1 | SUBROUTINE ropp_fm_roprof2obs1dbangle(ro_data, y)
2 |
3 | ! 1.1 Declarations
4 | ! ----------------
5 |
6 | USE typesizes, ONLY: wp => EightByteReal
7 | USE ropp_utils
8 | USE ropp_io
9 | USE ropp_io_types, ONLY: ROprof
10 | USE ropp_fm
11 | USE ropp_fm_types, ONLY: Obs1dBangle
12 | USE ropp_fm_copy, not_this => ropp_fm_roprof2obs1dbangle
13 | USE geodesy
14 |
16 |
17 | TYPE(ROprof), INTENT(in) :: ro_data ! RO data structure
18 | TYPE(Obs1dBangle), INTENT(inout) :: y ! Bending angle structure
19 |
20 | INTEGER :: i, n, ipn
22 |
23 | CHARACTER(len = 256) :: routine
24 | CHARACTER(len = 10) :: err_val
25 | CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: sr_leo
26 |
27 | ! 1.2 Error handling
28 | ! ------------------
29 |
30 | CALL message_get_routine(routine)
31 | CALL message_set_routine('ropp_fm_roprof2obs (1D bending angles)')
32 |
33 | y%obs_ok = .TRUE.
34 |
35 | ! 1.3 Check and copy geolocation and time
36 | ! ---------------------------------------
37 |
38 | IF (isinrange(ro_data%georef%lon, ro_data%georef%range%lon)) THEN
39 | y%lon = ro_data%georef%lon
40 | ELSE
41 | WRITE(err_val, '(e8.1)') ro_data%georef%lon
42 | CALL message(msg_warn, &
43 | "Longitude data for observations out of range or missing. " // &
44 | "(longitude value = " // TRIM(err_val) // ")")
45 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes")
46 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Set status flag obs%ok to FALSE")
47 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
48 | ENDIF
49 |
50 | IF (isinrange(ro_data%georef%lat, ro_data%georef%range%lat)) THEN
51 | y%lat = ro_data%georef%lat
52 | ELSE
53 | WRITE(err_val, '(e8.1)') ro_data%georef%lat
54 | CALL message(msg_warn, &
55 | "Latitude data for observations out of range or missing. " // &
56 | "(latitude value = " // TRIM(err_val) // ")")
57 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes")
58 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Set status flag obs%ok to FALSE")
59 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
60 | ENDIF
61 |
62 | IF (isinrange(ro_data%georef%azimuth, ro_data%georef%range%azimuth)) THEN
63 | y%azimuth = ro_data%georef%azimuth
64 | ELSE
65 | WRITE(err_val, '(e8.1)') ro_data%georef%azimuth
66 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Azimuth (of " // TRIM(err_val) // " deg) out of range or missing.")
67 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes.")
68 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Continuing, as azimuth not needed for 1D bending angles.")
69 | ENDIF
70 |
71 | IF ( isinrange(ro_data%DTocc%year, ro_data%DTocc%range%year) .AND. &
72 | isinrange(ro_data%DTocc%month, ro_data%DTocc%range%month) .AND. &
73 | isinrange(ro_data%DTocc%day, ro_data%DTocc%range%day) .AND. &
74 | isinrange(ro_data%DTocc%hour, ro_data%DTocc%range%hour) .AND. &
75 | isinrange(ro_data%DTocc%minute, ro_data%DTocc%range%minute) .AND. &
76 | isinrange(ro_data%DTocc%second, ro_data%DTocc%range%second) ) THEN
77 | DT8 = (/ro_data%DTocc%year, ro_data%DTocc%month, &
78 | ro_data%DTocc%day, 0, &
79 | ro_data%DTocc%hour, ro_data%DTocc%minute, &
80 | ro_data%DTocc%second, ro_data%DTocc%msec/)
81 | CALL TimeSince ( DT8, y%time, 1, Base="JS2000" )
82 | ELSE
83 | CALL message(msg_warn, &
84 | "Time data for observations out of range or missing.")
85 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes")
86 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Set status flag obs%ok to FALSE")
87 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
88 | ENDIF
89 |
90 | ! 1.4 Check that profiles are increasing in height - 1st element towards surface
91 | ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 |
93 | CALL ropp_io_ascend(ro_data)
94 |
95 | ! 1.5 Check and copy observation data
96 | ! -----------------------------------
97 |
98 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%Npoints == 0) THEN
99 | CALL message(msg_warn, &
100 | "RO data has no level 1b (bending angle) parameters.")
