Custom query (73 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#191 gfortran test failures reopened cburrows defect Whenever normal
#198 Validation testing assigned cburrows task Whenever normal
#200 Climate driver assigned Dave Offiler enhancement Whenever normal
#234 Discrepancy between minROPP and LevMarq minimisers new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#245 Code consolidation assigned Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#288 ropp_pp mdi issues assigned Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#292 timesince.f90 new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#293 Kjartan's notes assigned Stig Syndergaard enhancement DMI ROPP developments normal
#294 Read undulation from file new Dave Offiler enhancement Whenever normal
#311 Support latest dependency packages assigned Dave Offiler task 12.0 normal
#319 Big outlier from ropp_pp_invert_tool accepted Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#322 Include example of full-chain processing in ROPP new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#326 open_loop_lcf is an integer new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#327 Experiment with width of covariance transform for TPH_bangle and TPH_refrac new Ian Culverwell task Whenever normal
#330 ROPP basic examples new idculv,sti enhancement Whenever normal
#338 Automatic comparison against previous version of ROPP new idculv,cburrows task 12.0 normal
#339 Discuss forthcoming scientific changes to ROPP with EUM new idculv,cburrows task 12.0 normal
#344 ROPP and L2 handling accepted Stig Syndergaard task DMI ROPP developments normal
#351 Tidy up ropp_fm_abel new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#369 Check units when reading netCDF assigned Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#371 Problem processing CDAAC GRAS data assigned Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#373 Possible problem with ROPP spectral tools new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#374 Extreme high altitude outliers from ropp_pp_invert_tool accepted Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#382 Add summary of generating commands to RO file/data structure new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#383 Accelerate multiprofile processing on HPC new idculv,cburrows defect Whenever normal
#387 ROPP8.0 installation problems new idculv,frdo enhancement Whenever normal
#388 Anomalous ropp_pp installation new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#405 Improve checks on existence etc of $BUFR_TABLES and $BUFR_LIBRARY assigned enhancement 12.0 normal
#410 Tidy up the ROPP netCDF global attributes new Ian Culverwell enhancement 12.0 normal
#421 Ionospheric refractivity new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#436 Segmentation fault on occultations with data at very high altitude accepted Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#439 Segmentation fault on occultations with negative refrac at high altitudes accepted Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#442 Occultations failing GPAC 2.2.0 pnc generation accepted Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#445 PBLH devt1: Threshold for strength of local min/max in PBLH new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#446 PBLH devt2: Revise setting of max PBLH new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#453 Introduce lev2e data level new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#458 Emaciated ut_convert.f90 prevents ropp_utils from building new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#470 Increase precision of impact parameters appearing in BUFR new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#475 Multifile new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#476 PBLH devt3: Reconcile ROPP and TAMU-CC PBLH diagnostics new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#477 PBLH devt4: Investigate sensitivity of PBLH to vertical resolution new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#478 PBLH devt5: Investigate possibility of redefining PBLH in regions of surface inversions new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#480 Consider converting undulation files egm96.dat and corrcoef.dat to netCDF format new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#484 Sort out the business of static/shared object external dependency libraries assigned enhancement 12.0 normal
#487 Better handling of bad input to ropp_pp_occ_tool new Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#489 Core dump on profile with bad input data assigned Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#491 Core dump on occultation with no LEO orbits new Stig Syndergaard defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#492 Logic in ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d.f90 when levels already exist assigned hgl defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#498 Straighten out p_full_level interpolation assigned Ian Culverwell task ROPP possible normal
#499 Problems with Met Office backgrounds new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#500 Augment obs_refrac structure to hold tdry new Ian Culverwell enhancement 12.0 normal
#504 Inconsistencies regarding ropp_build new Ian Culverwell enhancement Whenever normal
#508 New interpolation strategy in grib2bgrasc.f90? assigned Ian Culverwell task ROPP possible normal
#519 shum = 1e-6 in few bga files assigned Johannes K. Nielsen defect DMI ROPP developments normal
#524 unit_conversion problems on longitudes and latitudes new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#655 Refresh the test datasets and tests assigned task 12.0 normal
#658 Store bending angle reflection code in a branch assigned task 12.0 normal
#661 Old bug in ropp_fm_state2state_ecmwf_ad.f90 assigned Ian Culverwell defect ROPP possible normal
#662 Full-level pressure calculation in grib2bgrasc.f90 new Stig Syndergaard task DMI ROPP developments normal
#668 Change location of assigned task 12.0 normal
#681 Read conPhs data with ROPP new Ian Culverwell task Whenever normal
#683 Consider making the 2d WOPT output 2d refrac fields new Ian Culverwell task Whenever normal
#684 Consider improving the output of FSI bangles/impact heights from the wave optics propagators new Ian Culverwell task Whenever normal
#687 Consider rehousing EGM96 data assigned task 12.0 normal
#691 Correct 'T' area code in BUFR Abbreviated Routing Header assigned task 12.0 normal
#694 Review PCD settings in ropp_1dvar_refrac/bangle assigned task 12.0 normal
#701 Strange compiler problems with nagfor61 new Ian Culverwell defect Whenever normal
#703 Examine the electron density retrieval settings new Ian Culverwell task 12.0 normal
#704 Sensitivity of LM minimiser to missing data new Ian Culverwell task 12.0 normal
#705 Sensitivity of LM minimiser to 'physical' choices new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen task 12.0 normal
#706 Prepare ROPP for L1 & L5 new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen task 12.0 normal
#710 Consider updating/generalising Software_ID element of BUFR file new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen enhancement Whenever normal
#711 Consider revising the formulation of the pressure level interpolation in the ECMWF state-to-state codes new Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen task 12.0 normal
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