Opened 10 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#389 closed defect (fixed)

ROPP version being incorrectly reported by buildpack

Reported by: Ian Culverwell Owned by: idculv,frdo
Priority: trivial Milestone: 9.0
Component: ROPP (all) Version: 7.1
Keywords: Cc:


ROPP8.0 beta reviewer (Dave Offiler, UKMO), says:

- buildpack: the ROPP module version ID is incorrectly reported - 
it's printing out 'v<moduleid>' e.g. 

    >> Building ROPP_IO (vio) with 'gfortran' compiler on LINUX

The bit of the Bash script that determines $version is broken -
it's still expecting module directories like 'ropp_io-vx.x' but the 
version part was removed for the 'big' tarball a release or two
ago. For ROPP modules it needs to either fall back on the main 
parent version or e.g. parse the module's file (2nd 
argument of AC_INIT() macro).

Or just forget about it altogether?

Change history (2)

comment:1 by Ian Culverwell, 8 years ago

Fixed at ROPP9.0. buildpack now reports

buildpack_zlib:>> Building ZLIB (v1.2.8) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_hdf5:>> Building HDF5 (v1.8.16) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX     

buildpack_netcdf:>> Building netCDF-4 core C (v4.4.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_netcdff:>> Building netCDF-4 Fortran interface (v4.4.3) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_ecbufr:>> Building ECMWF BUFR (v000387) with 'ifort' F95 compiler on LINUX

buildpack_mobufr:>> Building MetDB BUFR (v24.0.2) with 'ifort' F95 compiler on LINUX

buildpack_grib:>> Building GRIB-API (v1.14.5) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX 

buildpack_ropp_utils:>> Building ROPP_UTILS (v9.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_ropp_io:>> Building ROPP_IO (v9.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_ropp_pp:>> Building ROPP_PP (v9.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_ropp_fm:>> Building ROPP_FM (v9.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_ropp_1dvar:>> Building ROPP_1DVAR (v9.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

buildpack_ropp_apps:>> Building ROPP_APPS (v9.0) with 'ifort' compiler on LINUX

(Note that ropp_1dvar needs some ad-hoc magic because the '1' part of its name is interpreted as a version number.)

comment:2 by Ian Culverwell, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Closing ticket.

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