Custom query (32 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#656 Problem using FM output as input assigned major 12.0 ropp_fm
#666 Give ROPP user guides the same format as other ROM SAF documents new Ian Culverwell major 12.0 ROPP(all)
#198 Validation testing assigned cburrows normal Whenever ROPP (all)
#311 Support latest dependency packages assigned Dave Offiler normal 12.0 ROPP (all)
#327 Experiment with width of covariance transform for TPH_bangle and TPH_refrac new Ian Culverwell normal Whenever ropp_apps
#338 Automatic comparison against previous version of ROPP new idculv,cburrows normal 12.0 ROPP (all)
#339 Discuss forthcoming scientific changes to ROPP with EUM new idculv,cburrows normal 12.0 ROPP (all)
#344 ROPP and L2 handling accepted Stig Syndergaard normal DMI ROPP developments ropp_pp
#498 Straighten out p_full_level interpolation assigned Ian Culverwell normal ROPP possible ropp_fm
#508 New interpolation strategy in grib2bgrasc.f90? assigned Ian Culverwell normal ROPP possible ropp_io
#655 Refresh the test datasets and tests assigned normal 12.0 ROPP(all)
#658 Store bending angle reflection code in a branch assigned normal 12.0 ropp_fm
#662 Full-level pressure calculation in grib2bgrasc.f90 new Stig Syndergaard normal DMI ROPP developments ROPP(all)
#668 Change location of assigned normal 12.0 ROPP(all)
#681 Read conPhs data with ROPP new Ian Culverwell normal Whenever ropp_io
#683 Consider making the 2d WOPT output 2d refrac fields new Ian Culverwell normal Whenever ropp_io
#684 Consider improving the output of FSI bangles/impact heights from the wave optics propagators new Ian Culverwell normal Whenever ropp_pp
#687 Consider rehousing EGM96 data assigned normal 12.0 ropp_pp
#691 Correct 'T' area code in BUFR Abbreviated Routing Header assigned normal 12.0 ropp_io
#694 Review PCD settings in ropp_1dvar_refrac/bangle assigned normal 12.0 ropp_1dvar
#703 Examine the electron density retrieval settings new Ian Culverwell normal 12.0 ropp_1dvar
#704 Sensitivity of LM minimiser to missing data new Ian Culverwell normal 12.0 ropp_1dvar
#705 Sensitivity of LM minimiser to 'physical' choices new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen normal 12.0 ROPP(all)
#706 Prepare ROPP for L1 & L5 new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen normal 12.0 ROPP(all)
#711 Consider revising the formulation of the pressure level interpolation in the ECMWF state-to-state codes new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen normal 12.0 ROPP(all)
#395 Possible problem compiling ropp_fm with sunf95 new frdo,idculv minor Whenever ROPP (all)
#407 Document n_chap variable new Ian Culverwell minor Whenever ROPP (all)
#672 Request error handling improvements in ecCodes API from ECMWF new warrick minor 12.0 ROPP(all)
#674 Fix format of version string new Ian Culverwell minor Whenever ROPP(all)
#689 Consider reformatting the ROPP version number new Ian Culverwell minor Whenever ROPP(all)
#690 Consider introducing AIX support assigned Ian Culverwell minor Whenever ROPP(all)
#708 Issue with time_offset > 240s new Stig Syndergaard minor DMI ROPP developments ropp_io
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