Opened 3 years ago

#704 new task

Sensitivity of LM minimiser to missing data

Reported by: Ian Culverwell Owned by: Ian Culverwell
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.0
Component: ropp_1dvar Version: 11.0
Keywords: electron density Cc:


Some questions about the correct treatment of missing data in the LM solver arose during the development of the differenced bangle solver in #700. In particular:

  1. Is masking the data via
    delta_y = (y%bangle - obs%bangle) * y%weights

valid if the R matrix is non-diagonal, e.g. for refractivities;

  1. Why don't we need to mask the K matrix fore refrac and bangle, so that parts of it relating to missing obs make no contribution to the error matrix A, as we needed to do for differenced bending angles in order to get a match to the original source code, thus:
      DO i = 1, nstate
        K(:, i) = K(:, i) * y%weights(:)

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