Custom query (609 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 609)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#611 Changing parameters related to L2-extrapolation [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#612 Fix smoothing-bug affecting only L2 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#613 Interpolation of lat, lon and azimuth [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#614 New interpolation subroutine also needed in ropp_pp/build/ [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#615 Incorporation of ropp_pp_invert_tool in ropp_pp_occ_tool [5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#616 svn merge of cb_tp_bending [5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#617 Use smt_ba as reference for lat_tp, lon_tp [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#618 Fixing problem with occ_point.f90 and tangent_point.f90 [2 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#619 Changed length of strings [0 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#620 Use --no-ranchk consistently (two dashes in front) [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#621 Writing SO fitting regression factors to diagnostics [ 2d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#622 Command-line options for paths to egm96, corr_egm96, and msisfile [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#623 Fixed bug that occasionally caused an error at the top [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#624 Only add bangle_L1_sigma to err_neut when they are valid values [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#625 Adjusting message codes [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#626 Including check on derived impact parameter range [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#627 Introducing opt_XL2 option [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#628 Set time_offset in RO prof structure [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#629 A little more control to avoid core dump in CT2 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#630 Cosmetic edits [0 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#631 Minor changes in Tdry routines [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#632 Changes to reflect the ROM SAF processing [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#633 Modified smoothing limits in config files [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#634 We want tp_bending = true in the ROM SAF processing [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#635 Changing filter width and other parameters [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#636 Updated parameters for CHAMP and GRACE [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#637 ropp_pp_wopt_tool.f90 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#638 svn merge of cb_tp_bending [5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_utils
#639 Fixing problem with occ_point.f90 and tangent_point.f90 [2 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_utils
#640 Set time_offset in RO prof structure [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_utils
#641 svn merge of hgl_sofa [5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_utils
#642 Avoid memory problems with large numbers of data [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_utils
#643 Copy of one sample pos/vel has become obsolete in ROPP 9.0 - replaced by new PODref type [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over aftermath
#644 Get now also platform reference coordinates when running occ_point [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over aftermath
#645 Implemented option to remove Vlist data (independent of thinning) [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over aftermath
#648 Consider reducing the default 'best' refractivity spacing to 100 m in troposphere Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ropp_fm
#650 Introduce ionopsheric products 1: SEEIRO Ian Culverwell task normal 12.0 ROPP(all)
#651 Reconcile results of IDL and rose versions of Test Folder on IT-PP-06 Ian Culverwell task normal 9.1 Test folder
#652 Updates to EUM data reader Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ropp_io
#653 Investigate matrix size question in ropp_1dvar Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ropp_1dvar
#657 ucar2ropp unable to process sonPrf files Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ropp_io
