Custom query (609 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 609)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#506 Add ne(LEO) effects Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 9.1 ropp_fm
#507 Allow BUFR reader/writer to handle GRACE-FO profiles Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 9.1 ropp_io
#509 Modifications to 1d WOPT code Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 9.1 ropp_pp
#510 DMI wishlist for ROPP9.1/10.0 Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ROPP (all)
#511 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for build Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp build
#512 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for 1dvar Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_1dvar
#513 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for apps Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_apps
#514 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for fm Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#515 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for io Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#516 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for pp Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#517 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for utils Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_utils
#518 DMI ROPP9.1/10.0 wishlist for merging aftermath Ian Culverwell enhancement normal ROPP9.1 carry over ROPP (all)
#520 test Ian Culverwell task normal 9.1 ROPP (all)
#521 test2 task normal 9.1 default
#522 Account for analysis/validity time issue in ROM SAF bgr files Ian Culverwell defect normal 10.0 ropp_1dvar
#523 Remove redundant variables Ian Culverwell enhancement normal 9.1 ROPP (all)
#526 tph_tdry_lrt_flag not set in CDR1 Johannes K. Nielsen task normal 9.1 ropp_apps
#528 Check that grib2bgrasc works OK with MIR-interpolated GRIB files Ian Culverwell task normal 9.1 ropp_io
#529 Make it possible to build dependency packages outside trunk [1h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp build
#530 Added a TOP to ecmwf bufr build [1h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp build
#531 svn merge of hgl_sofa [5d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp build
#532 Changes to use eci2eci in ropp_io [2.5d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp build
#533 roppconfig [0d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp build
#534 Use --no-ranchk consistently (two dashes in front) [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_1dvar
#535 svn merge of jkn_dmi_trunk_8.1 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_1dvar
#536 Merging a few changes from jkn_dmi_trunk_8.1 back into dmi_trunk_8.1 [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_1dvar
#537 Defined new sub-variables j_s_limit and n_iter_limit [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_1dvar
#538 ropp_1dvar_covar_bg.f90 [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_1dvar
#539 Update of ropp_apps_tph_tool in Section 7 [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_apps
#540 Added a --no-ranchk option that controls range checking of the input [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_apps
#541 Bug fix [2h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_apps
#542 Do not set Level 2c surface values to 0 m and 1000 hPa [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_apps
#543 Implemented forward-modelling to Tdry [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#544 Initializing lev1b and lev2a structures [1d ?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#545 New routines to initialize the Obs1dRefrac and Obs1dBangle structures [ ?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#546 Fixed a bug in the dry-temperature calculation [0d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#547 Add azimuth, radius of curvature, and center of curvature [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#548 Don't return exit code 1 when using the --no-ranchk option [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#549 Do not extrapolate above model top [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#550 Integrate hydrostatic equation only from second-most top level and down [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#551 Deactivated shum<0 checks in 1D-Var [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#552 svn merge of jkn_dmi_trunk_8.1 [infinite, until adjoint available] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#553 bug-fix: factor should be 1/2 instead of 1/e at top level [infinite until adjoint available] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_fm
#554 Removed repeated synchronization when writing files [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#555 Avoid infinite loop when 'Protocol error' occurs [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#556 Avoid 'Protocol error' in vagrant environment [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#557 Added error handling after call to nf90_enddef [0 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#558 PCD bit 15 is now set in bgr files by the grib2bgrasc tool [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#559 Minor update of grib2bgrasc.f90 [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#560 fcperiod is not well defined for interpolation [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#561 Adding requested date & time to the bgr file DTocc structure [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#562 Option --no-ranchk added to grib2bgrasc [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#563 Skipping mapping of lon to [0:360] [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#564 Do not warn on the use of --no-ranchk [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#565 Adding option to ropp2ropp that allows file merging [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#566 Bug-fix [ 1h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#567 Added option -r to remove a processing level [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#568 svn merge of dmi_trunk_8.0 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#569 Do not warn on the use of --no-ranchk [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#570 Changes to make range checking optional [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#571 Do not warn on the use of --no-ranchk [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#572 Changes to handle Metop from UCAR [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#573 Set PCD bit 2 (NRT/Offline) when reading UCAR atmPhs files [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#574 Changed sign in EUM data reconstruction from I's and Q's [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#575 Changes to use eci2eci in ropp_io [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#576 Use 0.02 sec (cl and ol) or 0.001 sec (rs) assumed sampling times [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#577 Do a proper average of SNRs (via I and Q) [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#578 Get date and time from level 1a instead of level 1b [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#579 Remove samples with tracking state = 2 for setting, not rising [0.5 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#580 Implemented option to get EUMETSATs navbit-corrected excess phase [2 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#581 Implemented option to exclude output of the level 1b bending angle [2 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#582 Metadata adjustments for eum2ropp [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#583 Removed obsolete comments, added one [ 0 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#584 Avoid core dump in very rare cases when ol and rs times don't match [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#585 Modifications to read UCARs atmPrf files [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#586 Changed shum_sigma valid range from 5 g/kg to 50 g/kg [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#587 Changed valid range of alt_refrac and geop_refrac [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#588 Changed valid range of shum [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#589 ropp2bufr_mod.f90 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_io
#590 Changing maximum data gap size to 0.8 [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#591 Changes to distinguish Metop from EUM and UCAR [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#592 Allocated length of file name strings changed from 80 to 256 [0 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#593 Fatal error when navigation bit file is not found [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#594 Changes to handle Metop from UCAR [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#595 Adjusting message codes [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#596 No open loop processing for METOP data from UCAR [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#597 Only info (not warning) when using non-open loop processing [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#598 Adding call to message_set_routine before Returns [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#599 Set time_offset in RO prof structure [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#600 Open loop resampling adjustments [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#601 Make sure the uppermost grid point is inside the data interval [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#602 Fail gracefully when closed loop data are missing [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#603 Make sure that the new rs/ol grid is strictly within the rs/ol data [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#604 Avoid undefined ts for very gappy open loop data [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#605 Avoid erroneous ~0.019 sec gridding in some cases [1 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#606 Implemented option to get EUMETSATs navbit-corrected excess phase [3 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#607 Command-line options for paths to egm96, corr_egm96, and msisfile [2 h] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#608 Cut off last part of CHAMP and GRACE phase data [1 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#609 Adjusting message codes [?] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
#610 Introducing gradual transitions to avoid kinks in profiles [2 d] Ian Culverwell task normal ROPP9.1 carry over ropp_pp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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