Opened 7 years ago

#482 new defect

Automatic ROPP FM iono tests not being recorded in little table when run on Cygwin

Reported by: Ian Culverwell Owned by: Ian Culverwell
Priority: minor Milestone: Whenever
Component: ropp_fm Version: 8.0
Keywords: cygwin, iono Cc:


ROPP9.0 beta tester Ian Culverwell (Met Office) reports that the 'automatic testing', undertaken as part of the build process, suggested that the ROPP Forward model tests of the '--direct_ion' option had not been run:

************************** SUMMARY OF ROPP_FM TEST RESULTS ***************************
|                   Test name    |              Description       |    Run? |  PASS? |
|                     t_fascod_1 |                   FM FASCOD 1D |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_tl_1 |                FM_TL FASCOD 1D |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_ad_1 |                FM_AD FASCOD 1D |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_fascod_2 |             FM FASCOD 1D -comp |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_tl_2 |          FM_TL FASCOD 1D -comp |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_ad_2 |          FM_AD FASCOD 1D -comp |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_fascod_3 |           FM FASCOD 1D -new_op |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_tl_3 |        FM_TL FASCOD 1D -new_op |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_ad_3 |        FM_AD FASCOD 1D -new_op |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_fascod_4 |     FM FASCOD 1D -comp -new_op |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_tl_4 |  FM_TL FASCOD 1D -comp -new_op |     Run |  PASS  |
|                  t_fascod_ad_4 |  FM_AD FASCOD 1D -comp -new_op |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_twodop_1 |                        FM TWOD |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_twodtl_1 |                     FM_TL TWOD |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_twodad_1 |                     FM_AD TWOD |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_twodop_2 |                  FM TWOD -comp |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_twodtl_2 |               FM_TL TWOD -comp |     Run |  PASS  |
|                     t_twodad_2 |               FM_AD TWOD -comp |     Run |  PASS  |
|                       t_iono_1 |                   FM L1 and L2 | Not run | ------ |
|                    t_iono_tl_1 |                FM_TL L1 and L2 | Not run | ------ |
|                    t_iono_ad_1 |                FM_AD L1 and L2 | Not run | ------ |
|                      t_fm_1D_1 |         FM 1D; default options |     Run |  PASS  |
|                      t_fm_1D_2 |        FM 1D; compress factors |     Run |  PASS  |
|                      t_fm_2D_1 |         FM 2D; default options |     Run |  PASS  |
|                      t_fm_2D_2 |        FM 2D; compress factors |     Run |  PASS  |
|                    t_fm_iono_1 |             FM iono; L_neutral |     Run |  PASS  |
|                    t_fm_iono_2 |             FM iono; L1 and L2 |     Run |  PASS  |

Yet the log files clearly show that they had:

Testing ropp_fm with direct modelling of L1 and L2

Running t_fm_iono_1 (FM iono; L_neutral) ...

*** Results log of t_fm_iono_1 (FM iono; L_neutral) ***
./../tools/ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d  -f    ../data

/  -o  -d
                     ROPP Forward Model

INFO (from ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d):  Processing profile    1 of      1
INFO (from ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d):  (BG_20090401000329_UNKN_U999_DMI_) 
                     ROPP FM File Comparison Tool
... (from ropp_fm_compare):  Comparing 
and ../data/ the 
results of running test t_fm_iono_1 (FM iono; L_neutral)
... (from ropp_fm_compare):  Both files contain    1 profiles
... (from ropp_fm_compare):  No significant differences between and ../data
**********  PASS  **********
... examine t_fm_iono_1.log for details

Examine this cosmetic problem at a low priority.

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