Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#390 closed defect (fixed) not (necessarily) being written to right place

Reported by: Ian Culverwell Owned by: Ian Culverwell
Priority: normal Milestone: 8.0
Component: ROPP (all) Version: 7.1
Keywords: Cc:


ROPP8.0 beta reviewer Dave Offiler (UKMO) says:

- ROPP_IO: file '' is not copied to the BUFR data 
(run-time tables) directory as defined (temporarily) during the 

ECBUFR (or MOBUFR) build. This is because the environment
defined only within their build functions in 'buildpack' or the
dependency wrapper scripts, and therefore not set 
consistently when building ROPP_IO, which will use whatever they 
happen to be when the ROPP_IO build is performed (which may 
accidentally be right but in general may not be pointing to the 
same - if any - target). This file can be correctly installed by 
defining these variables globally in the 'buildpack' script by 
moving the lines:

    export BUFR_LIBRARY=$ROPP_ROOT/data/bufr
    export BUFR_TABLES=$ROPP_ROOT/data/bufr/

from their build_* functions to the main part of the script, e.g. 
    export PATH=$PATH:$ROPP_ROOT/$compiler/bin"

   (Note that the trailing '/' on BUFR_LIBRARY is not needed since 
MOBUFR v20.x.xand we need v20.0.3 or later to support GNOS)
   [severity: medium - could cause mis-encoding of satellite ID in 
BUFR products if this file is not found at run-time and the 
built-in fall-back look-up table is not fully consistent with this 
external file]

We should probably do as he says.

Change history (2)

comment:1 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

Milestone: 9.08.0

Bring forward to ROPP8.0.

Change made at r4442.

comment:2 by Ian Culverwell, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Works OK on RHEL6, HPC and Cygwin, so closing ticket.

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