Custom query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#201 _FillValue attribute for variables? assigned Dave Offiler enhancement Whenever minor
#334 Better handling of bad input to ropp_fm_bg2ro new Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments minor
#395 Possible problem compiling ropp_fm with sunf95 new frdo,idculv task Whenever minor
#404 Consider expanding $? to hold the number of errors of each type new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#406 Disentangle ropp_io from ropp_fm new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#407 Document n_chap variable new Ian Culverwell task Whenever minor
#419 Put the ROPP Change Log in standard ROM SAF format (headers/versions/reviewers etc) new Dave Offiler enhancement Whenever minor
#437 Unit conversion when range checking is off new Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments minor
#440 All path-dependent parameters as command-line options new Stig Syndergaard enhancement DMI ROPP developments minor
#448 Disable ranchk new hgl enhancement DMI ROPP developments minor
#451 Clean up the 'extra diagnotics' listings in the ROPP User Guides new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#471 ropp_pp_occ_tool; numerical differences with ifort16 new cburrows defect Whenever minor
#473 Fix discrepancy between EUMETSAT and ROM SAF processing to BUFR new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#479 Specify units for forward model gradients in ROPP FM UG new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#482 Automatic ROPP FM iono tests not being recorded in little table when run on Cygwin new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever minor
#483 Reconcile ROPP PP UG with Gorbunov and Lauritsen, 2006. new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever minor
#525 Think about renaming user guides and reference manuals new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#527 bufr2ropp stumbling when given non-RO multi-profile data new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever minor
#672 Request error handling improvements in ecCodes API from ECMWF new warrick task 12.0 minor
#674 Fix format of version string new Ian Culverwell task Whenever minor
#689 Consider reformatting the ROPP version number new Ian Culverwell task Whenever minor
#690 Consider introducing AIX support assigned Ian Culverwell task Whenever minor
#708 Issue with time_offset > 240s new Stig Syndergaard task DMI ROPP developments minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.