Humidity solution written out by the 1DVar has wrong units
The specific humidity written out by the 1DVar has a wrong unit; values are apparently wrong by a factor of 1000: humidity seems to be written out as kg/kg instead of g/kg as announced in the units
attributes. This suggests that the unit conversion is not working properly upon output, maybe because the units attribute for the internal handling is not copied properly (?).
Change history
Priority: |
normal → highest
severity: |
normal → blocker
Component: |
ROPP (all) → 1DVar
Resolution: |
→ duplicate
Status: |
new → closed
Resolution: |
Status: |
closed → reopened
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
reopened → closed
This actuallz might be a unit inconsistencies in the code; for example, the calculated error covariances for everything are way too high. This needs some further investigation.