#660 ecCodes: include ecCodes dependency and add associated routines to ropp_io Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#663 Removed repeated synchronization when writing files [1 d] (cloned) Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#664 Removed repeated synchronization when writing files [1 d] (cloned) (cloned) Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#665 Removed repeated synchronization when writing files [1 d] (cloned) (cloned) (cloned) Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#667 Add essential environment variables to README files Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#669 should be installed if ecCodes is used Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#670 Write patch to amend ecCodes library manually warrick task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#671 Set and unset ECCODES_BUFR_SET_TO_MISSING_IF_OUT_OF_RANGE inside applications that need it warrick task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#673 Improve the multi-library building of the various BUFR tools Ian Culverwell task normal 11.1 ROPP(all)
#675 Update BUFR document's reference to heights Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#676 Suggested improvements to EUMETSAT data readers Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#677 ROPP-10.0 beta review Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen enhancement normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#678 ropp2bufr_eccodes should tell users how to wrap BUFR messages in GTS headers warrick task normal 11.0 ropp_io
#679 Add examples of python processing of ROPP output to the IO user guide warrick task normal Whenever ROPP(all)
#680 Fix non-reproducible problem with -g or -gi options in ropp2bufr and eum2bufr Ian Culverwell task normal 11.0 ROPP(all)
#682 EUMETSAT's changes for ROPP10.0 Ian Culverwell task normal 10.0 ROPP(all)
#685 Consider rehousing Ian Culverwell task normal 11.0 ropp_io
#686 Install if ecCodes is used Ian Culverwell task normal 11.0 ropp_io
#688 Let user choose the I/O tool Ian Culverwell task normal 11.1 ropp_io
#692 Improve navigation bits documentation in ROPP PP user guide Ian Culverwell task normal 11.0 ropp_pp
#693 Cross reference ROPP test folder tests with SRD requirements Ian Culverwell task normal 11.0 Test folder
#695 Add ability to read Sentinel-6 / JASON-CS data Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 11.1 ropp_io
#697 Segmentation fault in ropp_1dvar_refrac Johannes K. Nielsen task normal DMI ROPP developments ropp_1dvar
#702 Update for new satellites olewis task normal 11.0 ropp_io
#709 Include Sentinel-6 reading code Ian Culverwell task normal 11.1 ROPP(all)
#6 ADD -> TLD frcm task minor 1.0 Top Level Design
#36 SX Compilation Fails Michael Rennie defect minor 3.0 ropp_utils
#37 Remove old CVS log information (?) marq defect minor ROPP (all)
#38 ropp_io configure checks for ncdf90 frcm defect minor ropp_io
#42 Keep interface consistency with preexisting software Huw Lewis task minor 4.0 ROPP (all)
#43 Document use of +ppu / -qextname on HPUX and AIX Carlo Buontempo defect minor 1.0 ROPP (all)
#45 Beta test feedback - JA Dave Offiler defect minor 1.0 ROPP (all)
#56 Document Signature Tables Huw Lewis defect minor 1.2 ROPP (all)
#62 Use of CAL package Dave Offiler defect minor ropp_utils
#106 Beta feedback (Eva Borbas) Dave Offiler defect minor 1.1 ROPP (all)
#116 Request for ropp2ropp -t to send to stdout Dave Offiler enhancement minor 3.0 ropp_io
#153 Writing invalid data to multifiles Huw Lewis enhancement minor 5.0 ropp_io
#176 Update BUFR Master Table Version number Dave Offiler task minor 4.0 ropp_io
#190 Thinning of pole-crossing occultations with S-G pre-smoothing Ian Culverwell defect minor 6.0 ropp_io
#215 Default BUFR ARH? Dave Offiler defect minor 4.1 ropp_io
#219 Lower BA range in BUFR? Dave Offiler defect minor 5.0 ropp_io
#222 ropp_pp_spectra_tool output filename Ian Culverwell defect minor 5.0 ropp_pp
#237 ropp_pp_openloop wrong calculation of correlation between data and external navbits Ian Culverwell defect minor 5.1 ropp_pp
#249 Merge ROPP BUILD? Dave Offiler task minor 5.1 Build
#250 ROBODoc tidy Dave Offiler task minor 5.1 ROPP (all)
#263 change IDL spectra plotting routines to store number of entries as long instead of int Ian Culverwell defect minor 6.1 ropp_pp
#264 Add flag in ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d Ian Culverwell enhancement minor Whenever ropp_fm
#289 Support for simple simulated orbits Ian Culverwell task minor 6.1 ropp_pp
#296 ropp_pp_occ_tool segfaults Ian Culverwell task minor 6.1 ropp_pp
#306 vn6.1 config script error Ian Culverwell defect minor 7.0 ROPP (all)
#331 ropp_fm_abel consistency fix Ian Culverwell enhancement minor 7.1 ropp_fm
#345 Bug in DATUM_HMSL() Ian Culverwell defect minor 8.0 ropp_utils
#352 stderr output? Dave Offiler task minor Whenever ROPP (all)
#403 Consider downplaying the RoC WARNING messages from ropp_fm_bg2ro_1d Ian Culverwell enhancement minor 9.0 ROPP (all)
#427 Code PBLH estimation routine Stig Syndergaard enhancement minor DMI ROPP developments ROPP (all)
#456 Tidy up ropp_io_vlist_print.f90 Ian Culverwell enhancement minor 9.0 ropp_io
#459 ROPP PP UG needs to spell out Tdry is an ideal gas thing Ian Culverwell defect minor 9.0 ropp_pp
#469 need to rename some test scripts Ian Culverwell defect minor 9.1 ROPP (all)
#647 Issue with missing level 1b group in nc4 files Stig Syndergaard task minor DMI ROPP developments ropp_io
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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