Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#647 closed task (fixed)

Issue with missing level 1b group in nc4 files

Reported by: Stig Syndergaard Owned by: Stig Syndergaard
Priority: minor Milestone: DMI ROPP developments
Component: ropp_io Version: 9.0
Keywords: Cc:


NRT nc4 files (but not reprocessed nc4 files) are sometimes missing the level 1b group. This code snippet in ropp_io_read_ncdf_get.f90:

IF (getlevel1b) THEN IF (TRIM(resolution) == 'high_resolution') THEN data%thin_method = 'Unthinned data' ELSE data%thin_method = ' ' CALL ncdf_getatt(TRIM(ddir)'thinner_method', data%thin_method) ENDIF ELSE data%thin_method = 'UNKNOWN' ENDIF

gives a Fatal Error when trying to get thinned BA, but not when trying to get full resolution ones because of the call to ncdf_getatt.

Consider to make the code failing consistently regardless of getting high-resolution or thinned data.

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