Custom query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#656 Problem using FM output as input assigned task major 12.0
#200 Climate driver assigned Dave Offiler enhancement normal Whenever
#351 Tidy up ropp_fm_abel new Ian Culverwell defect normal Whenever
#421 Ionospheric refractivity new Ian Culverwell enhancement normal Whenever
#492 Logic in ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d.f90 when levels already exist assigned hgl defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#498 Straighten out p_full_level interpolation assigned Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP possible
#499 Problems with Met Office backgrounds new Ian Culverwell enhancement normal Whenever
#500 Augment obs_refrac structure to hold tdry new Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 12.0
#658 Store bending angle reflection code in a branch assigned task normal 12.0
#661 Old bug in ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_ad.f90 assigned Ian Culverwell defect normal ROPP possible
#334 Better handling of bad input to ropp_fm_bg2ro new Stig Syndergaard defect minor DMI ROPP developments
#406 Disentangle ropp_io from ropp_fm new Ian Culverwell enhancement minor Whenever
#479 Specify units for forward model gradients in ROPP FM UG new Ian Culverwell enhancement minor Whenever
#482 Automatic ROPP FM iono tests not being recorded in little table when run on Cygwin new Ian Culverwell defect minor Whenever
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