Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#432 closed enhancement (fixed)

Merge ropp_pp_invert_tool and ropp_pp_occ_tool

Reported by: Stig Syndergaard Owned by: hjs
Priority: normal Milestone: DMI ROPP developments
Component: ropp_pp Version: 8.0
Keywords: Cc: Stig Syndergaard


ropp_pp_invert_tool is essentially a subset of ropp_pp_occ_tool, but the two codes are maintained seperately, and there are currently some unnessary differences in the overlapping parts.

The two codes should be merged into one code by adding the necessary features to ropp_pp_occ_tool so that it can run as ropp_pp_invert_tool with a simple switch (configuration option in .cf files). ropp_pp_invert_tool would thereafter no longer be maintained and could be deleted from ROPP.

Change history (1)

comment:1 by Stig Syndergaard, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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