Custom query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#404 Consider expanding $? to hold the number of errors of each type new error Ian Culverwell enhancement minor
#479 Specify units for forward model gradients in ROPP FM UG new Gradient Ian Culverwell enhancement minor
#527 bufr2ropp stumbling when given non-RO multi-profile data new BUFR, multifiles Ian Culverwell enhancement minor
#234 Discrepancy between minROPP and LevMarq minimisers new minropp levmarq minimisation Ian Culverwell defect normal
#311 Support latest dependency packages assigned ROPP_BUILD,dependency,3rd party, Dave Offiler task normal
#319 Big outlier from ropp_pp_invert_tool accepted Invert Stig Syndergaard defect normal
#344 ROPP and L2 handling accepted CDAAC, ROPP Stig Syndergaard task normal
#369 Check units when reading netCDF assigned netCDF, units, check, conversion Ian Culverwell defect normal
#371 Problem processing CDAAC GRAS data assigned CDAAC, GRAS Stig Syndergaard defect normal
#382 Add summary of generating commands to RO file/data structure new command summary Ian Culverwell enhancement normal
#405 Improve checks on existence etc of $BUFR_TABLES and $BUFR_LIBRARY assigned BUFR build enhancement normal
#410 Tidy up the ROPP netCDF global attributes new global atributes Ian Culverwell enhancement normal
#470 Increase precision of impact parameters appearing in BUFR new BUFR Ian Culverwell defect normal
#500 Augment obs_refrac structure to hold tdry new obs_refrac, tdry Ian Culverwell enhancement normal
#504 Inconsistencies regarding ropp_build new ropp_builds Ian Culverwell enhancement normal
#658 Store bending angle reflection code in a branch assigned reflection task normal
#683 Consider making the 2d WOPT output 2d refrac fields new add_var, 2d Ian Culverwell task normal
#701 Strange compiler problems with nagfor61 new naqgfor Ian Culverwell defect normal
#703 Examine the electron density retrieval settings new electron density Ian Culverwell task normal
#704 Sensitivity of LM minimiser to missing data new electron density Ian Culverwell task normal
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