Custom query (19 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#656 Problem using FM output as input assigned task major 12.0
#666 Give ROPP user guides the same format as other ROM SAF documents new Ian Culverwell task major 12.0
#498 Straighten out p_full_level interpolation assigned Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP possible
#500 Augment obs_refrac structure to hold tdry new Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 12.0
#508 New interpolation strategy in grib2bgrasc.f90? assigned Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP possible
#519 shum = 1e-6 in few bga files assigned Johannes K. Nielsen defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#524 unit_conversion problems on longitudes and latitudes new Ian Culverwell defect normal Whenever
#655 Refresh the test datasets and tests assigned task normal 12.0
#658 Store bending angle reflection code in a branch assigned task normal 12.0
#661 Old bug in ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_ad.f90 assigned Ian Culverwell defect normal ROPP possible
#662 Full-level pressure calculation in grib2bgrasc.f90 new Stig Syndergaard task normal DMI ROPP developments
#668 Change location of assigned task normal 12.0
#681 Read conPhs data with ROPP new Ian Culverwell task normal Whenever
#683 Consider making the 2d WOPT output 2d refrac fields new Ian Culverwell task normal Whenever
#684 Consider improving the output of FSI bangles/impact heights from the wave optics propagators new Ian Culverwell task normal Whenever
#706 Prepare ROPP for L1 & L5 new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen task normal 12.0
#525 Think about renaming user guides and reference manuals new Ian Culverwell enhancement minor Whenever
#527 bufr2ropp stumbling when given non-RO multi-profile data new Ian Culverwell enhancement minor Whenever
#672 Request error handling improvements in ecCodes API from ECMWF new warrick task minor 12.0
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