101 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes")
102 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Set status flag obs%ok to FALSE")
103 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
104 | RETURN
105 | ENDIF
106 |
107 | n = ro_data%Lev1b%Npoints
108 |
109 | IF (.NOT. ro_data%Lev2c%direct_ion) THEN
110 |
111 | ALLOCATE(y%impact(n), y%bangle(n), y%weights(n))
112 | y%impact = ro_data%Lev1b%impact(1:n)
113 | y%bangle = ro_data%Lev1b%bangle(1:n)
114 | y%weights = 1.0_wp
115 | y%n_L1 = n
116 |
117 | ELSE
118 |
119 | ALLOCATE(y%impact(2*n), y%bangle(2*n), y%weights(2*n))
120 |
121 | IF (ALL(ro_data%Lev1b%impact_L1 < ropp_MDTV)) THEN ! Use neutral IP if no L1 IPs
122 | y%impact(1:n) = ro_data%Lev1b%impact(1:n)
123 | ELSE
124 | y%impact(1:n) = ro_data%Lev1b%impact_L1(1:n)
125 | END IF
126 |
127 | IF (ALL(ro_data%Lev1b%impact_L2 < ropp_MDTV)) THEN ! Use neutral IP if no L2 IPs
128 | y%impact(n+1:2*n) = ro_data%Lev1b%impact(1:n)
129 | ELSE
130 | y%impact(n+1:2*n) = ro_data%Lev1b%impact_L2(1:n)
131 | END IF
132 |
133 | y%bangle(1:n) = ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L1(1:n)
134 | y%bangle(n+1:2*n) = ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L2(1:n)
135 | y%weights = 1.0_wp
136 | y%n_L1 = n
137 |
138 | END IF
139 |
140 | y%g_sfc = gravity(ro_data%georef%lat, 0.0_wp)
141 |
142 | y%r_earth = R_eff(ro_data%georef%lat)
143 |
144 | IF (isinrange(ro_data%georef%roc, ro_data%georef%range%roc)) THEN
145 | y%r_curve = ro_data%georef%roc
146 | ELSE
147 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Radius of curvature out of range or missing.")
148 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes")
149 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Set status flag obs%ok to FALSE")
150 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
151 | ENDIF
152 |
153 | IF ( ro_data%Lev2c%direct_ion ) THEN ! Need the radius of the LEO orbit for single frequency work
154 |
155 | IF ( ANY ( ABS(ro_data%georef%leo_pod%pos - ropp_MDFV) < 1.0_wp ) .OR. &
156 | ANY ( ABS(ro_data%georef%r_coc - ropp_MDFV) < 1.0_wp ) ) THEN
157 |
158 | CALL message (msg_warn, 'Missing LEO position or centre of curvature ... ' // &
159 | 'will try to estimate r_LEO from satellite ID.')
160 |
161 | SELECT CASE (ro_data%leo_id(1:2)) ! Data from https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/
162 |
163 | CASE ('C0')
164 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 800 km (COSMIC-1 profile)')
165 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 800.E3_wp
166 |
167 | CASE ('C2')
168 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 520 km (COSMIC-2a profile)')
169 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 520.E3_wp
170 |
171 | CASE ('CH')
172 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 470 km (CHAMP profile)')
173 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 470.E3_wp
174 |
175 | CASE ('FY')
176 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 840 km (FY-3C/D/... profile)')
177 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 840.E3_wp
178 |
179 | CASE ('GR')
180 | SELECT CASE (ro_data%leo_id(1:4))
181 | CASE ('GRAA', 'GRAB')
182 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 340 km (GRACE-A/B profile)')
183 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 340.E3_wp
184 | CASE ('GRAC', 'GRAD')
185 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 490 km (GRACE-FO profile)')
186 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 490.E3_wp
188 | CALL message(msg_warn, 'Unrecognised LEO satellite ID (' // ro_data%leo_id // &
189 | ') ... r_LEO cannot be estimated.')
190 | CALL message(msg_warn, 'Check that LEO POD and CoC positions, or LEO ID, are valid.')
191 | CALL message(msg_warn, 'Setting status flag obs%ok to FALSE')
192 | y%r_leo = ropp_MDFV
193 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
195 |
196 | CASE ('KO')
197 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 550 km (KOMPSAT-5 profile)')
198 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 550.E3_wp
199 |
200 | CASE ('ME')
201 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 830 km (Metop-A/B/C profile)')
202 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 830.E3_wp
203 |
204 | CASE ('MG')
205 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 870 km (Megha-Tropiques profile)')
206 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 870.E3_wp
207 |
208 | CASE ('PA')
209 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Assuming LEO height of 510 km (PAZ profile)')
210 | y%r_leo = y%r_curve + 510.E3_wp
211 |
213 | CALL message(msg_warn, 'Unrecognised LEO satellite ID (' // ro_data%leo_id // &
214 | ') ... r_LEO cannot be estimated.')
