Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#427 closed enhancement (fixed)

Code PBLH estimation routine

Reported by: Stig Syndergaard Owned by: Stig Syndergaard
Priority: minor Milestone: DMI ROPP developments
Component: ROPP (all) Version: 8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Estimation of the PBLH (Planetary Boundary Layer Height) should be coded in ROPP. Possibly this will be done by Met Office (#353), but in any case we should have this in our dmi_trunk before our reprocessing activities.

We should follow recomendations on method in VS 21:

The output should be a value (height) in a scalar field of the NetCDF observation files. There should also be a QC indicator, and/or possibly the field should be missing (ropp_MDFV) in cases where a reliable estimate was not possible.

The code needs comprehensive testing and data generated in VS 21 could perhaps be useful for this purpose. These data are stored on a disc mounted on roadrunner at DMI (roadrunner:/data2/forsker4/VS_Fei/delivarables/ro_pblh_dmi_2014).

Change history (1)

comment:1 by Stig Syndergaard, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Coded by Met Office.

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