Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#423 closed enhancement (fixed)

amend check ongeop in ropp_io_rangecheck?

Reported by: Ian Culverwell Owned by: Ian Culverwell
Priority: normal Milestone: 9.0
Component: ropp_io Version: 8.0
Keywords: Cc:


ropp_io_rangecheck.f90 currently zaps all lev2b data unless there's at least one valid geopotential, thus:

! Every level must have a valid geopotential height value;
! if all are missing, then set whole L2b profile to zero length.
! If only some heights are missing, filter them out

    idx => WHERE ( Lev2b%Geop > ropp_MDTV, nidx )
    IF ( nidx == 0 ) THEN
      Lev2b%Npoints = 0
    ELSE IF ( nidx < Lev2b%Npoints ) THEN
      Lev2b%Npoints             = nidx
      Lev2b%Geop(1:nidx)        = Lev2b%Geop(idx)
      Lev2b%Geop_Sigma(1:nidx)  = Lev2b%Geop_Sigma(idx)
      Lev2b%Press(1:nidx)       = Lev2b%Press(idx)
      Lev2b%Press_Sigma(1:nidx) = Lev2b%Press_Sigma(idx)
      Lev2b%Temp(1:nidx)        = Lev2b%Temp(idx)
      Lev2b%Temp_Sigma(1:nidx)  = Lev2b%Temp_Sigma(idx)
      Lev2b%SHum(1:nidx)        = Lev2b%SHum(idx)
      Lev2b%SHum_Sigma(1:nidx)  = Lev2b%SHum_Sigma(idx)
      Lev2b%Meteo_Qual(1:nidx)  = Lev2b%Meteo_Qual(idx)
    END IF

Unfortunately the bgr files provided at do have precisely this feature (eg see attached). Therefore the RO processing tool provided by the ROM SAF cannot read the RO data provided by the ROM SAF. This is obviously not exactly ideal.

Possible solutions:

  • Amend the range-checker so that it only zaps the lev2b fields if all geops and (say) all temps are missing;
  • Get the archive regenerated with valid geops in the bgr files.
  • Manually (eg with ncap2 -s"geop=float(geop*0-999)" -O ; ncks -a -O set the geops to non-missing values.

Why are the geops missing from the bgr files? Ask DMI.

Attachments (1) (15.1 KB ) - added by Ian Culverwell 10 years ago.

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Change history (4)

by Ian Culverwell, 10 years ago

comment:1 by Ian Culverwell, 10 years ago

DMI's reponse, and my commitment to update [[[ropp_io_rangecheck}}} to account for missing geops, are documented in Helpdesk enq 233:

comment:2 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

A temporary solution, to be applied until valid geopotentials are included in the 137L geop files, has been committed at r4948. It generates the output message

WARNING (from ropp_io_read):  No valid geopotentials found, but valid temperatures and humidities are present.
  This is OK for ECMWF fields provided that valid Ak and Bk coefficients and surface pressures are present.

comment:3 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Checks out OK on 137L file (see #460). Closing ticket.

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