Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#447 closed defect (fixed)

ropp_apps missing from some build files

Reported by: Ian Culverwell Owned by: Ian Culverwell
Priority: normal Milestone: 9.0
Component: ropp_apps Version: 8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Stig Syndergaard (DMI) writes:

Hi Ian,

Helge noticed that the new ropp_apps is not written into the build 
scripts in 8.1. It is not in lists such as modlist.,. e.g. in 
   modlist="ropp_utils ropp_io ropp_pp ropp_fm ropp_1dvar"

Shouldn't it be? Where should we put it in this order? Helge tried 
to put it last, and it seemed to work. Can you confirm that this 
should be okay.

As far as I can see ropp_apps is missing in at least:


And in (which I am maintaining, so I forgot it
too :-), don't worry about this one)

But I don't know if it might also be missing in other places. Let 
me know if you think it does.


Need to check the files that Stig mentions, and elsewhere.

Change history (5)

comment:1 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

I think I've caught all of these at r4794, though I can't see any references to ropp_apps (or any other named ROPP module) in

comment:2 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

Leaving ticket open for moment, in case of later gotchas.

comment:3 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

As part of the BAROCLIM changes, the DMI version of was incorporated into ROPP9.0 (see r4830). This had a loop over the various ROPP modules, from which ropp_apps had (naturally) been excluded but has now been included.

comment:4 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

build_ropp also needs updated; this has been done at r5037.

comment:5 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Closing ticket as 'fixed' (for now).

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