215 | CALL message(msg_warn, 'Check that LEO POD and CoC positions, or LEO ID, are valid.')
216 | CALL message(msg_warn, 'Setting status flag obs%ok to FALSE')
217 | y%r_leo = ropp_MDFV
218 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
219 |
221 |
222 | ELSE
223 |
224 | y%r_leo = SQRT ( SUM ( (ro_data%georef%leo_pod%pos - ro_data%georef%r_coc)**2 ) )
225 | WRITE (sr_leo, FMT='(F6.1)') (y%r_leo - y%r_curve) * 1.0E-3_wp
226 | CALL message (msg_info, 'Using a LEO altitude of ' // sr_leo // ' km.')
227 |
228 | END IF
229 |
230 | ELSE
231 |
232 | y%r_leo = ropp_MDFV ! For safety's sake
233 |
234 | END IF ! Single frequency work
235 |
236 | IF (isinrange(ro_data%georef%undulation, ro_data%georef%range%undulation)) THEN
237 | y%undulation = ro_data%georef%undulation
238 | ELSE
239 | y%undulation = ropp_MDFV
240 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Undulation out of range or missing.")
241 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Check input data and valid_range attributes")
242 | CALL message(msg_warn, "Set status flag obs%ok to FALSE")
243 | y%obs_ok = .FALSE.
244 | END IF
245 |
246 | ! 1.6 Check and copy sigmas to diagonal error covariance
247 | ! ------------------------------------------------------
248 |
249 | y%cov_ok = .TRUE.
250 |
251 | IF (ASSOCIATED(y%cov%d)) DEALLOCATE(y%cov%d)
252 |
253 | IF (.NOT. ro_data%Lev2c%direct_ion) THEN
254 |
255 | CALL callocate(y%cov%d, n*(n+1)/2)
256 |
257 | DO i = 1, n
258 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%bangle(i) > 0.0_wp) THEN
259 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_sigma(i) > 0.0_wp) THEN
260 | ! matrix_pp type, uplo = 'U'
261 | y%cov%d(i + i*(i-1)/2) = ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_sigma(i)**2
262 | ELSE
263 | y%cov_ok = .FALSE.
264 | END IF
265 | ELSE
266 | y%cov%d(i + i*(i-1)/2) = 0.0003_wp ! = 1 deg**2
267 | ENDIF
268 | END DO
269 |
270 | ELSE
271 |
272 | CALL callocate(y%cov%d, n*(2*n+1))
273 |
274 | DO i = 1, n
275 |
276 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L1(i) > 0.0_wp) THEN
277 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L1_sigma(i) > 0.0_wp) THEN
278 | ! matrix_pp type, uplo = 'U'
279 | y%cov%d(i + i*(i-1)/2) = ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L1_sigma(i)**2
280 | ELSE
281 | y%cov_ok = .FALSE.
282 | END IF
283 | ELSE
284 | y%cov%d(i + i*(i-1)/2) = 0.0003_wp ! = 1 deg**2
285 | END IF
286 |
287 | ipn = i + n
288 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L2(i) > 0.0_wp) THEN
289 | IF (ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L2_sigma(i) > 0.0_wp) THEN
290 | ! matrix_pp type, uplo = 'U'
291 | y%cov%d(ipn + ipn*(ipn-1)/2) = ro_data%Lev1b%bangle_L2_sigma(i)**2
292 | ELSE
293 | y%cov_ok = .FALSE.
294 | END IF
295 | ELSE
296 | y%cov%d(ipn + ipn*(ipn-1)/2) = 0.0003_wp ! = 1 deg**2
297 | END IF
298 |
299 | END DO
300 |
301 | END IF
302 |
303 | IF (ASSOCIATED(y%cov%e)) DEALLOCATE(y%cov%e)
304 | IF (ASSOCIATED(y%cov%f)) DEALLOCATE(y%cov%f)
305 | IF (ASSOCIATED(y%cov%s)) DEALLOCATE(y%cov%s)
306 |
307 | y%cov%fact_chol = .FALSE.
308 | y%cov%equi_chol = 'N'
309 |
310 | ! 1.7 Clean up
311 | ! ------------
312 |
313 | CALL message_set_routine(routine)
314 |
315 | END SUBROUTINE ropp_fm_roprof2obs1dbangle