Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#200 assigned enhancement

Climate driver

Reported by: Huw Lewis Owned by: Dave Offiler
Priority: normal Milestone: Whenever
Component: ropp_fm Version: 4.0
Keywords: Cc:


To package the ROPP forward operators (and TL) in a set of easily-accessible tools for climate applications. For example, Sean provided Mark R with his operators to apply to the HadGEM model output. These routines are attached as a template.

This 're-package' could serve as the prototype for routines to be included in COSP.

Attachments (7)

README (4.6 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
alpha.out (5.1 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
Bending angle data file
gpsro_driver.f90 (2.4 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
package of FM routines
gpsro_drivertl.f90 (4.0 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
tangent linear executable program
gpsro_op.f90 (8.0 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
forward operator subroutines
gpsro_opTL.f90 (9.7 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
tangent linear subroutines
refrac_info.f90 (1.9 KB ) - added by Huw Lewis 15 years ago.
constants etc module file

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change history (10)

by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: README added


by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: alpha.out added

Bending angle data file

by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: gpsro_driver.f90 added

package of FM routines

by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: gpsro_drivertl.f90 added

tangent linear executable program

by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: gpsro_op.f90 added

forward operator subroutines

by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: gpsro_opTL.f90 added

tangent linear subroutines

by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Attachment: refrac_info.f90 added

constants etc module file

comment:1 by Huw Lewis, 15 years ago

Milestone: 5.06.0
Status: newassigned

This is now beyond the scope of the ROPP-5 release. More appropriate to aim for some of this functionality in ROPP-6.

Ticket milestone updated to ROPP-6.

comment:2 by Dave Offiler, 14 years ago

Milestone: 6.07.0
Owner: set to Dave Offiler

Progress of this ticket to be dependent on discussions with COSP developers (principally Mark Ringer) as to exactly which components of ROPP they need. Current plan is that COSP will not bundle any ROPP code (although the licencing issue for doing that has been resolved), but - like RTTOV - users will need to download ROPP separately.

When we know what COSP's requirements for ROPP are, we can package just those routines (plus build/interface support & user-documentation where not part of COSP) in a ROPP-for-COSP tarball. COSP schedules are currently unknown, but development of COSP with ROPP unlikely to happen for many months, and a COSP/ROPP package unlikely to be required until CDOP-2.

When the COSP requirements for ROPP are resolved, I would expect little need for code development, more of a re-packaging (e.g. adding a new section to mkdistro) to generate a COSP-specific tarball, including documentation. In discussions with Kent & Santi, we have agreed that when requesting access to ROPP, a COSP user would have an option to tick a 'for COSP' box on the licence page; this could be used merely to log COSP users, or perhaps to direct them to a new download page for this new ROPP-for-COSP tarball.

Moving Milestone to 7.0, but we should be prepared to bring effort forward should COSP requirements come earlier than assumed above.

comment:3 by Ian Culverwell, 12 years ago

Milestone: 7.0Whenever

Moving to 'whenever' (somebody asks for it) category.

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