE = IE + 23
985 | END DO
986 | IE = IE + 1
987 |
988 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
989 | ! 5. Level 2a data (derived refractivity profile)
990 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
991 |
992 | ! Interpolation thinning may generate a set of fixed geometric height
993 | ! levels but no valid Level 2a profile data if no input L2a - reject such
994 | ! empty N-profiles
995 |
996 | IF ( ROdata%Lev2a%Missing ) THEN
997 | CALL message(msg_diag, "Rejecting empty Level 2a (N) profile")
998 | ROdata%Lev2a%Npoints = 0
999 | END IF
1000 |
1001 | Values(IE+1) = ROdata%Lev2a%Npoints ! [031002] Replication factor
1002 | nRepFac = nRepFac + 1
1003 | RepFac(nRepFac) = NINT(Values(IE+1))
1004 |
1005 | DO in = 1, ROdata%Lev2a%Npoints
1006 |
1007 | Values(IE+2) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2a%Alt_Refrac(in)) ! [007007] Height amsl (m)
1008 | IF ( Values(IE+2) < -1000.0_dp .OR. &
1009 | Values(IE+2) > 100000.0_dp ) &
1010 | Values(IE+2) = MISSING
1011 |
1012 | Values(IE+3) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2a%Refrac(in)) ! [015036] Refrac (N-units)
1013 | IF ( Values(IE+3) < 0.0 .OR. &
1014 | Values(IE+3) > 524.28 ) &
1015 | Values(IE+3) = MISSING
1016 |
1017 | Values(IE+4) = FOstats ! [008023] 1st order stats (rms)
1018 |
1019 | Values(IE+5) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2a%Refrac_Sigma(in)) ! [015036] Refrac error (N-units)
1020 | IF ( Values(IE+5) < 0.0 .OR. &
1021 | Values(IE+5) > 16.38 ) & ! 1/32 (-5 bits) from 015036
1022 | Values(IE+5) = MISSING
1023 |
1024 | Values(IE+6) = MISSING ! [008023] 1st order stats (off)
1025 |
1026 | Values(IE+7) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2a%Refrac_Qual(in)) ! [033007] Percent confidence
1027 | IF ( Values(IE+7) < 0.0 .OR. &
1028 | Values(IE+7) > 100.0 ) &
1029 | Values(IE+7) = MISSING
1030 |
1031 | IE = IE + 6
1032 | END DO
1033 | IE = IE + 1
1034 |
1035 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
1036 | ! 6. Level 2b data (retrieved P,T,q profile)
1037 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
1038 |
1039 | ! Interpolation thinning may generate a set of fixed geopotential height
1040 | ! levels but no valid Level 2b profile data if no input L2b - reject such
1041 | ! empty P,T,q-profiles
1042 |
1043 |
1044 | IF ( ROdata%Lev2b%Missing ) THEN
1045 | CALL message(msg_diag, "Rejecting empty Level 2b (T,q,P) profile")
1046 | ROdata%Lev2b%Npoints = 0
1047 | END IF
1048 |
1049 | Values(IE+1) = ROdata%Lev2b%Npoints ! [031002] Replication factor
1050 | nRepFac = nRepFac + 1
1051 | RepFac(nRepFac) = NINT(Values(IE+1))
1052 |
1053 | DO in = 1, ROdata%Lev2b%Npoints
1054 |
1055 | Values(IE+2) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%Geop(in)) ! [007009] Geopot ht (gpm)
1056 | IF ( Values(IE+2) < -1000.0_dp .OR. &
1057 | Values(IE+2) > 100000.0_dp ) &
1058 | Values(IE+2) = MISSING
1059 |
1060 | Values(IE+3) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%Press(in)) * 1E2 ! [010004] Pressure (Pa)
1061 | IF ( Values(IE+3) <= 0.0_dp .OR. & ! Min. 0.1hPa
1062 | Values(IE+3) > 150000.0_dp ) &
1063 | Values(IE+3) = MISSING
1064 |
