Opened 13 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#289 closed task (fixed)
Support for simple simulated orbits
Reported by: | Dave Offiler | Owned by: | Ian Culverwell |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | 6.1 |
Component: | ropp_pp | Version: | 6.0 |
Keywords: | Orbits, simulated, checking | Cc: |
Helpdesk enquiry from Stephan Junker (UniBwM) 2/8/2012:
Hello, I have simulated phase and amplitude measurements for RO events with an adaption of the GFZ software "simend2end", which uses analytical refractive profiles and turns them into phase measurements by using inverse FSI. In parallel, the orbits of LEO and GPS satellites (occ+ref) are simulated. The simulated orbit move exclusively in the x,y plane and therefore the z-value for all satellites is always '0.0'. Now my question regarding the ropp-6.0 package. When I use the ropp_pp_occ_tool the preprocessor is exiting the processing with the statement: "invalid coordinate values". Is the described satellite constellation the problem or are there other reasons for this behaviour? Thank you and kind regards, Stefan Junker
After a quick look, my reply was:
Stefan, This check and error message comes from the preprocessor source code file: ropp_pp/preprocess/ropp_pp_preprocess.f90 and can be triggered by *any* X,Y,Z coordinate of the LEO *or* the GPS satellite having a 'missing data' value. We'd need to trace backwards to see which satellite(s), and which coordinate component(s) have this special flag value, and why. I suspect that if any single coordinate value over a profile is a constant zero, this is assumed to be an error condition (it's certainly not valid for real satellites!), but I don't know this code well enough myself to be sure if this sort of test is done (the author is on holiday at the moment...) I do know for certain that if all three X,Y,Z values are zero, this is a flag for the satellite location to be 'missing' If possible, could you please try to: (a) ensure that all 6 coord values are within sensible range (and none are [0,0,0]) (b) set a non-zero Z-value (1.0 (metres) shouldn't make any practical difference to the simulation) (c) print out the 2 sets of coordinates (line 104 of the above source code file - obviously this would mean re-compiling the pre-process module) ROPP wasn't designed for the orbits you are simulating, so we will revisit the code to see if there are tests and/or assumptions that can be relaxed to support your simulations (for a future release or patch update), or if a simple data change (like not having constant-zero coordinate values) might get past these checks.
Stephan later confirmed that setting his Z-values to 0.1m (my option (b) works, allowing the Helpdesk item to be closed.
So I would hazard that somewhere in the ROPP code, there's a check for all X, Y or Z POD elements in a profile being zero (within some tolerance), but is happy if all value are non-zero (even if identical.
We should now re-visit the code to decide whether this test can be relaxed, or merely that setting non-zero Z-values (or any POD element?) for simple simulated orbits should be noted in the UG.
Attachments (1)
Change history (7)
comment:1 by , 13 years ago
comment:2 by , 13 years ago
Or maybe just a check that sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) .GT. something small and .LT. something big (eg upper limit of range). That would allow simulated data to pass but filter out rubbish POD data. (Set x, y, and z all to mdi if it fails this test.)
Could maybe apply the same idea to the velocities.
by , 13 years ago
Attachment: | added |
comment:3 by , 13 years ago
Stefan has kindly supplied some data to allow us to test whatever fix we implement. See attached zip file.
comment:4 by , 12 years ago
Eventually decide to go with:
DO j = 1, 3 DO i = 1, Lev1a%Npoints IF ( Lev1a%r_LEO(i,j) < Lev1a%Range%r_LEO(mn) .OR. & Lev1a%r_LEO(i,j) > Lev1a%Range%r_LEO(mx) ) & Lev1a%r_LEO(i,j) = ropp_MDFV END DO END DO DO i = 1, Lev1a%Npoints IF ( SUM(Lev1a%r_LEO(i,:)**2) > Lev1a%Range%r_LEO(mx)**2 ) & Lev1a%r_LEO(i,:) = ropp_MDFV END DO DO i = 1, Lev1a%Npoints IF ( SUM(Lev1a%r_LEO(i,:)**2) < 0.01_wp*Lev1a%Range%r_LEO(mx)**2 ) & Lev1a%r_LEO(i,:) = ropp_MDFV END DO
and sim for r_GNS, v_LEO and v_GNS. So we require each component to lie within [min, max], and the magnitudes to lie within [0.1, 1]*max. Note that this implies a change to test2ropp, which generated "valid" data within a cube, not a shell.
Works OK after passing Stefan's test data through ropp_pp_occ_tool.
Previously :
INFO (from ropp_pp_cutoff_amplitude): Cut-off (amplitude/LCF criterion). Keep data 1 to 4802 WARNING (from ropp_pp_preprocess): Invalid coordinate values. Exiting processing.
INFO (from ropp_pp_cutoff_amplitude): Cut-off (amplitude/LCF criterion). Keep data 1 to 3736 INFO (from ropp_pp_preprocess): CHAMP data preprocessing INFO (from ropp_pp_cutoff): Cut-off (bangle/impact criterion). Keep data 1 to 3488 INFO: Retrieving bending angle profiles by GEOMETRIC OPTICS INFO: 3488 data points in output between 6381.0km and 6516.8km INFO: Correcting bending angle profile by STATISTICAL OPTIMISATION INFO: 1273 data points in output between 6380.9km and 6508.1km INFO: Retrieving refractivity profile by LIN ABEL TRANSFORM with STAT OPT INFO: Writing output altitude scales with respect to EGM96 GEOID
(Different number of points retained by ropp_pp_cutoff_amplitude, because the input data are generated by gfz2ropp, which itself calls ropp_io_ranchk, ie the z's are already different (missing and zero resp) before ropp_pp_occ_tool gets to grips with them. This means in particular that the inferred occultation points are different: (-84.21E, -86.46N) and (-84.04E, 0.00N) resp, as well as the impact parameters. Hence different amplitude cutoffs.
Going in at ROPP6.1.
comment:5 by , 12 years ago
Actually, the
DO i = 1, Lev1a%Npoints IF ( SUM(Lev1a%r_LEO(i,:)**2) < 0.01_wp*Lev1a%Range%r_LEO(mx)**2 ) & Lev1a%r_LEO(i,:) = ropp_MDFV END DO
business causes problems when, as for instance in COSMIC data, the valid range of r_leo is 1000 times too large(!). Obviously then |r| is not < 0.1*max, and we wrongly flag valid data as invalid. Although this is clearly a data issue, it's probably safer to just hardwire
DO i = 1, Lev1a%Npoints IF ( SUM(Lev1a%r_GNS(i,:)**2) < 6.2e6_wp**2 ) & !6.2e6 = GeoRange%roc(mn) Lev1a%v_GNS(i,:) = ropp_MDFV END DO
+ sim for r_leo. And simply omit the min test for v_gns and v_leo, since they appear not be used anyway.
comment:6 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Passes test folder. Closing ticket.
The culprit is a couple of lines in ropp_io_rancheck:
I don't see why we can't just suppress the checks against ropp_ZERO.