Custom query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#332 invert_tool hangs when SO fit range is only one point accepted Stig Syndergaard defect critical DMI ROPP developments
#358 ropp_pp_Invert_tool gives segmentation fault on short profiles accepted Stig Syndergaard defect critical DMI ROPP developments
#474 Dynamic vs static error estimation in statistical optimization new Stig Syndergaard enhancement major DMI ROPP developments
#319 Big outlier from ropp_pp_invert_tool accepted Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#374 Extreme high altitude outliers from ropp_pp_invert_tool accepted Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#436 Segmentation fault on occultations with data at very high altitude accepted Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#439 Segmentation fault on occultations with negative refrac at high altitudes accepted Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#442 Occultations failing GPAC 2.2.0 pnc generation accepted Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#487 Better handling of bad input to ropp_pp_occ_tool new Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#489 Core dump on profile with bad input data assigned Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#491 Core dump on occultation with no LEO orbits new Stig Syndergaard defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#492 Logic in ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d.f90 when levels already exist assigned hgl defect normal DMI ROPP developments
#508 New interpolation strategy in grib2bgrasc.f90? assigned Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP possible
#661 Old bug in ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_ad.f90 assigned Ian Culverwell defect normal ROPP possible
#662 Full-level pressure calculation in grib2bgrasc.f90 new Stig Syndergaard task normal DMI ROPP developments
#334 Better handling of bad input to ropp_fm_bg2ro new Stig Syndergaard defect minor DMI ROPP developments
#437 Unit conversion when range checking is off new Stig Syndergaard defect minor DMI ROPP developments
#440 All path-dependent parameters as command-line options new Stig Syndergaard enhancement minor DMI ROPP developments
#448 Disable ranchk new hgl enhancement minor DMI ROPP developments
#708 Issue with time_offset > 240s new Stig Syndergaard task minor DMI ROPP developments
Batch Modify
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