1065 | Values(IE+4) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%Temp(in)) ! [012001] Temperature (K)
1066 | IF ( Values(IE+4) < 150.0 .OR. &
1067 | Values(IE+4) > 350.0 ) &
1068 | Values(IE+4) = MISSING
1069 |
1070 | Values(IE+5) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%SHum(in)) * 1E-3 ! [013001] Spec/humidity (Kg/Kg)
1071 | IF ( Values(IE+5) < 0.0 .OR. &
1072 | Values(IE+5) > 0.16 ) &
1073 | Values(IE+5) = MISSING
1074 |
1075 | Values(IE+6) = FOstats ! [008023] 1st order stats (rms)
1076 |
1077 | Values(IE+7) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%Press_Sigma(in)) * 1E2 ! [010004] Pressure error (Pa)
1078 | IF ( Values(IE+7) < 0.0 .OR. &
1079 | Values(IE+7) > 620.0 ) &
1080 | Values(IE+7) = MISSING
1081 |
1082 | Values(IE+8) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%Temp_Sigma(in)) ! [012001] Temperature error (K)
1083 | IF ( Values(IE+8) < 0.0 .OR. &
1084 | Values(IE+8) > 6.2 ) &
1085 | Values(IE+8) = MISSING
1086 |
1087 | Values(IE+9) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%SHum_Sigma(in)) * 1E-3 ! [013001] S/Hum error (Kg/Kg)
1088 | IF ( Values(IE+9) < 0.0 .OR. &
1089 | Values(IE+9) > 0.0051 ) &
1090 | Values(IE+9) = MISSING
1091 |
1092 | Values(IE+10) = MISSING ! [008023] 1st order stats (off)
1093 |
1094 | Values(IE+11) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2b%Meteo_Qual(in)) ! [033007] Percent confidence
1095 | IF ( Values(IE+11) < 0.0 .OR. &
1096 | Values(IE+11) > 100.0 ) &
1097 | Values(IE+11) = MISSING
1098 |
1099 | IE = IE + 10
1100 | END DO
1101 | IE = IE + 1
1102 |
1103 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
1104 | ! 7. Level 2c data (retrieved surface params)
1105 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
1106 |
1107 | Values(IE+1) = 0 ! [008003] Vertical sig. (surf)
1108 |
1109 | VALUES(IE+2) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2c%Geop_Sfc) ! [007009] Geoptot.Ht. (of surf) (gpm)
1110 | IF ( Values(IE+2) < -1000.0_dp .OR. &
1111 | Values(IE+2) > 10000.0_dp ) &
1112 | Values(IE+2) = MISSING
1113 |
1114 | Values(IE+3) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2c%Press_Sfc) * 1E2 ! [010004] Surface pressure (Pa)
1115 | IF ( Values(IE+3) < 0.0_dp .OR. &
1116 | Values(IE+3) > 150000.0_dp ) &
1117 | Values(IE+3) = MISSING
1118 |
1119 | Values(IE+4) = FOstats ! [008023] 1st order stats (rms)
1120 |
1121 | Values(IE+5) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2c%Press_Sfc_Sigma) * 1E2 ! [010004] S/press error (Pa)
1122 | IF ( Values(IE+5) < 0.0 .OR. &
1123 | Values(IE+5) > 620.0 ) &
1124 | Values(IE+5) = MISSING
1125 |
1126 | Values(IE+6) = MISSING ! [008023] 1st order stats (off)
1127 |
1128 | Values(IE+7) = REAL(ROdata%Lev2c%Press_Sfc_Qual) ! [033007] Percent confidence
1129 | IF ( Values(IE+7) < 0.0 .OR. &
1130 | Values(IE+7) > 100.0 ) &
1131 | Values(IE+7) = MISSING
1132 |
1133 | nValues = IE + 7 ! Total no. of values
1134 |
1135 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
1136 | ! 8. Tidy up before return
1137 | !-------------------------------------------------------------
1138 |
1139 | CALL message_set_routine(routine)
1140 |
1142 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1143 |
1144 | END MODULE ropp2bufr