| 30 | ---- |
| 31 | == The ROPP Governance Group (ROPP GG) == |
| 32 | |
| 33 | This body meets approximately once every two months to discuss forthcoming ROPP developments, to set priorities for implementation, and to provide a forum for general liaison between developers. Representatives from each ROM SAF Cooperating Entity are invited. |
| 34 | |
| 35 | The formation of an ROPP Governance Group was one of the agreed conclusions from a discussion on the [https://trac.grassaf.org/ropp/browser/ropp_doc/trunk/Future_Ways_of_Working_with_ROPP.doc ways of developing ROPP in future]. |
| 36 | |
| 37 | Here are the ROPP GG [https://trac.grassaf.org/ropp/browser/ropp_doc/trunk/ROPP_Devt_Group_ToR.doc terms of reference]. |
| 38 | |
| 39 | '''First meeting, 20 June 2012''' [https://trac.grassaf.org/ropp/browser/ropp_doc/trunk/ROPP_GG_200612_Agenda.doc Agenda] [https://trac.grassaf.org/ropp/browser/ropp_doc/trunk/ROPP_GG_200612_Minutes.doc Minutes] |